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原创 pip install * 总提示网络连接失败?(更换国内源,即可!)

NOTE:清华源。(亲测,可用!@2019年7月)例如:pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple numpypip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple pandaspip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua...

2019-07-23 10:27:21 5857 2

转载 科研写作·指南

来源:科学网博客,作者黄合来,中南大学交通运输工程学院。原文标题《实证型高水平英文论文基本结构与写作体会 》。版权归原作者所有。一整套超实用论文写作模板!建议写作顺序Method→Data→Results→Introduction→Discussion→Conclusion→Abstract→References。论文各部分写作内容与注意事项:1 Ab...

2019-07-12 15:12:01 431

原创 (阅读笔记CVIU2024)Multimodel fore-/background alignment for seam-based parallax-tolerant image stitching

大视差图像拼接是一个具有挑战性的计算机视觉问题。尽管提出了现有的基于接缝的方法来获得令人满意的结果,但是仍然会发生诸如对象错位、消失和重复之类的问题。针对这些问题,本文提出了一种新的基于接缝的视差容差图像拼接方法,该方法利用多个扭曲模型精确对齐背景和前景区域. 为了基于深度变化对象的特征对应性估计各种空间平滑模型,引入了一种迭代算法,该算法通过为数据分配权重来选择内点并求解网格扭曲模型。此外,我们在选择和分组未对齐特征对的基础上构造前景像素的匹配置信度,从而惩罚接缝切割的重复。

2024-05-16 16:40:07 242

原创 (阅读笔记arXiv2023)Seam-guided local alignment and stitching for large parallax images

在图像拼接的合成步骤中,特别是对于具有视差的图像,接缝切割方法已经被证明是有效的。然而,接缝切割的有效性通常依赖于图像的粗略对齐,使得图像中存在一个局部区域,在该区域内可以找到看似合理的接缝,对于视差较大的图像,现有的对齐方法往往达不到预期的效果。本文提出了一种以接缝质量评价为指导的局部对齐和拼接方法. 首先,利用现有的图像对齐和接缝分割方法计算出初始接缝,并对接缝处的像素质量进行评价。然后,对于低质量的像素,在对齐图像中分离其封闭块,并通过SIFT流提取修改的稠密对应来局部对齐它们。

2024-05-11 15:16:12 1047 1

原创 (阅读笔记 arXiv2023)Parallax-Tolerant Image Stitching with Epipolar Displacement

Yu, J., Yu, Y., & Da, F. (2023). Parallax-Tolerant Image Stitching with Epipolar Displacement Field. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.16637.

2024-04-01 17:07:12 158

原创 学习次模函数-第2章 定义

次模函数可以由几个等价的性质来定义,我们现在就来介绍。加法测度是集合函数的第一个例子,其中基数是最简单的例子。众所周知的基数性质是,对于任意两个集合,则,这推广到所有的加法测度。当且仅当,前面的等式对于的所有子集一个集合函数是次模的当且仅当,对于所有的子集,我们有:。注意,如果一个函数是次模的,并且使得(我们总是假设),则对于任意两个不相交的集合,则,即: 次模性意味着次可加性(但反之则不成立)。如前所述,次模函数的最简单的例子是基数(例如,是。

2024-03-24 14:51:21 417

原创 学习次模函数-第1章 引言

在这本专著中,次模函数的理论以一种独立的方式呈现,所有结果都是从机器学习中常见的凸分析的第一原理证明的,而不是依赖于组合优化和传统的理论计算机科学概念,如拟阵或流(见,例如, [72]有关这些方法的参考书)。此外,我们提出的算法是基于传统的凸优化算法,如单纯形法线性规划,二次规划的有效集方法,椭球方法,切割平面,和条件梯度。,在计算机科学和应用数学的许多领域中有应用,例如机器学习[125,157,117,124],计算机视觉[31,96],运筹学[98,182],电气网络[162]或经济学[203]。

2024-03-24 11:30:39 471 2

原创 阅读笔记(MM2023)Learning pixel-wise alignment for unsupervised image stitching


2024-03-23 16:17:20 1125 2

原创 阅读笔记(ICIP2023)Rectangular-Output Image Stitching


2024-03-23 13:29:01 930

原创 阅读笔记(arXiv2022)Submodularity In Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


2024-03-20 19:49:13 957

原创 阅读笔记(CVPR2020)Warping Residual Based Image Stitching for Large Parallax


2024-03-19 21:10:47 333

原创 阅读笔记(NPL2023)Deep learning on image stitching with multi-viewpoint images: A survey

Yan N, Mei Y, Xu L, et al. Deep learning on image stitching with multi-viewpoint images: A survey[J]. Neural Processing Letters, 2023: 1-36.

2024-02-21 14:28:41 458

原创 阅读笔记(TMM2022)Image stitching with manifold optimization

Zhang L, Huang H. Image stitching with manifold optimization[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.

2024-02-20 16:35:30 140

原创 阅读笔记(TMM2021)Natural image stitching with layered warping constraint

Zhang Z, Yang X, Xu C. Natural image stitching with layered warping constraint[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2021.

2024-02-20 16:33:14 125

原创 阅读笔记(IET-IP2021)Image stitching method by multi‐feature constrained alignment and colour adjustment

Yuan X, Zheng Y, Zhao W, et al. Image stitching method by multi‐feature constrained alignment and colour adjustment[J]. IET Image Processing, 2021, 15(7): 1499-1507.

2024-02-20 16:31:35 126

原创 阅读笔记(MTA2021) Image stitching by feature positioning and seam elimination

Qin Y, Li J, Jiang P, et al. Image stitching by feature positioning and seam elimination[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2021, 80: 20869-20881.

2024-02-20 16:30:27 126

原创 阅读笔记(CSVT2021)Stable linear structures and seam measurements for parallax image stitching

Xue W, Xie W, Zhang Y, et al. Stable linear structures and seam measurements for parallax image stitching[J]. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, 2021, 32(1): 253-261.

2024-02-20 16:29:23 133

原创 阅读笔记(PR2021)Image stitching based on angle-consistent warping

Chen Y, Zheng H, Ma Y, et al. Image stitching based on angle-consistent warping[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2021, 117: 107993.

2024-02-20 16:28:29 96

原创 阅读笔记(CVPR2021)Leveraging line-point consistence to preserve structures for wide parallax image stitc

Jia Q, Li Z J, Fan X, et al. Leveraging line-point consistence to preserve structures for wide parallax image stitching[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2021: 12186-12195.

2024-02-20 16:27:44 114

原创 阅读笔记(PAA2021)A robust method for image stitching

Pellikka M, Lahtinen V. A robust method for image stitching[J]. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2021, 24(4): 1847-1858.

2024-02-20 16:26:48 92

原创 阅读笔记(TIP2021)Image stitching based on semantic planar region consensus

Li A, Guo J, Guo Y. Image stitching based on semantic planar region consensus[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021, 30: 5545-5558.

2024-02-20 16:25:45 145

原创 阅读笔记(SPL2021)End-to-end image stitching network via multi-homography estimation

Song D Y, Um G M, Lee H K, et al. End-to-end image stitching network via multi-homography estimation[J]. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2021, 28: 763-767.

2024-02-20 16:24:45 128

原创 阅读笔记(PR2021)Edge-guided composition network for image stitching

Dai Q, Fang F, Li J, et al. Edge-guided composition network for image stitching[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2021, 118: 108019.

2024-02-20 16:23:53 135

原创 阅读笔记(Neurocomputing2021)Image stitching via deep homography estimation


2024-02-20 16:22:32 166

原创 阅读笔记(Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2022)Endoscope image mosaic based on pyramid ORB


2024-02-20 16:20:29 268

原创 阅读笔记(ECCV2020)Content-Aware Unsupervised Deep Homography Estimation

Zhang J, Wang C, Liu S, et al. Content-aware unsupervised deep homography estimation[C]//Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020, Proceedings, Part I 16. Springer International Publishing, 2020: 653-669.Part of

2024-02-20 16:17:10 318

原创 阅读笔记(Multimedia Systems2020)Review on image-stitching techniques


2024-02-20 16:13:07 292

原创 阅读笔记(TIP2019)Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Stitched Images for Virtual Reality

Madhusudana P C, Soundararajan R. Subjective and objective quality assessment of stitched images for virtual reality[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019, 28(11): 5620-5635.

2024-02-18 08:32:26 470 1

原创 阅读笔记(SiVP2019)The image stitching algorithm based on aggregated star groups

Qiu S, Zhou D, Du Y. The image stitching algorithm based on aggregated star groups[J]. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2019, 13: 227-235.

2024-02-18 08:31:45 301 1

原创 阅读笔记(Neurocomputing 2016)Stitching contaminated images

Li C, Liu Z Y, Yang X, et al. Stitching contaminated images[J]. Neurocomputing, 2016, 214: 829-836.

2024-02-18 08:30:59 395 1

原创 阅读笔记(ICIP2017)Wide-angle image stitching using multi-homography warping

Xu B, Jia Y. Wide-angle image stitching using multi-homography warping[C]//2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). IEEE, 2017: 1467-1471.

2024-02-18 08:30:01 700 1

原创 阅读笔记(CVPR2015)Adaptive As-Natural-As-Possible Image Stitching

Lin C C, Pankanti S U, Natesan Ramamurthy K, et al. Adaptive as-natural-as-possible image stitching[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2015: 1155-1163.

2024-02-18 08:29:12 1334 6

原创 阅读笔记(ECCV2016)Natural image stitching with the global similarity prior

Yung-Yu Chuang大神组出品的大作。

2024-02-18 08:28:33 1344 1

原创 阅读笔记(CVPR2014)Parallax-Tolerant image stitching

Zhang F, Liu F. Parallax-tolerant image stitching[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2014: 3262-3269.

2024-02-18 08:27:39 1097 1

原创 阅读笔记(ICCV2017)Color Consistency Correction Based on Remapping Optimization for Image Stitching


2024-02-18 08:22:51 1058 1

原创 阅读笔记(TOG2013)Rectangling Panoramic Images via Warping

He K, Chang H, Sun J. Rectangling panoramic images via warping[J]. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2013, 32(4): 1-10.

2024-02-17 16:56:12 898 1

原创 阅读笔记(SOFT COMPUTING 2018)Seam elimination based on Curvelet for image stitching


2024-02-17 16:55:39 958 1

原创 阅读笔记(IJCV2007)Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features

Brown M, Lowe D G. Automatic panoramic image stitching using invariant features[J]. International journal of computer vision, 2007, 74: 59-73.

2024-02-17 16:55:19 1158 2

原创 阅读笔记(BMSB 2018)Video Stitching Based on Optical Flow


2024-02-17 16:54:44 1555 1

原创 阅读笔记(TIP2019)Single-Perspective Warps in Natural Image Stitching

Liao T, Li N. Single-perspective warps in natural image stitching[J]. IEEE transactions on image processing, 2019, 29: 724-735.

2024-02-17 16:54:22 559 1

Parallax-Tolerant Image Stitching with Epipolar Displacement

Parallax-Tolerant Image Stitching with Epipolar Displacement


Learning edge-preserved image stitching from

Learning edge-preserved image stitching from


A view-free image stitching network based on global homography

A view-free image stitching network based on global homography


Learning with Submodular Functions: A Convex Optimization Perspe

Learning with Submodular Functions: A Convex Optimization Perspe


Learning pixel-wise alignment for unsupervised image stitching

Learning pixel-wise alignment for unsupervised image stitching


阅读笔记(ICIP2023)Rectangular-Output Image Stitching

阅读笔记(ICIP2023)Rectangular-Output Image Stitching


(Neurocomputing21)Image stitching via deep homography estimation

(Neurocomputing21)Image stitching via deep homography estimation


Warping Residual Based Image Stitching for Large Parallax

Warping Residual Based Image Stitching for Large Parallax


(ICCV 2023)Parallax-Tolerant Unsupervised Deep Image Stitching

(ICCV 2023)Parallax-Tolerant Unsupervised Deep Image Stitching






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Discrete Convex Analysis(离散凸分析)

《Discrete Convex Analysis》 discrete convex analysis” integer-valued functions defined integerlattice points. theoryparallels ordi-nary convex analysis, covering discrete analogues fundamentalcon.












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