Effective C#之Item 35:Prefer Overrides to Event Handlers

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Item 35: Prefer Overrides to Event Handlers


Many .NET classes provide two different ways to handle events from the system. You can attach an event handler, or you can override a virtual function in the base class. Why provide two ways of doing the same thing? Because different situations call for different methods, that's why. Inside derived classes, you should always override the virtual function. Limit your use of the event handlers to responding to events in unrelated objects.


You write a nifty Windows application that needs to respond to mouse down events. In your form class, you can choose to override the OnMouseDown() method:


  1. public class MyForm : Form
  2. {
  3.   // Other code elided.
  4.   protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e )
  5.   {
  6.     try
  7. {
  8.       HandleMouseDown( e );
  9.     }
  10. catch ( Exception e1 )
  11.     {
  12.       // add specific error handling here.
  13.     }
  14.     // *almost always* call base class to let other event handlers process message.
  15.     // Users of your class expect it.
  16.     base.OnMouseDown( e );
  17.   }
  18. }

Or, you could attach an event handler:


  1. public class MyForm : Form
  2. {
  3.   // Other code elided.
  4.   public MyForm( )
  5.   {
  6.     this.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler( this.MouseDownHandler );
  7.   }
  9.   private void MouseDownHandler( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
  10.   {
  11.     try
  12. {
  13.       HandleMouseDown( e );
  14.     } catch ( Exception e1 )
  15.     {
  16.       // add specific error handling here.
  17.     }
  18.   }
  19. }

The first method is preferred. If an event handler throws an exception, no other handlers in the chain for that event are called (see Item 21). Some other ill-formed code prevents the system from calling your event handler. By overriding the protected virtual function, your handler gets called first. The base class version of the virtual function is responsible for calling any event handlers attached to the particular event. That means that if you want the event handlers called (and you almost always do), you must call the base class. In some rare cases, you will want to replace the default behavior instead of calling the base class version so that none of the event handlers gets called. You can't guarantee that all the event handlers will be called because some ill-formed event handler might throw an exception, but you can guarantee that your derived class's behavior is correct.


Using the override is more efficient than attaching the event handler. I showed you in Item 22 how the System.Windows.Forms.Control class uses a sophisticated collection mechanism to store event handlers and map the appropriate handler to a particular event. The event-handling mechanism takes more work for the processor because it must examine the event to see if any event handlers have been attached. If so, it must iterate the entire invocation list. Each method in the event invocation list must be called. Determining whether there are event handlers and iterating each at runtime takes more execution time than invoking one virtual function.


If that's not enough for you, examine the first listing in this item again. Which is clearer? Overriding a virtual function has one function to examine and modify if you need to maintain the form. The event mechanism has two points to maintain: the event handler function and the code that wires up the event. Either of these could be the point of failure. One function is simpler.


Okay, I've been giving all these reasons to use the overrides and not use the event handlers. The .NET Framework designers must have added events for a reason, right? Of course they did. Like the rest of us, they're too busy to write code nobody uses. The overrides are for derived classes. Every other class must use the event mechanism. For example, you often add a button click handler in a form. The event is generated by the button, but the form object handles the event. You could define a custom button and override the click handler in that class, but that's way too much work to handle one event. It only moves the problem to your own class anyway: Somehow, your custom button must communicate to the form that the button was clicked. The obvious way to handle that is to create an event. So, in the end, you have created a new class to send an event to the form class. It would be simpler to just attach the form's event handler to the form in the first place. That's why the .NET Framework designers put those events in the forms in the first place.


Another reason for the event mechanism is that events are wired up at runtime. You have more flexibility using events. You can wire up different event handlers, depending on the circumstances of the program. Suppose that you write a drawing program. Depending on the state of the program, a mouse down might start drawing a line, or it might select an object. When the user switches modes, you can switch event handlers. Different classes, with different event handlers, handle the event depending on the state of the application.


Finally, with events, you can hook up multiple event handlers to the same event. Imagine the same drawing program again. You might have multiple event handlers hooked up on the MouseDown event. The first would perform the particular action. The second might update the status bar or update the accessibility of different commands. Multiple actions can take place in response to the same event.


When you have one function that handles one event in a derived class, the override is the better approach. It is easier to maintain, more likely to be correct over time, and more efficient. Reserve the event handlers for other uses. Prefer overriding the base class implementation to attaching an event handler






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