
Data Element(数据元素)的Length可以是给定的,也可以不给定
7.1.1 Data Element Fields

Value Length
a 16 or 32-bit (dependent on VR and whether VR is explicit or implicit) unsigned integer containing the Explicit Length of the Value Field as the number of bytes (even) that make up the Value. It does not include the length of the Data Element Tag, Value Representation, and Value Length Fields.
a 32-bit Length Field set to Undefined Length (FFFFFFFFH). Undefined Lengths may be used for Data Elements having the Value Representation (VR) Sequence of Items (SQ) and Unknown (UN). For Data Elements with Value Representation OW or OB Undefined Length may be used depending on the negotiated Transfer Syntax (see Section 10 and Annex A).
The decoder of a Data Set should support both Explicit and Undefined Lengths for VRs of SQ and UN and, when applicable, for VRs of OW and OB.
The 32-bit Value Length Field limits the maximum size of large data values such as Pixel Data sent in a Native Format (encoded in Transfer Syntaxes that use only the unencapsulated form).

7.5.1 Item Encoding Rules

Each Item of a Data Element of Value Representation SQ shall be encoded as a DICOM Standard Data Element with a specific Data Element Tag of Value (FFFE,E000). The Item Tag is followed by a 4 byte Item Length field encoded in one of the following two ways:
定长 Item
Explicit Length: The number of bytes (even) contained in the Sequence Item Value (following but not including the Item Length Field) is encoded as a 32-bit unsigned integer value (see Section 7.1). This length shall include the total length of all Data Elements conveyed by this Item. This Item Length shall be equal to 00000000H if the Item contains no Data Set.
不定长 Item
Undefined Length: The Item Length Field shall contain the value FFFFFFFFH to indicate an undefined Item length. It shall be used in conjunction with an Item Delimitation Data Element. This Item Delimitation Data Element has a Data Element Tag of (FFFE,E00D) and shall follow the Data Elements encapsulated in the Item. No Value shall be present in the Item Delimitation Data Element and its Length shall be 00000000H. An Item containing no Data Set is encoded by an Item Delimitation Data Element only.

不定长的Item结束标志,Item Delimitation Tag (FFFE,E00D),Length为0

7.5.2 Delimitation of The Sequence of Items

Delimitation of the last Item of a Sequence of Items, encapsulated in a Data Element of Value Representation SQ, shall be in one of the two following ways:
Explicit Length: The number of bytes (even) contained in the Data Element Value (following but not including the Data Element Length Field) is encoded as a 32-bit unsigned integer value (see Section 7.1). This length shall include the total length resulting from the sequence of zero or more items conveyed by this Data Element. This Data Element Length shall be equal to 00000000H if the sequence of Items contains zero Items.
Undefined Length: The Data Element Length Field shall contain a Value FFFFFFFFH to indicate an Undefined Sequence length. It shall be used in conjunction with a Sequence Delimitation Item. A Sequence Delimitation Item shall be included after the last Item in the sequence. Its Item Tag shall be (FFFE,E0DD) with an Item Length of 00000000H. No Value shall be present. A Sequence containing zero Items is encoded by a Sequence Delimitation Item only.

不定长SQ的结束标志,Sequence Delimitation Tag (FFFE, E0DD),Length为0

Table 7.5-3给出一个很好的例子

不定长Pixel Data
A.4 Transfer Syntaxes For Encapsulation of Encoded Pixel Data

Pixel Data (7FE0,0010) may be encapsulated or native.
If native, it shall have a defined Value Length, and be encoded as follows:
where Bits Allocated (0028,0100) has a value greater than 8 shall have Value Representation OW and shall be encoded in Little Endian;
where Bits Allocated (0028,0100) has a value less than or equal to 8 shall have the Value Representation OB or OW and shall be encoded in Little Endian.
If encapsulated, it has the Value Representation OB and is an octet-stream resulting from one of the encoding processes. It contains the encoded pixel data stream fragmented into one or more Item(s). This Pixel Data Stream may represent a Single or Multi-frame Image. See Table A.4-1 and Table A.4-2.
The Length of the Data Element (7FE0,0010) shall be set to the Value for Undefined Length (FFFFFFFFH).
Each Data Stream Fragment encoded according to the specific encoding process shall be encapsulated as a DICOM Item with a specific Data Element Tag of Value (FFFE,E000). The Item Tag is followed by a 4 byte Item Length field encoding the explicit number of bytes of the Item.

Table A.4-1给出的例子
Table A.4-2给出的例子





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


