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转载 Oracle用户、授权、角色管理
创建和删除用户是Oracle用户管理中的常见操作,但这其中隐含了Oracle数据库系统的系统权限与对象权限方面的知识。掌握还Oracle用户的授权操作和原理,可以有效提升我们的工作效率。 Oracle数据库的权限系统分为系统权限与对象权限。系统权限( Database System Privilege )可以让用户执行特定的命令集。例如,CREATE TABLE权限允许用户创建表,GRANT
2015-04-22 11:28:22
转载 oracle 显示用户
1、显示当前用户名 select user from dual; show user2、显示当然用户有哪些表 select * from tab;3、显示当所有用户的表 select * from user_tables;4、显示当有用户可以访问表 select * from all_tables;5、显示用户为SCOTT的表
2015-04-22 11:00:36
转载 ORACLE时间函数(SYSDATE)深入理解
加法 select sysdate,add_months(sysdate,12) from dual; --加1年 select sysdate,add_months(sysdate,1) from dual; --加1月 select sysdate,to_char(sysdate+7,'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS') from dual; --加1星期 sele
2015-01-27 14:41:49
转载 正则表达式30分钟入门教程
本文目标30分钟内让你明白正则表达式是什么,并对它有一些基本的了解,让你可以在自己的程序或网页里使用它。如何使用本教程最重要的是——请给我30分钟,如果你没有使用正则表达式的经验,请不要试图在30秒内入门——除非你是超人 :)别被下面那些复杂的表达式吓倒,只要跟着我一步一步来,你会发现正则表达式其实并没有想像中的那么困难。当然,如果你看完了这篇教程之后,发现自己明白
2015-01-08 17:30:45
转载 What’s new in Web Intelligence Rich Client in BI 4.0 ?
After installing the BI 4.0 and while exploring Web Intelligence Rich Client tool, I found some of the cool features from Classic are back and some are introduced new. In brief, navigating in Web Int
2014-10-16 16:24:16
转载 How to display column values in a single cell in Web Intelligence using Oracle database ?
A similar post has been posted earlier using SQL Server here. The steps for creating such a report are same for Oracle database.I am using Oracle with Business Objects XI 3.1 – Versi
2014-10-16 16:22:59
转载 What you should know about Stored Procedure Universe in BI 4.0 ?
As we all know there are many advantages of using stored procedures, they are always in my problem resolving kit, as a last resort I have to use it to create one of the complex report that needs to be
2014-10-16 16:19:47
转载 SAP BI 4.0 – Central Management Server ports
In BI 4.0 Central Management Server (CMS) uses two different ports:a) Name Server Port CMS by default uses port 6400 to communicate with Designer, WebI Rich Client, Information Design Tool, Bu
2014-10-16 16:17:56
转载 JDBC connectivity in SAP BI4
If you want to connect IDT(Information Design Tool) to reporting data sources using JDBC you need a .jar file for that relational database. Here in this example, I am going to show you how to connec
2014-10-11 09:47:49
转载 cognos
第一部分 准备知识 概述 (p1) 业务智能(Business Intelligence) 近年来业务智能的话题开始在国内热起来。 业务智能是在计算机应用水平达到一定程度、数据积累到一定量之后提上议事日程的一个应用领域。 业务智能是为更好的决策而对数据进行收集、转换、分析和分发的过程。 业务智能是把数据转化成知识的过程。包括信息的获取、分析和交流,帮助人们把获得的有用的
2014-10-10 09:44:09
翻译 How do I clear my web browser's cache, cookies, and history?
Notes:If you don't see instructions below for your specific version or browser, search your browser's Help menu for "clear cache". If you're unsure what browser version you're using, from the He
2014-09-16 09:47:15
原创 SAP BO 技术
1、联接路径问题: – 环路 在关系数据库模式中,返回太少行的一种常见联接路径称为环路,环路是一组联接, 它定义了经过模式中的一组表的闭合联接,如下图: 解决办法:创建别名表(基表的副本)。 – 断层陷阱(chasmtrap) 断层陷阱是关系数据库模式中的一种常见问题,其中联接路径返回了比预计更多的数据
2014-09-15 21:27:11
原创 扇形陷阱(Fan Traps)& 断层陷阱(Chasm Traps)
2014-09-03 16:18:05
转载 Universe
第一章:Designer简介变量 $INSTALLDIR 是指 Designer 和 Web Intelligence所使用的数据访问文件的安装根路径。这是带有操作系统子目录的 BusinessObjects 安装路径,其中包含 Designer 可执行文件和数据访问驱动程序。在 Windows 下,$INSTALLDIR = \\...\Business Objects\Bu
2014-09-01 15:23:52
原创 SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.1 Review
► BI Launch Pad(previously known as InfoView), which acts as the end-user portal► Web Intelligence, aquery and reporting tool► Analysis, Edition forOLAP, which is the OLAP analysis to
2014-09-01 14:57:38
转载 数据仓库技术(Data Warehouse)
在开始喷这个主题之前,让我们先看看数据仓库的官方定义: 数据仓库(Data Warehouse)是一个面向主题的(Subject Oriented)、集成的(Integrate)、相对稳定的(Non-Volatile)、反映历史变化(Time Variant)的数据集合,用于支持管理决策。以上是数据仓库的官方定义。 “操作型数据库”如银行里记账系统数据库,每一次业
2014-09-01 13:49:50
转载 什么是BI(Business Intelligence)
一、BI的定义BI是Business Intelligence的英文缩写,中文解释为商务智能,用来帮助企业更好地利用数据提高决策质量的技术集合,是从大量的数据中钻取信息与知识的过程。简单讲就是业务、数据、数据价值应用的过程。用图解的方式可以理解为下图:图(1)这样不难看出,传统的交易系统完成的是Business到Data的过程,而BI要做的事情是在Data的基础上,
2014-09-01 13:46:10
原创 Business Intelligence Overview
BI Launch Pad (remember that this was called InfoView in XI3.x) is the default web-based interface where you and your end users can accesstheir BI resources. Through this portal丨 you can create, modif
2014-09-01 13:26:16
转载 Using @Variable Functions in the Universe
I wrote an article earlier this year regarding the use of the @Variable universe function in the END_SQL universe parameter to help DBAs identify Business Objects queries (see related article Identify
2014-07-11 15:48:21
原创 安装BO4.1 出现 重新启动挂起
需要去注册表里面删除:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager中找到PendingFileRenameOperations
2014-07-07 13:22:17
转载 Can we Create the Connection in Universe using JDBC drivers option
Here are the steps: Step 1:Make sure that the necessary JAR files are installed/ copied on your BOXI 3.1 Enterprise Server. If you want to configure JDBC connection with other databases li
2014-07-03 15:31:02
转载 关于Universe和IDT链接数据库的JDBC配置
情况一:Universe链接Oracle(选择客户端链接方式) 开发端:客户端装的BO Client Tool 4.0版本要和Oracle Client要一致,即同为32位或64位运行时:由于BOE 4.0为64位,所以在BOE调相应驱动时会调用:C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects E
2014-07-03 15:07:12
原创 Oracle 创建create user 及授权grant
系统权限 grant create session to test; grant create table to test; grant unlimited tablespace to test; revoke create session from test; revoke create table from test; revoke unli
2014-06-29 11:01:11
转载 完全卸载oracle11g步骤:
完全卸载oracle11g步骤:1、 开始->设置->控制面板->管理工具->服务 停止所有Oracle服务。2、 开始->程序->Oracle - OraHome81->Oracle Installation Products-> Universal Installer,单击“卸载产品”-“全部展开”,选中除“OraDb11g_home1”外的全部目录,删除。5、 运行regedit
2014-06-28 21:02:39
转载 Error Cannot Verify Database login information. [INS00104] : While Installing SAP BOBI 4.0 SP4 on SU
I got this error while installing SAP BOBI 4.0 SP4 on SUN Solaris system, but this is applicable to all Linux / Unix systems installations with Oracle Database.Scenario:-1.You are trying to In
2014-06-28 20:54:58
转载 Installation of SAP Business Objects BI 4.0 on Linux / Unix like Operating Systems
Unlike SAP BO 4.0 installation on Windows, Installation on UNIX like operating systems is a little complicated process, especially when you do not have root rights, and has to go and explain the “Syst
2014-06-28 20:20:29
转载 Business Objects 基础
Business Objects 基础• BusinessObjects Enterprise 是一种灵活可靠的可伸缩的解决方案,用于通过任何 Web 应用程序(Intranet、Internet 或公司门户)将功能强大的交互式报表发布给最终用户。• 不管是将它用于发布销售周报表、为客户提供个性化的服务产品还是将重要信息集成到公司门户,BusinessObjects Ent
2014-02-13 12:54:30
转载 Error : Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern.
Error : Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern.This article applies to:Platform(s): All PlatformsJava version(s): 6.0, 7.0, 6u19+SYMPTOMS
2014-01-23 10:23:13
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