WEEK1-4笔记: from L1(intro) to L7(debegging)
WEEK1-LECTURE1-Introduction to Computer Science
1. An Algorithm VS a Program: An algorithm is a conceptual idea, a program is a concrete instantiation of an algorithm.
2. A computational mode of thinking means that everything can be viewed as a math problem involving numbers and formulas.
3. The two things every computer can do are: Perform calculations , Remember the results
4. Declarative knowledge refers to statements of fact. Imperative knowledge refers to 'how to' methods.
5. A fixed program computer VS a stored program computer
6. A program counter points the computer to the next instruction to execute in the program.
7. The computer executes the instructions mostly in a linear sequence, except sometimes it jumps to a different place in the sequence.
8. Syntax – which strings of characters and symbols are well-‐formed; Static semantics – which syntactically valid strings have a meaning; Semantics – what is the meaning associated with a syntactically correct string of symbols with no static semantic errors
WEEK1-LECTURE2-Core Elements of Programs
1. Program (or script) is a sequence of definitions and commands; Command (or statement) instructs interpreter to do something
2. Each object has a type that defines the kinds of things programs can do to it; Objects and operators can be combined to form expressions, each of which denotes an object of some type
2.1 Scalar objects: int, float, bool
1) Operators on ints and floats: +, -, *, /, //, %, **; Comparison operators on ints and floats: >, >=, <, <=, ==, != (Any string is always bigger than any int. )
2) Operators on bools: and, or, not
2.2 Non-scalar objects: str
>>> 3 * 'a'
>>> 'abc'[0] #indexing
>>> 'abc'[-1]
>>> 'abc'[1:3] #slicing
3. The Python 'None' keyword: In Python, the keyword None is frequently used to represent the absence of a value. None is the only value in Python of type NoneType.
4. The Python 'in' operator: element in coll, element not in coll = not (element in coll)
5. Advanced String Slicing
>>> s = 'Python is Fun!'
>>> s[1:12:2] #s[i:j:k] This gives a slice of the string s from index i to index j-1, with step size k.
'yhni u'
>>> s[1:12:3]
>>> s[::2]
'Pto sFn'
6. print, raw_input(), type()
7. Branching structures: conditionals e.g., if/elif/else
WEEK2-LECTURE3-Simple Algorithms
1. Looping structures, e.g., while
2. +=, -=, *=, /=; range(start, stop, stepSize)
3. Guess and Check Algorithms: Exhaustive enumeration, Bisection search, Newton-Raphson (for root finding)
(Newton proved a theorem that implies that if a value, call it guess, is an approximation to a root of a polynomial, then guess – p(guess)/p’(guess), where the first derivative of p, is a better approximation. ---from textbook)
4. Decimal number VS Binary number: 302 = 3*10**2 + 0*10**1 + 2*10**0; 10011 = 1*2**4 + 0*2**3 + 0*2**2 + 1*2**1 + 1*2**0 (16 + 2 + 1 = 19);
5. Printing on the same line: add a comma after the print statement
1. def, return
2. str.lower(), upper(), isupper(), islower(), capitalize(), swapcase(), index(), find(), replace()
1. The Euclidean algorithm can be used to find the greatest common divisor: If b = 0, then the answer is a; Otherwise, gcd(a, b) is the same as gcd(b, a % b) example
2. Factorial, Towers of Hanoi, Fibonacci
3. 'divide and conquer' algorithm: solve a hard problem by breaking it into a set of sub-problems
4. Global variables(Use with care!!)
5. import; open(), 'w', 'r', 'a'; read(), readline(), readlines(), write(), writeLines(), close()
1. Compound data types: tuples, lists(mutable), dictionaries(mutable)
2. is;
3. list.sort(), insert(), remove(), append(), pop(), count(), extend(), reverse(); clone
4. str.rfind(), rindex(), rstrip(), split()
5. (dictionaries).has_key(), values(), keys(), get()
1. Black-box testing is a method of software testing that tests the functionality of an application. Recall from the lecture that a way to think about black-box testing is to look at both: The possible paths through the specification. The possible boundary cases.
2. Glass-box test suite is path-complete
3. PS4收获:1. \n 空一行,2. function可以既不print也不return