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转载 [转贴]三大证书纵横证券业

<br />伴随股市走热,越来越多的人除了业余炒股之外,也将自己的职业发展锁定了证券行业。在各大论坛上,不时会有人问“转行到券商工作需要哪些条件”、“现在能不能参加证券从业人员资格考试”等问题。其实,因工作范畴不同,从事证券行业的人需要考取的证书也不同。其中,三大证书最受关注。<br />  最基础的证书:证券从业人员资格考试<br />  作为行业从业资格考试,证券从业人员资格考试是证券行业的入门“钥匙”,其门槛及考试难度也相对较低。<br />  适合人群:适合所有希望从事证券行业工作的人士<br />

2011-01-30 13:00:00 1678

原创 Two useful transaction codes to search the T-TCODE where is in SAP menu tree

<br />There are two transaction codes to search the t-code which exists where in SAP menu tree<br /> <br />T-Code: SEARCH_SAP_MENU          Find in SAP Menu<br />              SEARCH_USER_MENU       Find in User menu<br /> <br /> 

2011-01-12 07:08:00 1153

原创 [Reprinted]How to Debug Billing IDOC User Exit ZXEDFU02

Original article link: http://forums.sdn.sap.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1644680[Issue]: Today when I trigger the O/P in billing document, I set the break point in the user exit ZXEDFU02, but the program won't stop at the break point place.[Solution]: Then I

2011-01-12 06:45:00 2037

原创 Send mail

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  Z_TEST_MAIL_SEND*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------

2010-02-04 17:13:00 1615

原创 F4 help code

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  Z_TEST_F4_01*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Author: Zengjw_2004@hotmail.

2010-02-04 17:08:00 1563

原创 【转】最健康的作息时间

7:30:起床。英国威斯敏斯特大学的研究人员发现,那些在早上5:22―7:21 分起床的人,其血液中有一种能引起心脏病的物质含量较高,因此,在7:21之后起床对身体健康更加有益。打开台灯。“一醒来,就将灯打开,这样将会重新调整体内的生物钟,调整睡眠和醒来模式。”拉夫堡大学睡眠研究中心教授吉姆·霍恩说。喝一杯水。水是身体内成千上万化学反应得以进行的必需物质。早上喝一杯清水,可以补充晚上的缺水状态。

2010-01-12 21:41:00 714

原创 Demonstrates how to display values as an SAP dropdown listbox.

 *$************************************************************$ Program name: ZLISTBOX                                   **$ Author: James Zeng (zengjw_2004@hotmail.com)             **$ Date: Dec-2

2009-12-24 02:11:00 780

转载 What is ASAP Methodology

What is ASAP MethodologyASAP: Accelerated Systems Application and Products in Data Processing All implementation projects have the the following phases: Scoping - What is to be implemented i.e.

2009-12-12 13:45:00 1030

转载 ABAP选择屏幕:根据用户选择动态显示屏幕

在有些程序中我们发现,如果用户选择了多个选项中的其一(单选框),则屏幕的外观将会有所调整。这是怎么实现呢?我们来看下面的例子。 PARAMETERS: p1 TYPE c RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1 USER-COMMAND uc,            p2 TYPE c RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1 DEFAULT X.PARAMETERS:

2009-10-16 02:00:00 2190

原创 How to create a new routine

Step by Step Process:VOFM is the Transaction, where we can create New Routine.1. Go to VOFM Transaction Code2. On the Menu Select required Application i.e Requirements -Pricing3. Enter any Number in b

2009-08-20 00:38:00 1549 1


 FUNCTION CONVERSION_EXIT_PARVW_INPUT.*"----------------------------------------------------------------------*"Lokale Schnittstelle:*"       IMPORTING*"             INPUT*"       EXPORTING*"       

2009-08-18 00:17:00 2074

转载 SAP/SD - 做SD你要知道的透明表

Source URL: http://www.cnblogs.com/dengminghui/archive/2008/08/21/1273531.html一、客户主数据基本数据放在KNA1里;公司代码放在KNB1里;销售视图放在KNVV里;合作伙伴放在KNVP里;二、信用主数据KNKK里有信贷限额、应收总额、特别往来;S066里是未清订单值;S067里是未清交货值;KNKK里面的应收

2009-08-17 23:55:00 1197

原创 The logical process of account assignment determination

 The logical process of account assignment determinationIt’s very easy if you are strong in IMG. I can guide you go to OMJJ Create a movement type by copying 601 to say 901 (or Z01) Now: 1)     

2009-07-27 21:12:00 2457

转载 FICO Configuration Transaction Codes

 Table 1 General and Cross-Module Configuration Transaction Codes  Transaction Code Description  SB09 Process Flow View of the Business Navigator  SB10 Compon

2009-07-27 21:01:00 2423

转载 关于物料管理的自动抛账

 如果你要得到一个G/L Account的话. 是需要具体几个条件的. 一是,你要知道是那个CLIENT (这个基本上是属于废话,是一定知道的) 第二个条件:你可以用以下方法去记录. 你们集团,有两个公司,1000,2000.而在这两个公司中,公司1000下面有工厂1001,1002. 而1000是在美国,2000是在中国. 因此,这两家在会计上的分类帐是不同的.  因为这个公司肯定就会是一个KE

2009-07-27 20:20:00 1786

原创 Tcode For Listing All The Workflows

Original URL: https://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/XI/WORKFLOW+BOTTLE+NECKS+AND+Tcode+For+Listing+All+The+Workflows Tcode For Listing All The Workflows.Use se16 and table name HRSOBJECTIt

2009-07-22 19:49:00 968

原创 如何提高读取BSEG的性能(SAP已清项和未清项的管理)

如何提高读取BSEG的性能(SAP已清项和未清项的管理)The original URL: http://silverw0396.javaeye.com/blog/90624 The FI-GL table BSEG, which is one of our biggest PR1 tables, is an example of a clustered table. At the d

2009-07-09 23:17:00 1449

原创 Transaction Codes for SAP Business Workflow

 Transaction Codes for SAP Business WorkflowTransaction code Path from area menu SAP Business Workflow (Development) AWUV Wizard for event creation

2009-06-25 20:08:00 1521

原创 ABAP code to find all the User Exits and BADIs for any transaction

REPORT  ZFINDEXIT.TABLES: tstc,tadir,modsapt,modact,trdir,tfdir,enlfdir,sxs_attrt ,tstct.DATA: jtab LIKE tadir OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: field1(30).DATA: v_devclass LIKE tadir-devclass.PAR

2009-06-23 10:16:00 1047

原创 Some terms of Accounting

A Credit Memo (short for "credit memorandum") is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer, listing the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services the seller provided th

2009-06-22 17:37:00 1112

原创 Posting only possible in periods 2009/05 and 2009/04 in company 1000

 Posting only possible in periods 2009/05 and 2009/04 in company 1000Symptom When I do the goods issue for the outbound delivery document-80015201 in company code 1000, the error message of ‘Pos

2009-06-03 14:19:00 1962

原创 什么是离散型制造

 什么是离散型制造<!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xml

2009-05-18 19:16:00 3746

原创 A、B、H、S、N股 各是什么意思

 A、B、H、S、N股 各是什么意思<!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"

2009-05-18 19:13:00 4140

原创 股票中的市盈率

 股票中的市盈率 <!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" x

2009-05-18 19:11:00 1277

原创 股票术语-利空

股票术语-利空 <!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xm

2009-05-18 19:08:00 1232

原创 股票术语-什么是T+0

股票术语-什么是T+0Reference from my another Blog:http://jamessunrise.itpub.net/post/37844/472447 T+0:所谓的T+0的T,是指股票成交的当天日期。凡在股票成交当天办理好股票和价款清算交割手续的交易制度,就称为T+0交易。通俗地说,就是当天买入的股票在当天就可以卖出。T+0交易曾在我国实行过,但因为它

2009-05-18 19:04:00 1059

原创 Accounting Subject Lists-English and Chinese Term Comparison Series (Two)

  50 Machinery equipment depreciation reserves机器设备减值准备511601Project goods and materials工程物资52160101Special-purpose materia

2009-05-14 17:18:00 612

原创 Accounting Subject Lists-English and Chinese Term Comparison Series (One)

 Account Name Lists Thursday, April 09, 2009Author: James ZengSequence No.No.Account NameChinese Name Assets Account 资产科目A:Cur

2009-05-14 17:13:00 885

原创 No RFC connection is defined for SAP Global Trade Services Issue

Symptom Im using ECC6.0 IDES server, I got the error message "No RFC connection is defined for SAP Global Trade Services" while save an Good Receipt (MM module). Solution Global Trade S

2009-05-06 11:35:00 365

原创 PMP exam time forecast in 2009


2009-05-05 23:21:00 668

原创 Steps of configuring IDoc to exchange data between two clients of the same SAP system

Steps of configuring IDoc to exchange data between two clients of the same SAP system1.Create two logical systems in two clients individually  client 820: T90CLNT820  client 812: SALEST8122.Create

2009-04-30 13:11:00 1138

原创 SAP Basis Transaction Codes

 SAP Basis Transaction Codes  The Common Used Transaction Codes as Blow:AL02  Database alert monitorAL03  Operating system alert monitorAL04  Mo

2009-04-19 16:34:00 1653

转载 2009年雅思(IELTS)考试时间安排表[转载]

原URL: http://en.eol.cn/about_IELTS_4180/20081009/t20081009_330505.shtml   2009年雅思(IELTS)考试时间安排表 2008-10-09  英国使馆文化教育处  1 调整字体:小

2009-04-03 18:24:00 830

转载 2009年雅思考试报名步骤详解【转载】

 原地址:http://en.eol.cn/about_IELTS_4180/20081228/t20081228_350836.shtml 推荐:2009年雅思考试报名步骤详解     01 电脑要求你的电脑应与互联网相连接并且装有网络浏览器(最好是IE浏览器)。推荐显示分辨率为1024X768。中国考生还必须提

2009-04-03 18:19:00 901

转载 [Transshipment] The Analysis of Algorithm of PDF Password Remover v3.0

 标 题: 【原创】PDF Password Remover v3.0注册算法简单分析作 者: DarkBoxer时 间: 2007-07-22,22:40链 接: http://bbs.pediy.com/showthread.php?t=48390【文章标题】: PDF Password Remover v3.0注册算法简单分析【文章作者】: DarkBoxer暗夜拳师【软件名称】: PD

2009-04-02 20:59:00 1083

转载 The Introduction of SAP China Training and ECC Course Lists [Transshipment]

 SAP中国培训体系及ECC课程表介绍 原帖:http://baiboyd.itpub.net/post/6293/280682 本次SAP和CSDN联办的SOA博客圈的终评奖励是为期5天的标准培训,那什么是SAP的标准培训呢?它在SAP的培训体系里面处于什么位置呢?以下是一些介绍,网上转载的,我补充了一些内容。客户化培训 根据具体客户的项目实施需要, SAP 既可为特定客户量身定做课

2009-03-27 11:10:00 2785

原创 How to use authority check

 How to set up Authorization CheckFirst step:  creating authorization fieldT-code: SU20Second step: creating the authorization objectsT-Code: SU21  Third step: To check whether

2009-03-16 18:25:00 1090

原创 Upload Excel File Data into Internal Table

*& Report  Z_READ_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&Purpose: Read excel data to internal table*&Author: James Zeng*&March,8 2009*&-----

2009-03-13 10:08:00 2717


 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  Z_BAPICREATESALESORDER_DIS_ALV*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Author:

2009-03-10 18:31:00 168

原创 ABAP ALPHA conversion

 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  Z_CONVERT_NUM_STRING*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& *&*&-------------

2009-03-04 13:32:00 1259

ABAP 4.6 help

This document is the ABAP development reference document



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