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原创 DB2 Data Type

DB2 Data Type

2008-05-27 15:40:00 827

原创 Privileges granted to users after database created

      Privileges granted to users after database created1. To Database Owner     DBADM authority, along with CONNECT, CREATETAB, BINDADD, CREATE_NOT_FENCED, IMPLICIT_SCHEMA, and LOAD privileges, a

2008-05-27 15:20:00 835

原创 Unique Constraint, Primary Key and Unique Index

Unique Constraint, Primary Key and Unique Index1.       Unique ConstraintEnsure no duplicate value exists in the columns for which unique constraint has been defined.Regardless of when a unique

2008-05-27 15:06:00 1487

原创 PLI Exception Handling (ON CONDTION)

Exception Handling (ON CONDTION) 1.  A CONDITION is the occurrence within a PL/I program that causes a program interrupt. l         In the absence of a program specifying an action, for most condi

2008-05-11 16:27:00 741

原创 PLI Stream I/O

Stream I/O1.       LIST Directed I/O1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages of LIST directed I/O-         It is easy to code and is a useful debugging tool Disadvantages of L

2008-05-11 16:26:00 923

原创 PLI File Declarations

File Declarations1.       DECLARATIONDCL filename  FILE  [INPUT|OUTPUT]  [STREAM|RECORD]  ENV (options).2.       ENVIRONMENT Attributel         It can be omitted if equivalent information is g

2008-05-11 16:25:00 660

原创 PLI Array

Array1.       DECLARATIONDCL days(365) FIXED DEC(4);2.       BOUNDSDefault LOWER BOUND is 1We can also specify the upper and the lower bounde.g. DCL TABLE(0:11) FIXED DEC(4,1);Bounds may

2008-05-11 16:24:00 979

原创 PLI Loop

Loop1.       DO WHILE(cond);Stmt1;Stmt2;END;2.       DO UNTIL(cond);Stmt1;Stmt2;END;3.       DO i=1 TO J BY K;Stmt1;Stmt2;END; 

2008-05-11 16:23:00 516

原创 PLI Logical Testing

Logical Testing1.       Logical operators§         &§         |§         ¬ 2.       IF  cond  THEN stmt;3.       IF cond THEN          stmt1;       ELSEstmt2;3.  IF cond THEN  

2008-05-11 16:22:00 557

原创 PLI Storage Classes

Storage Classes1.       Automatic StorageUnless declared to have another storage class most variables have the AUTOMATIC attribute.e.g.MAIN : PROC OPTIONS (MAIN);DCL 1 STRUCTURE,          

2008-05-11 16:21:00 708

原创 PLI Data Type

PLI Data Type1.     Numericl         FIXED DEC(p,q)l         FLOAT DEC(p,q)l         FIXED BIN(p,q)l         FLOAT BIN(p,q)2.     Character & Stringl         BIT(n)l         CHAR(n)2

2008-05-11 16:20:00 797

原创 General Guidelines for Better Performance

General Guidelines for Better Performance1.  Avoid unnecessary conversions2.  Select what you need, avoid select *3.  Minimize DB2 Sorts, as sorting increases CPU requirements and possibly addit

2008-04-11 11:00:00 564

原创 Typical Access Paths

 Typical Access PathsDb2 determine an access path for every executable SQL statement. To do this, it looks at several things, such as the catalog statistics and configuration parameters. It takes

2008-04-11 10:56:00 599

原创 Scrollable Cursors

Scrollable Cursors1.       What is scrollable cursors?When a cursor is declared as scrollable, you can use FETCH statements to:l         Jump around and directly retrieve a row which is located

2008-04-11 10:55:00 832

原创 Indicator Variables

 Indicator Variables1.       Function: Processing NULL Data2.       The value of Indicator Variable (SMALLINT)l         >=0 (usually 0), indicate that the column is not NULLl         l    

2008-04-11 10:54:00 1850

原创 PDS and PDSE

                                                        PDS and PDSE1.       The differences between PDS and PDSE: l         PDSE的数据和目录结构是同构的,可随时增加大小;而PDS的目录大小是固定的,一旦确定就无法改变,所以会出现目录空间耗尽的情况. l   

2008-04-04 16:05:00 3612

原创 抽象类和接口

抽象类和接口1. 抽象类   java语言中,用abstract 关键字来修饰一个类时,这个类叫做抽象类,用abstract 关键字来修饰一个方法时,这个方法叫做抽象方法。  abstract class abstractClass{ …}            //抽象类   abstract returnType abstractMethod([paramlist]) //抽象

2008-04-04 16:03:00 682

原创 Java多态

                                 Java多态在java语言中,多态性体现在两个方面:由方法overload实现的静态多态性(编译时多态)和方法override实现的动态多态性(运行时多态)。 1.编译时多态 在编译阶段,具体调用哪个被overload的方法,编译器会根据参数的不同来静态确定调用相应的方法。 2.运行时多态   由于子类继承了父类

2008-04-04 16:02:00 791

原创 Java数据类型和参数传递


2008-04-04 16:01:00 1051

原创 Java继承


2008-04-04 16:01:00 812

原创 Java类基础结构

                                            Java类基础结构1.类声明: [public] [abstract|final] class className [extends superclassName] [implements interfaceNameList] {……} l        abstract: 抽象类l    

2008-04-04 16:00:00 1097

原创 The Communications between Terminals and CICS

 The Communications between Terminals and CICS1.       Define the terminals in the CICS. Each terminal receives a Resource Definition called a Terminal Control Table Terminal Entry (TCTTE) that is

2008-04-04 15:57:00 557

原创 Resource Definition

 Resource Definition1. Resource definitions are descriptions of the types of applications and procedures that are used for individual data actions. Every CICS region has its own set of these resou

2008-04-04 15:56:00 582

原创 The Structure of CICS

The Structure of CICSThe CICS region is the area of storage that CICS manages. User programs share the CICS region with other CICS components.1.       Single region2.       CICSPlexWhen CICS i

2008-04-04 15:54:00 779

原创 CICS DB2 Attachment Facility

                                    CICS  DB2  Attachment Facility CICS TS for OS/390 comes with an attachment facility that allows you to operate DB2 with CICS. The DB2 system can be shared by se

2008-04-04 15:52:00 645


                         TRANSACTION的执行过程   When a TRANSID enters the CICS system1.       Transaction Manager (XM) search the Program Control Table (PCT) to validate the TRANSID. The PCT contains

2008-04-04 15:49:00 621

原创 CICS Domain

                                         CICS DomainCICS regions are divided into several domains, each with its own set of resources and functions. Domains communicate with each other by means of i

2008-04-04 15:48:00 753

原创 CICS Component

CICS Component 1.       Management modulesUser programs interface management modules to handle terminal I/O, file I/O, program loading and control, and access to other system resources.2.      

2008-04-04 15:48:00 594

原创 Create PDS and Member

Create PDS and Member1.  Create PDS and member simultaneous//SYSUT2 DD DSN=XXX.XXX.XXX(MEMBER),DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),//  SPACE=(TRK,(10,5,2)),RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,UNIT=SYSDANote: If PDS exists,

2008-03-26 10:02:00 607

原创 DB2 隔离级别

                                                                  DB2 Isolation Level1.Repeatable ReadIf a transaction scans 1000 rows but only retrieves 10, locks are acquired and held on all 100

2008-03-22 16:36:00 617

原创 提交指定的JOB STEP

Submit Any Step In A Job1.  Type RESTART=StepName in job card and comment after 17th step using //2.  Use IEBEDIT to code a job://STEP001 EXEC PGM=IEBEDIT//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*//SYSUT1   DD

2008-03-21 14:56:00 609

原创 Save output to a dataset

Save output to a dataset1.       Enter XDC  (Spool datasets are U type)2.       Enter SE instead of S along side the spool dataset you want  

2008-03-21 12:38:00 500

原创 重复执行以前输入命令的快捷方法

重复执行以前输入命令的快捷方法1.  输入!n (n=1,2,3…..) 分别代表倒数第一个、第二个、第三个命令2.  按上下箭头选择命令 

2008-03-21 12:33:00 1176

原创 Shell变量

                            Shell变量1.环境变量:n         HOME 用于保存注册目录的完全路径名。n         PATH 用于保存用冒号分隔的目录路径名,Shell将按PATH变量中给出的顺序搜索这些目录,找到的第一个与命令名称一致的可执行文件将被执行。n         TERM 终端的类型。n         UID 当前

2008-03-21 12:31:00 625

原创 Language Environment

                                       Language EnvironmentLanguage Environment, supplied as an element of OS/390 and z/OS, is designed to provide a common set of runtime libraries to replace the na

2008-03-09 16:18:00 848


                    Load 1.       LOAD JCL//LEBRONJ  JOB (12345678),LEBRON,MSGCLASS=H,             //        MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,NOTIFY=&SYSUID          //UTIL EXEC DSNUPROC,SYSTEM=DB8G,UID

2008-03-04 19:50:00 1109


                                  UNLOAD1.       UNLOAD JCL//LEBRONJ  JOB (12345678),LEBRON,MSGCLASS=H,            //        MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,NOTIFY=&SYSUID         //UTIL EXEC DSNUPROC,

2008-03-04 19:44:00 1024


                                              BIND1.         Two method of BINDl         Bind all DBRMs directly into one application plan as belowBIND PLAN(PLAN1) MEMBER(Main,Sub1,Sub2)l     

2008-03-02 17:38:00 2283

原创 Referential Integrity

                                  Referential Integrity1.       A PARENR KEY value must be UNIQUE, and can’t be NULL.2.       A FOREIGN KEY value must match a PARENT KEY or be NULL3.       DB2 e

2008-03-02 17:35:00 1355

原创 GDG

GDG 1.       A Generation Data Group (GDG) consists of like named data sets that are chronologically or functionally related.2.       When we use GDG?When we want to update the dataset, and th

2008-02-25 21:32:00 4321



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