ubuntu VScode 无法输入中文

1 篇文章 0 订阅



sudo snap find <软件包名>
sudo snap install <snap软件包名>
sudo snap refresh <snap软件包名>
sudo snap refresh all
sudo snap revert <snap软件包名>
sudo snap remove <snap软件包名>
sudo snap list


snap 安装,确实挺快,但就是无法输入中文

sudo snap find code
Name                            Version                 Publisher             Notes    Summary
code                            3a6960b9                vscode✓               classic  Code editing. Redefined.
codechenx-tv                    0.5.3                   codechenx             -        tv(table viewer) for delimited text file(csv,tsv,etc) in terminal
codebreakers                    1.05                    vagueentertainment    -        Guess the code and unlock RogueBot Central
code-insiders                   6a25ae3a                vscode✓               classic  Code editing. Redefined.
code-server                     3.12.0                  giaever-online        -        Run VS Code on any machine anywhere and access it in the browser.
codechecker                     6.18.0                  csordasmarton         classic  CodeChecker is an analyzer tooling, defect database and viewer extension
codenamelt                      1.0.5                   eri0o                 -        A pixelart game where you have to run without getting caught by evil agents.
codedoc                         3.6                     michaelrsweet         -        Code documentation utility.
codesearch-cli                  master-0-ga285058       alexmurray            -        Debian Code Search CLI tool
codespell                       v1.11.0                 snapcrafters          -        Check code for common misspellings.
codetree                        1.1.1-0~116             axino                 classic  A code tree builder
codemagic-example               1.0                     artemii-yanushevskyi  -        Example Snapcraft publishing configuration for Codemagic CI/CD
code-tray                       1.0.0                   devcass               -        Code Tray
qr-tools                        1.0                     coder12341kp          -        A free tool to create your own QR-Codes
cpeditor                              coder3101             classic  The missing editor for competitive Programmers!
cipher-files                    1.0.0                   coder12341kp          -        Encrypt and decrypt files
submission-service              1.1                     codersquid            -        Submission Service for accepting Checkbox results
sublime-text                    4121                    snapcrafters          classic  A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
zoom-client                          ogra                  -        ZOOM Cloud Meetings
docker                          20.10.8                 canonical✓            -        Docker container runtime
node-red                        1.2.9                   noderedteam✓          -        Low-code programming for event-driven applications
android-studio                  2020.3.1.24             snapcrafters          classic  The IDE for Android
telegram-desktop                3.2.2                   telegram.desktop      -        Telegram Desktop
notepad-plus-plus                      mmtrt                 -        notepad-plus-plus is a free source code editor.
phpstorm                        2021.2.3                jetbrains✓            classic  PhpStorm
onlyoffice-desktopeditors       6.4.2                   onlyoffice✓           -        A comprehensive office suite for editing documents, spreadsheets and presentations
wormhole                        0.12.0                  snapcrafters          -        get things from one computer to another, safely
gnome-calculator                3.38.2+git3.1d166209    canonical✓            -        GNOME Calculator
handbrake-jz                    1.2.2                   jz                    -        The open source video transcoder
gitkraken                       8.1.1                   gitkraken✓            classic  For repo management, in-app code editing & issue tracking.
mailspring                      1.9.2                   foundry376✓           -        The best email app for people and teams at work
intellij-idea-community         2021.2.3                jetbrains✓            classic  Capable & Ergonomic Java IDE
ebook2cw                        0.8.2                   bh1scw                -        ebook2cw - convert ebooks to Morse MP3s/OGGs
notepadqq                       1.4.8                   danieleds             -        A Notepad++-like editor for Linux.
copay                           12.5.6                  gabrielbazan7         -        A Secure Bitcoin Wallet
keepassx-elopio                 2.0.2                   elopio                -        KeePassX is a cross platform password safe
opengrok                        1.7.21                  ondra                 -        OpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine
bitpay                          12.7.6                  gabrielbazan7         -        A Secure Bitcoin Wallet
intellij-idea-ultimate          2021.2.3                jetbrains✓            classic  Capable & Ergonomic Java IDE for Enterprise, Web & Mobile Development
cacher                          2.42.7                  cacherapp✓            -        Cacher
mjpg-streamer                   2.0                     ogra                  -        UVC webcam streaming tool
webstorm                        2021.2.3                jetbrains✓            classic  WebStorm
mpv                             0.26.0                  casept                -        WARNING: THIS SNAP IS UNMAINTAINED. CONTACT ME IF YOU WISH TO MAINTAIN IT.
juju                            2.9.18                  canonical✓            classic  Juju - a model-driven operator lifecycle manager for K8s and machines
irssi                           1.2.3                   snapcrafters          -        The IRC client of the future
aldo                            0.7.7                   bh1scw                -        Aldo is a morse code learning tool released under GPL.
atomify                         2.1.2                   ovilab                -        Atomify LAMMPS
sunwait                         0.8                     popey                 -        Sunwait is a program for calculating sunrise and sunset
skrifa                          0.2.6                   hyuchia               -        A simple word processor built with web technologies
clion                           2021.2.3                jetbrains✓            classic  A cross-platform IDE for C and C++
pycharm-educational             2021.2.3                jetbrains✓            classic  Easy and Professional Tool to Learn & Teach Programming with Python
howdoi                          20170207                simosx                -        instant coding answers via the command line
telegram-cli                    1.3.1                   marius-quabeck        -        Command-line interface for Telegram. Uses the readline interface.
monento                         1.2.8                   ladnysoft             -        Cross-platform app for tracking personal finances with encrypted data syncing.
gedit                           3.36.2+git14.c07b37c55  canonical✓            -        Edit text files
crystal                         1.2.1                   crystal-lang✓         classic  A language for humans and computers
modem-manager                   1.10.0-4                canonical✓            -        ModemManager is a service which controls mobile broadband
network-manager                 1.10.6-10               canonical✓            -        Network Manager
chromium-ffmpeg                 0.1                     canonical✓            -        FFmpeg codecs (free and proprietary) for use by third-party browser snaps
umbrello                        21.04.0                 kde✓                  -        UML modelling tool and code generator
julia                           1.0.4                   julialang✓            classic  The Julia programming language
rider                           2021.2.2                jetbrains✓            classic  A fast & powerful cross-platform .NET IDE
kate                            21.08.0                 kde✓                  classic  KDE Advanced Text Editor
mysql-shell                     8.0.23                  canonical✓            -        MySQL Shell is an advanced client and code editor for MySQL Server.
streamsheets                    2.4.1                   streamsheets✓         -        A no-code platform for processing streaming data in a spreadsheet interface
wireless-tools                  2                       canonical✓            -        Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions
flutter-gallery                 v2.8.1-82-g358fe2dd7d   flutter-team✓         -        Flutter Gallery
jupyter                         1.0.0                   projectjupyter✓       -        Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go.
adguard-home                    v0.106.3                ameshkov✓             -        Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
flutter                         0+git.671983f           flutter-team✓         classic  Flutter SDK
goland                          2021.2.4                jetbrains✓            classic  GoLand
space                           2021.3.2                jetbrains✓            -        Desktop Application for JetBrains Space
irccloud                        0.16.0                  irccloud✓             -        An IRC client with a future. Stay connected, chat from anywhere, and never miss a message
dotnet-sdk                      6.0.100                 dotnetcore✓           classic  Develop high performance applications in less time, on any platform.
ofono                           1.17-1                  canonical✓            -        Mobile telephony daemon
se-dev-tools                    1-dev                   canonical✓            -        A set of utilities that help make working with our team snaps easier
bluez-tests                     1                       canonical✓            -        Set of utilities that are not production ready yet help in testing
canonical-se-engineering-tests  6                       canonical✓            -        Canonical System Enablement Engineering Test cases
qr-code-generator-desktop       v1.0.27+git2.c64e4cb    studiolacosanostra    -        Create custom QR Codes. You can save them as PNG image. You can change the size of the image.
barcode-reader                  7.4                     yushulx               -        Barcode SDK for 1D barcode, QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF417, Aztec Code, MaxiCode
prettier                        1.9.2                   sangbum               -        Prettier is an opinionated code formatter
scc                             v3.0.0                  felicianotech         -        scc is a very fast & accurate code counter counting lines of code by language.
smartholdem                     1.0.88                  technolog             -        SmartHoldem
yubioath-desktop                5.1.0                   yubico-snap-store     -        2FA with YubiKey
rapunzel                        0.5.31-snap1            smathot               -        Code editor for numerical computing with Python and R
line-calc                       1.0                     quasarapp             -        Utility for counting the number of lines in a project.
commandeer                      1.9.5                   fsproru-commandeer    -        Commandeer - View You Data, Manage Your Infrastructure as Code, Test Your Plumbing all from the convenience of a desktop app.
cudatext                             chronoscz             -        Open source and cross-platform text editor.
kakoune                         v2021.08.28             lukewh                classic  Modal editor
blockbench-snapcraft            4.0.4                   anrouxel              -        Blockbench - A boxy 3D model editor
gisto                           1.12.11                 gisto                 -        Code snippet manager, runs on GitHub Gists and adds additional features such as searching, tagging gists with rich code editor.
broker                          4.2.9                   bevanhunt             -        Real-time Zero-Code API Server
qdmr                            0.8.1                   hmatuschek            -        Graphical codeplug programming tool for DMR radios.
packer-abacao                   1.3.3                   abacao                -        Packer - Build Automated Machine Images
pyresistors                     0.1                     g-christ              -        Calculate electrical resistors value and tolerance by their color codes
onefetch                        v2.10.2                 o2sh                  -        Git repository summary on your terminal
lepton                          1.10.0                  cosmo.lepton          -        Free & Open-source Code Snippet Manager
easyorg                         0.8.0                   martinplumasoft       -        Org mode based Todo lists and notes.
transporter                     0+git.2c1573c           ken-vandine           -        Hassle-free file sharing
ocrthypdf                       v0.6.3-21-ga864c4c      digidigital-software  -        Make your PDF files text-searchable (A GUI for OCRmyPDF)

安装后,Snap 守护程序将负责在后台自动更新 VS Code。 每当有新更新可用时,您都会收到产品内更新通知。
注意: 如果 snap在您的 Linux 发行版中不可用,请查看以下 安装 snapd 指南 ,它可以帮助您进行设置。

sudo snap install --classic code
code 3a6960b9 from Visual Studio Code (vscode✓) installed


 sudo snap remove code 
code removed


2 安装

sudo dpkg -i code_1.62.2-1636665017_amd64.deb 
正在选中未选择的软件包 code。
(正在读取数据库 ... 系统当前共安装有 397662 个文件和目录。)
正准备解包 code_1.62.2-1636665017_amd64.deb  ...
正在解包 code (1.62.2-1636665017) ...
正在设置 code (1.62.2-1636665017) ...
正在处理用于 gnome-menus (3.13.3-11ubuntu1.1) 的触发器 ...
正在处理用于 desktop-file-utils (0.23-1ubuntu3.18.04.2) 的触发器 ...
正在处理用于 mime-support (3.60ubuntu1) 的触发器 ...
正在处理用于 shared-mime-info (1.9-2) 的触发器 ...






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