然后循环执行知道slow等于fast时,即可推断出环的存在。注意循环条件为fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL。slow = slow->next; fast = fast->next->next;
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct node { int data; struct node * next; }Node; Node * get_circle_link(int length, int local) { Node *temp = NULL; Node *phead = NULL; Node *tail = NULL; int i; //创建单链表 for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { temp = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); temp->next = NULL; temp->data = length - i; if (phead == NULL) { tail = temp; } temp->next = phead; phead = temp; } //形成环 for (temp = phead, i =1; i < local; i++) { temp = temp->next; } tail->next = temp; return phead; } void link_print(Node *temp) { while (temp != NULL) { printf("%p:%d\t",temp,temp->data); temp = temp->next; getchar(); } } //利用快慢指针判断链表是否有环 int get_circle_local(Node *phead) { Node * fast = phead; Node * slow = phead; while (fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL) { fast = fast->next->next; //fast一次跳两个节点 slow = slow->next; //slow一次跳一个节点 if (fast == slow) { return 1; } } return 0; } int main() { Node * phead = NULL; int local = 0; int number = 0; scanf("%d",&number); //链表的节点数 scanf("%d",&local); //链表环的节点数 if (number < local || local <= 0 || number <= 0) { printf("number MUST >= local, and MUST be positive integer\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } phead = get_circle_link(number,local); //link_print(phead); int ret = 0; if (get_circle_local(phead) == 1) { printf("has circle\n"); } else printf("no circle\n"); return 0; }
输入:6 3
(2) 寻找环的起始点
假设节点1到节点3距离为L,而节点3到节点5的距离为A,则有L + A = (L + A + N*X)/2,其中N为快捷点与慢节点相遇时走过的多少个环,X为1个环的环数。
slow = slow->next; fast = fast->next;
输入:6 4#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct node { int data; struct node * next; }Node; Node * get_circle_link(int length, int local) { Node *temp = NULL; Node *phead = NULL; Node *tail = NULL; int i; //创建单链表 for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { temp = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); temp->next = NULL; temp->data = length - i; if (phead == NULL) { tail = temp; } temp->next = phead; phead = temp; } for (temp = phead, i =1; i < local; i++) { temp = temp->next; } tail->next = temp; return phead; } void link_print(Node *temp) { while (temp != NULL) { printf("%p:%d\t",temp,temp->data); temp = temp->next; getchar(); } } //利用快慢指针判断链表是否有环 int get_circle_local(Node *phead) { Node * fast = phead; Node * slow = phead; while (fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL) { fast = fast->next->next; //fast一次跳两个节点 slow = slow->next; //slow一次跳一个节点 if (fast == slow) { //return 1; for (slow = phead; slow != fast;) { slow = slow->next; fast = fast->next; } return slow->data; } } return 0; } int main() { Node * phead = NULL; int local = 0; int number = 0; scanf("%d",&number); //链表的节点数 scanf("%d",&local); //链表环的节点数 if (number < local || local <= 0 || number <= 0) { printf("number MUST >= local, and MUST be positive integer\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } phead = get_circle_link(number,local); //link_print(phead); int ret = 0; if ((ret = get_circle_local(phead)) > 0) { printf("has circle,local is %d\n",ret); } else printf("no circle\n"); return 0; }
slow = slow->next; fast = fast->next->next;
<span style="font-size:18px;">程序如下:</span>
<pre name="code" class="cpp">#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct node { int data; struct node * next; }Node; Node * get_circle_link(int length, int local) { Node *temp = NULL; Node *phead = NULL; Node *tail = NULL; int i; //创建单链表 for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { temp = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); temp->next = NULL; temp->data = length - i; if (phead == NULL) { tail = temp; } temp->next = phead; phead = temp; } for (temp = phead, i =1; i < local; i++) { temp = temp->next; } tail->next = temp; return phead; } void link_print(Node *temp) { while (temp != NULL) { printf("%p:%d\t",temp,temp->data); temp = temp->next; getchar(); } } //利用快慢指针判断链表是否有环 int get_circle_local(Node *phead) { Node * fast = phead; Node * slow = phead; int temp = 0; while (fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL) { fast = fast->next->next; //fast一次跳两个节点 slow = slow->next; //slow一次跳一个节点 if (fast == slow) { while (fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL) { fast = fast->next->next; slow = slow->next; temp++; if (fast == slow) { return temp; } } } } return 0; } int main() { Node * phead = NULL; int local = 0; int number = 0; scanf("%d",&number); //链表的节点数 scanf("%d",&local); //链表环的节点数 if (number < local || local <= 0 || number <= 0) { printf("number MUST >= local, and MUST be positive integer\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } phead = get_circle_link(number,local); //link_print(phead); int ret = 0; if ((ret = get_circle_local(phead)) > 0) { printf("has circle,local is %d\n",ret); } else printf("no circle\n"); return 0; }
输入:6 4运行结果为:
<img src="https://img-blog.csdn.net/20140913223547183" alt="" />
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