Good article to share - What is happiness

The beauty of life is not in its gorgeous, but in its calm; The happiness of life is not in what it has, but in what it feels. Years like a dream, fickle, wind and rain life, laughter and tears interwoven. Each of us is a time traveler, through the cycle of the four seasons, looking for their own happiness.

There is a kind of happiness, is indifferent and safe. Like the warm sun in winter, it is not publicized, not noisy, only shining quietly. Is the precipitation of years, is the ease of time. Indifferent, is the most beautiful gesture of life, is the simple after the prosperity; Safety, is the best destination of the soul, is the toughness after wind and rain. Only in the indifferent to the years, in order to truly understand the meaning of life, enjoy the fun of life.

There is a kind of happiness, is moved and cry. Is a moment of touch, is an eternal memory. It is the wrinkles in the eyes of the mother, the loving eyes of the father. Is the tacit understanding between friends, is the sweet between lovers. There are always some moments in life that make us burst into tears and let us know how to cherish and be grateful. It is these moves that let us grow up in tears and let us be strong in tears.

There is a kind of happiness, is running after the dream. Everyone has their own dream, it is our driving force, is the light of our hearts. Dream is a kind of power, it makes us forget tired, let us brave forward. Only the courage to chase, to run, to realize the beauty of the dream, in order to harvest the happiness of the dream.

There is a kind of happiness, is to fight and win. Success is not to be waited for, but to be earned. Only through the temper of setbacks can we truly understand the joy of success. Every challenge is an indispensable page in life. Only to fight bravely, to fight for, in order to win their own piece of heaven.

There are always many beautiful moments in life, they are like a pearl inlaid in our hearts. Let us feel the happiness brought by every moment with our hearts, and let us bloom the most beautiful splendor in the years. In this rapidly changing world, let us use calm, tenacity, hard work and love to create our own happy chapter.

Finally, I hope that every hardworking person can find their own happiness; May everyone who has happiness feel the beauty of life. Let us together in the long river of time, looking for their own happiness. Because the beauty of life is to experience and feel the truth and meaning in the little things.

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