WEEK2-Recursion and invariant programming

Paradigms of Computer Programming - Fundamentals (EDX)

WEEK2-Recursion and invariant programming 笔记

1. Overview of invariant programming

fun {SumDigitsR N}
   if (N==0) then 0
   else (N mod 10) + {SumDigitsR (N div 10)} end

In the previous lesson we saw a simple example of a recursive function, namely SumDigitsR. This function is able to calculate the sum of all digits of any integer, no matter how many digits it has (within the limits of the system's representation). The recursive call and the conditional together are similar to a while loop: an execution that is repeated while some condition is satisfied (like N==0). Each function call does one iteration of the loop.


In this lesson we will go to the root of this intuition. We will understand in a deep way the connection between recursion and loops, and we will see how to write correct and efficient programs that use recursion. We will see that a recursive function is exactly the same as a while loop, if one essential condition is satisfied: if the single recursive call that is executed is the last operation done by the function (this is calledtail recursion). To write a tail recursive function, we need to introduce one or more extra arguments, to help calculate the result. Anaccumulator is an extra argument in which the result is calculated piece by piece (it is accumulated).

(argument 字典跟我说有什么自变量、引数的意思,这里先翻译成变量了。)

We will give a technique, called invariant programming, to program correct and efficient loops. This technique applies both to the functional paradigm and to the imperative paradigm. (An imperative paradigm allows variables to be assigned more than once; many widely used languages, such as Java and C++, are based on imperative paradigms.) As part of this technique, we define two formal concepts, thespecification of a function (a mathematical formula that defines what the function calculates) and theinvariant of a recursive function (a mathematical formula that is true at each recursive call). The right way to program a function is to start with the specification. The right way to program a loop (a recursive function or while loop) is by starting with the invariant.



2. Factorial with communicating vases

The sum of digits function we did in the last lesson seems to be very natural, so natural that it's hard to imagine another way! But this intuition is wrong. There is a second approach to write the function, quite different that leads to another, and better definition. To introduce this approach, let's start with a simpler function, namely factorial. This will let us focus on the key insight. Afterwards, we will come back to sum of digits.


We first give the specification of the factorial function, a mathematical formula that defines it. Our first implementation of factorial follows exactly this specification. This definition is in the same style as the sum of digits function. It is fine from a mathematical point of view, but quite bad from a programming language point of view.


% Factorial function
% 0! = 1
% n! = n * (n-1)! when n>0
fun {Fact1 N}
   if N==0 then 1
   else N*{Fact1 N-1} end

The second implementation uses an approach called the principle of communicating vases. We start with a formula that separates the factorial into two parts: n!=i!*a. We know n but we don't know n! (yet). The other variables, i and a, are introduced together. Initially, i=n and a=1, so the formula holds. Now, we come to the key insight: we will change i and a together, in such a way that the formula still holds. If we can arrive at a point where i=0, then a is equal to n!, the answer.


For factorial, we will decrease i and increase a together. We will decrease i by 1 and increase a by multiplying it by i. By doing this, the formula remains true. We can easily show this rigorously: i!*a = i*(i-1)!*a = (i-1)! * (i*a). Let i'=i-1 and a'=i*a. Then the last expression is equal to i'!*a', which is exactly our formula. Now we can write the second implementation.

对阶乘来说,同时减少i,增加a。i -= 1,a *= i。这样,式子一直成立。i!*a = i*(i-1)!*a = (i-1)! * (i*a)。i'=i-1 and a'=i*a。最后一个表达式是i'!*a',完全就是我们的式子。现在可以写第二种了。

% Principle of communicating vases
% n! = i! * a
%    = i * (i-1)! * a
%    = (i-1)! * (i*a)
% We have: i'=i-1 and a'=i*a
fun {Fact2 I A}
   if I==0 then A
   else {Fact2 I-1 I*A} end

3. Sum of digits with communicating vases

fun {SumDigits2 S A}
   if S==0 then A
      {SumDigits2 (S div 10) A+(S mod 10)}

4. The golden rule of tail recursion

#We will see why Fact2 (with tail recursion) is more efficient than Fact1 (no tail recursion):
1. Fact1 is based on a simple mathematical definition
2. Fact2 is designed with invariant programming

#Comparing Fact1 and Fact2
1. Tail recursion is when the recursive call is the last operation in the function body
2. N * {Fact1 N-1} % No tail recursion
After Fact1 is done, we must come back for the multiply.
Where is the multiplication stored? On a stack!
3. {Fact2 I-1 I*A} % Tail recursion
The recursive call does not come back!
All calculations are done before Fact2 is called.
No stack is needed (memory usage is constant).

#Comparing functional and imperative loops
1. A while loop in the functional paradigm:

fun {While S}
   if {IsDone S} then S
   else {While {Transform S}} end /*tail recursion */

2. A while loop in the imperative paradigm:
(in languages with multiple assignment like Java and C++)

state whileLoop(state s){
   while (!isDone(s))
   return s;

3. In both cases, invariant programming is an important design tool


def p(n, d):
    if n == 1:
        return False
    elif d == 1:
        return True
    elif n%d == 0:
        return False
        return p(n, d-1)

def prime(n):
    return p(n, n-1)

5. Invariant programming to calculate powers


1. A recursive function is equivalent to a loop if it is tail recursive
2. To write functions in this way, we need to find an accumulator
3. We find the accumulator starting from an invariant using the principle of communicating vases
4. This is called invariant programming and it is the only reasonable way to program loops
5. Invariant programming is useful in all programming paradigms

#This program is a true loop (it is tail-recursive) and it uses very few multiplications

fun {Pow3 X N}
   fun {PowLoop Y I A}
      if I==0 then A
      elseif I mod 2 == 0 then
             {PowLoop Y*Y (I div 2) A}
      else   {PowLoop Y (I-1) Y*A} end
   {PowLoop X N 1}

#Invariants and goals
1. Changing one part of the invariant forces the rest to change as well, because the invariant must remain true
The invariant’s truth drives the program forward
2. Programming a loop means finding a good invariant
Once a good invariant is found, coding is easy
Learn to think in terms of invariants!
3. Using invariants is a form of goal-oriented programming
We will see another example of goal-oriented programming when we program with trees in lesson 5

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