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原创 利用python爬虫结合前端技能实现经济学人(The Economist)阅时即查APP(010)

python爬取经济学人最新列表文章,归档为本地文件;利用python爬虫结合前端技能实现经济学人(The Economist)阅时即查APP;经济学人

2018-04-29 15:32:09 1802

原创 利用python爬虫结合前端技能实现经济学人(The Economist)阅时即查APP(00)

python爬虫结合前端技能实现经济学人(The Economist);python爬取主页,获取最新文章列表;python爬取文章列表,归档为本地文件;python实现数据清洗,过滤出每篇文章中有一定难度的单词;python分别从有道、必应爬取单词的发音、解释、短语、例句等信息,首选有道;根据文章,以及爬取的对应单词解析文件,生成最终可供请求处理的json文件

2018-04-29 00:00:14 1182 2

转载 The fall and rise of Pakistani film

The fall and rise of Pakistani film;economist;经济学人

2018-04-26 20:40:37 309

转载 Technology and its discontents

Technology and its discontents;科技与科技带来的不满

2018-04-25 21:07:01 451

转载 How much would you pay to keep using Google?

扫码进入阅时即查模式 Many internet services are free to consumers, but still valuableONE of the great riddles about the American economy is why its growth has slowed down so much during the past few decade...

2018-04-25 20:48:54 258

转载 Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party is doing lasting damage

扫码进入阅时即查模式 Once hollowed out, the rule of law is hard to restoreFOR a glimpse of Poland under the populist Law and Justice (PiS) party, tune in to the news on the state television channel, Telewi...

2018-04-25 20:47:02 2883

转载 Artists are rediscovering the oceans that surround them

Artists are rediscovering the oceans that surround them;经济学人;economist

2018-04-25 20:05:32 304

转载 Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party is doing lasting damage

本文阅时即查版本请扫码Once hollowed out, the rule of law is hard to restoreFOR a glimpse of Poland under the populist Law and Justice (PiS) party, tune in to the news on the state television channel, Tel...

2018-04-25 19:54:53 664

转载 A study finds nearly half of jobs are vulnerable to automation

本文阅时即查链接请扫码 That could free people to pursue more interesting careersA WAVE of automation anxiety has hit the West. Just try typing “Will machines…” into Google. An algorithm offers to comple...

2018-04-25 17:19:53 410

转载 America is on track to admit the fewest refugees in four decades

本文阅时即查链接请扫码然后点击下一页按钮:或者在链接https://lockeycheng.github.io/economist/index.html 后添加查询条件paper=201804256Muslim refugees are set to decline by 85%DURING the Iraq war, Suleiman’s family worked clo...

2018-04-25 10:17:31 314

转载 Donald Trump’s takeover of his party is near complete

It will not easily be undone Donald Trump’s takeover of his party is near complete

2018-04-23 18:28:08 2835

转载 Do electric cars dream of software fixes?

Do electric cars dream of software fixes?

2018-04-23 07:03:14 257

转载 Why has Turkey’s president called early elections?

whether President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (pictured, left) would call early presidential and parliamentary elections,Why has Turkey’s president called early elections?

2018-04-22 22:31:16 193

转载 The West’s bombing of Syria meets some approval from Muslims

The West’s bombing of Syria meets some approval from Muslims

2018-04-22 22:29:40 190

转载 Donald Trump is more popular than ever with white evangelicals

Donald Trump is more popular than ever with white evangelicals

2018-04-22 22:28:09 9034

转载 Most banks won’t touch America’s legal pot industry

IT IS often said that markets hate uncertainty. Most banks won’t touch America’s legal pot industry

2018-04-22 22:26:47 229

转载 Why a licence plate costs more than a car in Shanghai

Chinese cities find extreme ways of tackling congestion ;Why a licence plate costs more than a car in Shanghai;在中国上海为什么一个车牌比车还要贵?

2018-04-20 09:51:30 408

转载 Occitan's fight to stay away from the cliff of extinction

Occitan's fight to stay away from the cliff of extinction;奥克西坦语努力不让自己消绝

2018-04-20 09:39:30 351

转载 Europeans remain welcoming to immigrants

Europeans remain welcoming to immigrants;欧洲人依然欢迎移民

2018-04-20 09:35:39 321

转载 Mind the gap Hiral Tipirneni is unlikely to win a special congressional election in Arizona

Mind the gap Hiral Tipirneni is unlikely to win a special congressional election in Arizona;Hiral Tipirneni博士似乎不大可能赢得在Arizona的国会选举

2018-04-20 09:33:34 223

转载 Credit where credit isn't due Americans will no longer have to sign for credit-card purchases

Credit where credit isn't due Americans will no longer have to sign for credit-card purchases;美国人将不用再为信用卡购物签名

2018-04-20 09:29:54 290

转载 The Trump presidency The Republican Party is organised around one man

ALL presidents, Republican and Democrat, seek to remake their party in their own image. Donald Trump is successful than most. The Trump presidency The Republican Party is organised around one man;川普,美国总统

2018-04-20 09:24:37 388

转载 The “national shame” of Britain’s treatment of Windrush migrants

The “national shame” of Britain’s treatment of Windrush migrants;英国对待温德拉什移民的政策是民族的耻辱

2018-04-19 09:58:58 301

转载 The Supreme Court seems divided over sales tax on online purchases

The Supreme Court seems divided over sales tax on online purchases;最高法院似乎对于在线购物销售的税收产生了分歧

2018-04-19 09:55:27 300

转载 Parents in poorer countries devote more time to their kids' homework

Parents in poorer countries devote more time to their kids' homework;比较贫穷国家的家长花费更多的时间在孩子的家庭作业上

2018-04-19 09:50:50 303

转载 A Victorian survivor in fund management

A Victorian survivor in fund management;资金管理中的维多利亚幸存者

2018-04-19 09:48:45 235

转载 Six precepts every investor should remember

Six precepts every investor should remember;投资者应该谨记的6大准则

2018-04-19 09:46:06 232

转载 Cuba’s new leader - The fade of the house of Castro

As Raúl Castro retires, Cubans must hope his successor is better Cuba’s new leader - The fade of the house of Castro

2018-04-19 09:41:36 424

转载 Remembering culture's role in the Prague Spring

convince Brezhnev that a “counterrevolution” was on BY THE time Alexander Dubcek became head of Czechoslovakia’s Communist Party in January 1968,Remembering culture's role in the Prague Spring

2018-04-18 19:02:34 228

转载 One person dies after an engine explodes on a Southwest flight in America

One person dies after an engine explodes on a Southwest flight in America;A SOUTHWEST AIRLINES flight became the stuff of nightmares on April 17th when a jet engine apparently exploded in m

2018-04-18 09:22:39 393

转载 An enzyme that digests plastic could boost recycling

一种消化塑料的酶能够促进循环;Many are not recycled and of those that are, only a small fraction become bottles again. An enzyme that digests plastic could boost recycling

2018-04-18 09:19:11 274

转载 A plan to put beds on planes

Beds could soon be coming to the cargo holds of passenger planes. But at what cost?A plan to put beds on planes

2018-04-17 09:36:08 291

转载 The business of death is changing around the world

The trend towards fewer burials and more cremations is likely to continue EVERY minute more than 100 people die. The business of death is changing around the world

2018-04-17 09:34:55 218

转载 James Comey against the president

The former FBI director says Donald Trump is morally repugnant;James Comey against the president

2018-04-17 09:29:21 275

转载 Could Tibetan clouds save China from drought?

Could Tibetan clouds save China from drought?A huge rain-making project is being mulled in the Himalayas;

2018-04-16 09:45:32 197

转载 America’s chemicals industry is booming. But politics may get in its way

It is one of America’s largest export sectors, but it will suffer in a trade war“THIS is what 3bnlookslike.”America’s chemicals industry is booming. But politics may get in its way

2018-04-15 16:20:46 320

转载 How Britain could pay for its public services

Should it raise taxes on income, consumption or wealth?How Britain could pay for its public services

2018-04-15 16:07:05 349

转载 Senegal's innovative approach to prostitution

Its HIV prevalence rate is lower even than Washington, Senegal's innovative approach to prostitution

2018-04-15 16:03:15 287

转载 How American women got stuck in the kitchen

The IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook shows the cost of having no federal paid leave programme IN 1986;How American women got stuck in the kitchen

2018-04-15 15:58:43 306

转载 An Asian religion gains popularity in the New World

The faith takes many different formsChris Nyambura was raised Catholic but over the past six months he has started calling himself Buddhist. An Asian religion gains popularity in the New World

2018-04-15 15:55:39 287





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