Vimeo Embed options

OptionDefault valueDescription
id or urlNoneThe ID or the URL of the video on Vimeo. You must supply one of these values to identify the video.
autopausetrueWhether to pause the current video when another Vimeo video on the same page starts to play. Set this value to false to permit simultaneous playback of all the videos on the page.
autoplayfalseWhether to start playback of the video automatically. This feature might not work on all devices.
backgroundfalseWhether the player is in background mode, which hides the playback controls, enables autoplay, and loops the video.
bylinetrueWhether to display the video owner’s name.
colorNoneThe hexadecimal color value of the playback controls, which is normally 00ADEF. The embed settings of the video might override this value.
controlstrueThis parameter will hide all elements in the player (play bar, sharing buttons, etc) for a chromeless experience. ⚠️ Warnings: When using this parameter, the play/pause button will be hidden. To start playback for your viewers, you’ll need to either enable autoplay, use keyboard controls, or implement our player SDK to start and control playback. Note that setting this parameter will not disable keyboard controls.
heightNoneThe height of the video in pixels.
loopfalseWhether to restart the video automatically after reaching the end.
maxheightNoneThe height of the video in pixels, where the video won’t exceed its native height, no matter the value of this field.
maxwidthNoneThe width of the video in pixels, where the video won’t exceed its native width, no matter the value of this field.
mutedfalseWhether the video is muted upon loading. The true value is required for the autoplay behavior in some browsers.
playsinlinetrueWhether the video plays inline on supported mobile devices. To force the device to play the video in fullscreen mode instead, set this value to false.
portraittrueWhether to display the video owner’s portrait.
speedfalseWhether the player displays speed controls in the preferences menu and enables the playback rate API.
titletrueWhether the player displays the title overlay.
transparenttrueWhether the responsive player and transparent background are enabled.
widthNoneThe width of the video in pixels.





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