Effective C#之Item 39:Use .NET Validation

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Item 39: Use .NET Validation


User input can come from a variety of locations: You must test input from data files as well as interactive controls. Writing user input validation is pedantic and error-prone but very necessary. Trusting user input can cause anything from exception conditions to SQL injection attacks. None of the options is pleasant. You know enough to be very skeptical of the validity of user input. Good. So does everyone else. That's why the .NET Framework has extensive capabilities that you can use to minimize the amount of code you need to write, yet still validate every piece of data that your users give you.


The .NET Framework provides different mechanisms to validate user input for web- and Windows-based applications. Web applications should get data validated at the browser, using JavaScript. The validation controls generate JavaScript in the HTML page. It's more efficient for your users: They do not need to have round-trips back to the server each time they change an entry. These web controls make extensive use of regular expressions to tentatively validate user input before the page is posted back to the server. Even so, you'll want to perform more extensive validation at the server, to prevent programmatic attacks. Windows applications use a different model. User input can be validated in C# code that runs in the same context as the application. The full gamut of Windows controls is available to you when you want to notify the user of invalid input. The general model uses exceptions in property accessors to indicate the invalid input. UI widgets catch those exceptions and display errors to the user.


You can use five web controls to handle most of the validation tasks in your ASP.NET applications. All five are controlled by properties that specify the field that should be validated and the conditions for valid input. RequiredFieldValidator forces the user to enter some value in a given field. RangeValidator mandates that a specific field supplies a value within a given range. This range could be the magnitude of a number or the length of a string value. CompareValidator lets you construct validation rules that relate two different fields in a web page. These three are relatively simple. The last two give you all the power you need to validate almost any user input you are expecting. The RegularExpression validator processes the user input using a regular expression. If the comparison returns a match, the user input is valid. Regular expressions are a very powerful language. You should be able to create a regular expression for any situation you have. Visual Studio .NET includes sample validation expressions that help get you started. There is a wealth of resources to help you learn all about regular expressions, and I strongly encourage you to do that. But I can't leave this topic without giving you a few of the most common constructs. Table 5.1 shows the most common regular expression elements you'll use for validating input in your applications.


ASP.NET应用程序里面,你能使用5web控件来处理绝大多数的验证任务。5个控件都是由属性来控制这些要验证的特殊的字段。RequiredFieldValidator强制用户在某个特定字段输入一些值。 RangeValidator 要求指定字段的值在某个范围内。该范围可以是某个数值的大小,也可以是一个字符串的长度。CompareValidator让你为web页面上的2个相关的不同字段构建验证规则。这3个相对比较简单。最后2个给你需要的所有能力来验证几乎所有你能想到的用户输入。RegularExpression验证符使用正则表达式来处理用户输入。如果比较的结果是符合,那么该用户输入就是合格的。正则表达式是一个相当有力的语言。你应该有能力为你遇到的任何情况创建一个正则表达式。Visual Studio .NET包含一些验证的例子,可以帮助你开始。这是帮助你学习正则表达式的资源宝库,我强烈的鼓励你进行学习。但是,如果不告诉你一些最常见的结构的话,我就不能继续这个话题。表5.1展示了最通用的正则表达式元素,在你的应用程序验证里面你会用到。

Using these constructs and regular expressions, you will find that you can validate just about anything that your users throw at you. If regular expressions aren't enough for you, you can add your own validator by deriving a new class from CustomValidator. This is quite a bit of work, and I avoid it whenever I can. You write a server validator function using C#, and then you also write a client-side validator function using ECMAscript. I hate writing anything twice. I also avoid writing anything in ECMAscript, so I like to stick to regular expressions.


For example, here is a regular expression that validates U.S. phone numbers. It accepts area codes with or without parentheses around them, as well as any number of whitespace between the area code, exchange, and number. A dash between the area code and the exchange is also optional:



By examining each group of expressions, the logic is clear:



This matches the area code. It allows either (xxx) or xxx, where xxx is three digits. Any amount of whitespace surrounding the digits is acceptable. The last two characters, - and ?, allow but do not demand a dash.

这里匹配区号。它允许(xxx) 或者 xxx的格式,只要xxx3个数字就可以。在数字周围有多少空格都是可接受的。最后2个字符,- ?,允许一个横线,但是并不要求。

The remaining portion matches the xxx-xxxx portion of the phone number. /s matches any amount of whitespace. /d{3} matches three digits. /s*-/s* matches a dash surrounded by any number of whitespace. Finally, /d{4} matches exactly four digits.


Windows validation works somewhat differently. No precooked validators parse input for you. Instead, you need to write an event handler for the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Validating event. Or, if you are creating your own custom control, override the OnValidating method (see Item 35). A standard form for a validation event handler follows:


  1. private void textBoxName_Validating( object sender,  System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e )
  2. {
  3.   string error = null;
  4.   // Perform your test
  5.   if ( textBoxName.Text.Length == 0 )
  6.   {
  7.     // If the test fails, set the error string
  8.     // and cancel the validation event.
  9.     error = "Please enter a name";
  10.     e.Cancel = true;
  11.   }
  12.   // Update the state of an error provider with
  13.   // the correct error text. Set to null for no
  14.   // error.
  15.   this.errorProviderAll.SetError( textBoxName, error );
  16. }

You have a few more small tasks to make sure that no invalid input sneaks through. Every control contains a CausesValidation property. This property determines whether the control participates in validation. In general, you should leave it true for all of your controls, except for the Cancel button. If you forget, the user must create valid input to cancel from your dialog box. The second small task is to add an OK handler to force validation of all controls. Validation happens only when a user visits and leaves a control. If the user opens a form and immediately presses OK, none of your validation code executes. To fix that, you add an OK button handler to walk through all your controls and force them to validate. The following two routines show you how to do this correctly. The recursive routines handle those controls that are also containers for other controls: tab pages, group boxes, and panels:

你有一些小小的工作要做,来确认不会漏掉任何无效输入。每个控件都包含一个CausesValidation属性。该属性决定该控件是否参与验证。一般来讲,你所有的控件都应将它设置为true,除了Cancel按钮。如果你忘记的话,用户就必须创建有效的输入,来取消对话框。第二个小任务就是,添加一个OK处理者,强制所有的控件都参与验证。只用当用户访问或者离开一个控件的时候才发生。如果一个用户打开了一个窗体并且迅速的点击了OK,那么,你的任何验证代码都不会被执行。为了修正这个错误,需要向所有的控件添加一个OK事件处理者,强制他们进行验证。接下来的两段小代码向你展示了如何正确的做。循环子程序处理那些同时也作为其他控件容器的控件:tab pages, group boxes, and panels:

  1. private void buttonOK_Click( object sender,  System.EventArgs e )
  2. {
  3.   // Validate everyone:
  4.   // Here, this.DialogResult will be set to
  5.   // DialogResult.OK
  6.   ValidateAllChildren( this );
  7. }
  9. private void ValidateAllChildren( Control parent )
  10. {
  11.   // If validation already failed, stop checking.
  12.   ifthis.DialogResult == DialogResult.None )
  13.     return;
  15.   // For every control
  16.   foreach( Control c in parent.Controls )
  17.   {
  18.     // Give it focus
  19.     c.Focus( );
  21.     // Try and validate:
  22.     if (!this.Validate( ))
  23.     {
  24.       // when invalid, don't let the dialog close:
  25.       this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
  26.       return;
  27.     }
  28.     // Validate children
  29.     ValidateAllChildren( c );
  30.   }
  31. }

This code handles most normal cases. A special shortcut applies to the DataGrid/DataSet combination. Assign the ErrorProvider's DataSource and DataMember properties at design time:


  1. ErrProvider.DataSource = myDataSet;
  2. ErrProvider.DataMember = "Table1";
Or, at runtime, call the BindToDataAndErrors method to set both in one operation:


  1. ErrProvider.BindToDataAndErrors(  myDataSet, "Table1" );
      Errors get displayed by setting the DataRow.RowError property and calling the DataRow.SetColumnError method to display specific errors. The ErrorProvider displays the red exclamation icon on the row and the specific cell in the DataGrid.

通过设置DataRow.RowError 属性可以显示错误,调用DataRow.SetColumnError 方法可以显示指定的错误。ErrorProvider 会在DataGrid的原始的行上的指定单元格里显示红色的警告图标。

This whirlwind tour of the validation controls in the framework should help you efficiently create the validation you need in many applications. User input cannot be trusted: Users make mistakes, and occasionally malicious users try to break your application. By making the most use of the services already provided by the .NET Framework, you reduce the code you need to write. Validate all user input, but do it efficiently with the tools already provided.






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