DOSBox?? For Linux~

What is DOSBox?

DOSBox is a free, open-source cross-platform MS-DOS emulator that uses the SDL library. It emulates [CPU]286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, and SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound cards. Thus, it is possible to run many programs originally written for MS-DOS in Linux with DOSBox.

The emulator has been largely developed for use with old games, butit may be possible to use DOSBox to run other MS-DOS applications. TheDOSBox project maintains a [WWW] list of compatible games.

To run more recent applications developed for Windows, use Wine.


You will need to enable the Universe repositories (see AddingRepositoriesHowto), update, and install the dosbox package.

By type   sudo apt-get install dosbox   in terminal is JUST OK!!

Running DOSBox

Starting DOSBox

DOSBox can be run from a terminal by simply typing  dosbox .

This will open up what looks like another terminal window, with a  Z:/  prompt. This is DOSBox.

Running MS-DOS Programs inside DOSBox

Mounting Drives and Directories: The " mount " command

Seeing a  Z:/  where one might have expected to see  C:/  or even  A:/  will seem strange to those familiar with MS-DOS and

DOSBox does not have a  C:/  drive enabled by default. To give it one, we must mount one onto the virtual machine.

In practice, this means we must create a directory which can serve as a virtual  C:/  drive for DOSBox.

( N.B. In the following examples, andthroughout this document, we are assuming a user named "wikiuser".Replace that user-name with yours. )

In a regular terminal, (NOT DOSBox), you can execute

 $ mkdir ~/dos/c 

which will create the  /dos/c  directory in your home directory. To have DOSBox use this as its  C:/  drive, execute the following command in DOSBox:

mount c /home/wikiuser/dos/c 

This makes the contents of  ~/dos/c/  the contents of the virtual  C:/ drive in DOSBox. You can now run any DOS programs in that directory inDOSBox. If those DOS programs are self-contained executables, it'senough simply to copy them onto a suitable sub-directory in  ~/dos/c  and run them within DOSBox. For other programs, you may need to run their installers. Consult the [WWW] compatibility list for details for each one.

It is also possible to mount removeable disks in this way; simply specify the path to the removeable disk instead.

For a more technical discussion of the mount command in DOSBox, consult the [WWW] manual page for that command.

Note that many of the examples on the official DOSBox will seemto be specific to MS-DOS or Windows. Where you see a Windows-type pathlike  C:/OLDGAMES  , simply read a Linux-style path. The result of the commands should be the same.

Mounting Disk Images: the " imgmount " command

It is also possible(and in many cases desireable) to mount disk images in DOSBox, using the  imgmount  command.

Most commonly, this is used to mount CD-ROM images. To mount aCD-ROM image in DOSBox, execute the following command in DOSBox:

 imgmount d /path/to/cd/image.iso -t iso 

This will mount an .iso to the DOSBox virtual machine as a CD-ROM.

A more technical discussion of the imgmount command can be found at [WWW] its manual page

Note that many of the examples on the official DOSBox will seemto be specific to MS-DOS or Windows. Where you see a Windows-type pathlike  C:/OLDGAMES  , simply read a Linux-style path. The result of the commands should be the same.

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参考文章《DOS的古董美》 win95b_osr2.1.iso DOSBOX 0.74 可以安装的Windows95B OSR2.1 摘录内容: 有了以上的工具,后就可以开始安装操作系统了。除DOSBOX仅支持 DOS 和 Windows 3.x 外,其它工具基本上支持各种操作系统的安装。具体安装过程序就不展开了,对于 DOSBOX,配置命令比较容易掌握,相当于使用DOS系统,用它来安装 Windows 3.x 就像在DOS安装其它程序一样。使用内置的 Mount 来映射安装目录来一个当作C盘的目录即可以运行 Windows 3.x 安装程序。DOSBOX 也可以安装Windows 95,借用Bochs的磁盘工具bximage来创建用于安装Windows95的系统盘,再用这个盘来启动就可以了。D-Fend是一个DOSBOX配置的图形界面工具,如果不熟悉DOSBOX则可以使用它来帮助配置。当然不用配置也可以直接运行 DOSBOX,像以下这条命令就可以开始无调试窗口运行,并且将 watcom 目录加载为 C 盘,同时还设置了 CPU 的模拟速度: DOSBox.exe -noconsole -c "mount c c:\watcom" -c "config -set 'cpu cycles=10000'" DOSBOX安装Windows95步骤参考,注意imgmount命令执行方式选择很重要,不正确的参数可能导致磁盘不被识别。本机使用官方的0.74版本,系统为 Windows 7 64位。DosBox-X是不错的版本,在GitHub上有下载,还有DosBox Svn Daum 版。借用Bochs的磁盘工具bximage创建一个160MB的flat模式硬盘映像c.img,得到参数CHS=325/16/63,扇区大小使用默认的512字节,将这些参数用来设备DOSBOX的映像装载命令,如下如果第一条命令装入磁盘无法识别,可以替换第二条试试。然后,通过Windows 98引导盘来分区、格式化,最后安装系统到映像上,最后修改DOSBOX为硬盘启动。期间可能需要用到Bootice这个工具来修改引导区的信息。 # 1. load image into dosbox IMGMOUNT 2 .\bochs\c.img -t hdd -fs none -size 512,63,16,325 IMGMOUNT c .\bochs\c.img -t hdd # 2. load floppy into dosbox and boot it IMGMOUNT a .\bochs\win98.img -t floppy boot .\vpc\win98.img -l a # 3. use fdisk to create primary partition & format it fdisk format /q /v:win95 c: # 4. mount windows cdrom or image & setup & boot windows # SMARTDRV.EXE & #13895-OEM-0000716-68627 may be useful IMGMOUNT D .\win95b_osr2.1.iso -t iso boot -l c


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