Kali Linux渗透测试 074 扫描工具-Skipfish

本文记录 Kali Linux 2018.1 学习使用和渗透测试的详细过程,教程为安全牛课堂里的《Kali Linux 渗透测试》课程

  1. Skipfish 简介
  2. Skipfish 基本操作
  3. 身份认证
  4. 提交用户名密码表单

1. Skipfish 简介

  1. 简介:

  2. 主要特征:
    高速:纯C代码,高度优化的HTTP处理,最小的CPU占用空间 - 轻松实现响应目标的每秒2000个请求。

2. Skipfish 基本操作

  1. 帮助信息

     • skipfish -o test
     • skipfish -o test @url.txt		#指定目标IP列表文件
     • skipfish -o test -S complet.wl -W abc.wl #字典
     • -I 只检查包含´string´的 URL
     • -X 不检查包含´string´的URL 		#例如:logout
     • -K 不对指定参数进行 Fuzz 测试
     • -D 跨站点爬另外一个域
     • -l 每秒最大请求数
     • -m  每IP最大并发连接数
     • --config 指定配置文件
     root@kali:~# skipfish --help
     	skipfish web application scanner - version 2.10b
     	Usage: skipfish [ options ... ] -W wordlist -o output_dir start_url [ start_url2 ... ]
     	Authentication and access options:
     	  -A user:pass      - use specified HTTP authentication credentials
     	  -F host=IP        - pretend that 'host' resolves to 'IP'
     	  -C name=val       - append a custom cookie to all requests
     	  -H name=val       - append a custom HTTP header to all requests
     	  -b (i|f|p)        - use headers consistent with MSIE / Firefox / iPhone
     	  -N                - do not accept any new cookies
     	  --auth-form url   - form authentication URL
     	  --auth-user user  - form authentication user
     	  --auth-pass pass  - form authentication password
     	  --auth-verify-url -  URL for in-session detection
     	Crawl scope options:
     	  -d max_depth     - maximum crawl tree depth (16)
     	  -c max_child     - maximum children to index per node (512)
     	  -x max_desc      - maximum descendants to index per branch (8192)
     	  -r r_limit       - max total number of requests to send (100000000)
     	  -p crawl%        - node and link crawl probability (100%)
     	  -q hex           - repeat probabilistic scan with given seed
     	  -I string        - only follow URLs matching 'string'
     	  -X string        - exclude URLs matching 'string'
     	  -K string        - do not fuzz parameters named 'string'
     	  -D domain        - crawl cross-site links to another domain
     	  -B domain        - trust, but do not crawl, another domain
     	  -Z               - do not descend into 5xx locations
     	  -O               - do not submit any forms
     	  -P               - do not parse HTML, etc, to find new links
     	Reporting options:
     	  -o dir          - write output to specified directory (required)
     	  -M              - log warnings about mixed content / non-SSL passwords
     	  -E              - log all HTTP/1.0 / HTTP/1.1 caching intent mismatches
     	  -U              - log all external URLs and e-mails seen
     	  -Q              - completely suppress duplicate nodes in reports
     	  -u              - be quiet, disable realtime progress stats
     	  -v              - enable runtime logging (to stderr)
     	Dictionary management options:
     	  -W wordlist     - use a specified read-write wordlist (required)
     	  -S wordlist     - load a supplemental read-only wordlist
     	  -L              - do not auto-learn new keywords for the site
     	  -Y              - do not fuzz extensions in directory brute-force
     	  -R age          - purge words hit more than 'age' scans ago
     	  -T name=val     - add new form auto-fill rule
     	  -G max_guess    - maximum number of keyword guesses to keep (256)
     	  -z sigfile      - load signatures from this file
     	Performance settings:
     	  -g max_conn     - max simultaneous TCP connections, global (40)
     	  -m host_conn    - max simultaneous connections, per target IP (10)
     	  -f max_fail     - max number of consecutive HTTP errors (100)
     	  -t req_tmout    - total request response timeout (20 s)
     	  -w rw_tmout     - individual network I/O timeout (10 s)
     	  -i idle_tmout   - timeout on idle HTTP connections (10 s)
     	  -s s_limit      - response size limit (400000 B)
     	  -e              - do not keep binary responses for reporting
     	Other settings:
     	  -l max_req      - max requests per second (0.000000)
     	  -k duration     - stop scanning after the given duration h:m:s
     	  --config file   - load the specified configuration file
     	Send comments and complaints to <heinenn@google.com>.
  2. 指定输出目录

     root@kali:~# skipfish -o test2
     	skipfish web application scanner - version 2.10b
     	[!] WARNING: Wordlist '/dev/null' contained no valid entries.
     	Welcome to skipfish. Here are some useful tips:
     	1) To abort the scan at any time, press Ctrl-C. A partial report will be written
     	   to the specified location. To view a list of currently scanned URLs, you can
     	   press space at any time during the scan.
     	2) Watch the number requests per second shown on the main screen. If this figure
     	   drops below 100-200, the scan will likely take a very long time.
     	3) The scanner does not auto-limit the scope of the scan; on complex sites, you
     	   may need to specify locations to exclude, or limit brute-force steps.
     	4) There are several new releases of the scanner every month. If you run into
     	   trouble, check for a newer version first, let the author know next.
     	More info: http://code.google.com/p/skipfish/wiki/KnownIssues
     	Press any key to continue (or wait 60 seconds)... 
     	skipfish version 2.10b by lcamtuf@google.com
     	  - -
     	Scan statistics:
     	      Scan time : 0:05:25.024
     	  HTTP requests : 6954 (22.3/s), 162897 kB in, 4840 kB out (516.1 kB/s)  
     	    Compression : 0 kB in, 0 kB out (0.0% gain)    
     	    HTTP faults : 2 net errors, 0 proto errors, 0 retried, 0 drops
     	 TCP handshakes : 79 total (115.6 req/conn)  
     	     TCP faults : 0 failures, 2 timeouts, 1 purged
     	 External links : 136747 skipped
     	   Reqs pending : 2181        
     	Database statistics:
     	         Pivots : 315 total, 7 done (2.22%)    
     	    In progress : 169 pending, 56 init, 77 attacks, 6 dict    
     	  Missing nodes : 6 spotted
     	     Node types : 1 serv, 80 dir, 12 file, 3 pinfo, 107 unkn, 112 par, 0 val
     	   Issues found : 33 info, 1 warn, 80 low, 12 medium, 0 high impact
     	      Dict size : 219 words (219 new), 14 extensions, 256 candidates
     	     Signatures : 77 total
     	[!] Scan aborted by user, bailing out!
     	[+] Copying static resources...
     	[+] Sorting and annotating crawl nodes: 315
     	[+] Looking for duplicate entries: 315
     	[+] Counting unique nodes: 314
     	[+] Saving pivot data for third-party tools...
     	[+] Writing scan description...
     	[+] Writing crawl tree: 315^[[A
     	[+] Generating summary views...
     	[+] Report saved to 'test1/index.html' [0x1d859466].
     	[+] This was a great day for science!
  3. 浏览器打开此页面

    • 扫描了整个站点
    • 结果保存在 test1/index.html 中
  4. 只扫描包含 ‘字符串’ 的URL

     root@kali:~# skipfish -o test1 -I /dvwa/


  5. 指定目标 IP 列表

     root@kali:~# vim iplist.txt
     root@kali:~# cat iplist.txt
     root@kali:~# skipfish -o test1 @iplist.txt


  6. 指定扫描内容和扫描字典

     # 默认扫描使用的字典
     root@kali:~# dpkg -L skipfish | grep wl
     # 指定字典 (-S)
     root@kali:~# skipfish -o test1 -I /dvwa/ -S /usr/share/skipfish/dictionaries/minimal.wl
     	NOTE: The scanner is currently configured for directory brute-force attacks,
     	and will make about 65130 requests per every fuzzable location. If this is
     	not what you wanted, stop now and consult the documentation.
     # 将目标网站特有的特征漏洞代码存到文件 (-W)
     root@kali:~# skipfish -o test1 -I /dvwa/ -S /usr/share/skipfish/dictionaries/minimal.wl -W abc.wl
  7. 指定最大连接数 (每秒多少个连接)

     root@kali:~# skipfish -o test1 -l 2000 -S /usr/share/skipfish/dictionaries/minimal.wl
     root@kali:~# skipfish -o test1 -l 10 -S /usr/share/skipfish/dictionaries/minimal.wl
  8. 指定并发连接数 (并发请求)
    root@kali:~# skipfish -o test1 -m 200 -S /usr/share/skipfish/dictionaries/minimal.wl

3. 身份认证###

  1. 身份认证

  2. 用户名密码验证

     root@kali:~# skipfish -A admin:password -I /dvwa/ -o test1
     root@kali:~# skipfish -C "PHPSESSID=a5b1d5b679e934f24bf6ae172dfbf8e0" -C "security=low" -X logout.php -I /dvwa/ -o test1


4. 提交用户名密码表单###

  1. 使用 man 手册

     root@kali:~# man skipfish
      	-A/--auth <username:password>
               For sites requiring basic HTTP authentication, you can use this flag to specify your credentials.
        --auth-form <URL>
               The  login form to use with form authentication. By default skipfish will use the form's action URL to sub‐
               mit the credentials. If this is missing than the login data is send to the form URL. In case that is wrong,
               you can set the form handler URL with --auth-form-target <URL> .
        --auth-user <username>
               The  username  to be used during form authentication. Skipfish will try to detect the correct form field to
               use but if it fails to do so (and gives an error), then you can specify the form field  name  with  --auth-
        --auth-pass <password>
               The  password to be used during form authentication. Similar to auth-user, the form field name can (option‐
               ally) be set with --auth-pass-field.
        --auth-verify-url <URL>
               This URL allows skipfish to verify whether authentication was successful. This requires a URL where  anony‐
               mous and authenticated requests are answered with a different response.
     root@kali:~# skipfish -o test1 --auth-form --auth-form-target --auth-user-field username --auth-user admin --auth-pass-field password --auth-pass password --auth-verify-url -I /dvwa/ -X logout.php


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