January 15 2007  月曜日

  I almost forgot how to write a "amb" operator, a non-determination operator, in scheme.  Yes,
there is not only one way to implement "amb".  As matter of a fact, as I known, there are three
ways, two of them used macro.  I felt the following implementation easy to understand.

(define (now-fail)
  "amb exhauted!")

(define-syntax amb
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ e ...) (let ((old-fail now-fail))
                 (call/cc (lambda (sk)
                            (call/cc (lambda (fk)
                                       (set! now-fail
                                             (lambda ()
                                               (set! now-fail old-fail)
                                               (fk 'fail)))
                                       (sk e)))

  Yesterday I browsed some articles on Monads.  What is monad?  It seem that none can give a
comfortable answer, even professors or experts.  In Haskell, a monad can adapted the following
operators definition.

data M a = ...

return :: a -> M a

(>>=) :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b

  The last operator is also called as "bind" operation.  It combind some functions which all
deal with a value of a Monad type.  There are three laws of a monad must be obeied.  They can
make sure that a monad can run correctly.

  1. (return x) >>= f == f x
  2. m >>= return == m
  3. (m >>= f) >>= g == m >>= (/x f x >>= g)

  It awaked up my memory about the laws of roborts.  From the above type definition and laws,
we can know how to write a monad.  There are a number of tutorial of monads.  I am not going to
study it deeply.  I just simulated a simple monad in scheme.

  By the way, list is also a monad in scheme or Haskell.  The "return" operator will make a list,
like [a].  The (>>=) is same "concatMap f [a]".

  The monad seems a kind of combining programming.  It separated the data and a sequence of algorithm.
A advantage of it is that we can add or append many computations as we wish.  Another advantage is
also obvious that each algrithm can modify respectively.

  There is a common application of a monad, I/O APIs.  No matter what a port, a file pointer, a file
description, or a stream, they all can be called as monads.  If you are familiar with the I/O package
of Java, you can feel easy to understand though it has not explicit (>>=) operator.

  If you are not foolish, I believe that you have found the relation between (>>=) and "decorative pattern".
In my opinion, because some OOP languages have not the featurings of lambda express, of passing a lambda
express as argument, such as Java, they have to adapted other ways, such as "decorative pattern", to
implement the (>>=) operator.

  Note that every function to take a value of monad must return a instance of a monad.  In other words,
the function must make a monad using a original or new value.  It is a key point that the (>>=) can combine
these functions.  The first law and second law have telled us the (>>=) operator combine actually a monad
and a computation function base on that monad.  The (>>=) must can get the value of a monad and feed it into
a monad's computation function.  These functions like a group of sieves to filter a kind of type data.  To
wrap a value into a monad type make the "bind" operator omitted the detail in a monad.

  The third advantage is also obvious.  Some algorithms, especially common algorithms, can be reused.  OK,
I can give my answer about what is monad in pan-system language.  That is just a trick of classification.
Usually, reusefully, flexibility is why people classification, especially in computation algorithm.  It also
can improve efficiency in a way, especially manual coding.  But at some case, such as hardware restriction,
or efficiency is the first quesion must be considered, classification must be proper.

  Everthing is good is also bad. 

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