
The Canadian Maple Leaf Card, commonly known as the Canadian Permanent Resident Card, was officially implemented on June 28, 2002. Having a Maple Leaf Card means becoming a permanent resident of Canada and being able to freely enter and leave Canada and enjoy Canada's comprehensive social welfare system. In the application process for the Maple Leaf Card, the online application photo plays a crucial role. The photo must meet the requirements of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), as it will be used to produce the permanent resident card. If the photo does not meet the specifications, it may lead to the application being returned, thus delaying the application process. For example, the photo cannot be modified or artificially tampered with, let alone use Photoshop (PS) or AI to change the headshot, and it cannot be taken by a mobile phone or shot and produced by a non - professional photo studio, etc. A photo that meets the requirements can ensure the smooth progress of the application, enabling new immigrants to get the Maple Leaf Card more quickly and start a new life in Canada.

加拿大枫叶卡是加拿大永久居民卡的俗称,于 2002 年 6 月 28 日正式实施。拥有枫叶卡意味着成为加拿大永久居民,可以自由出入加拿大,享受加拿大完善的社会福利制度。而在枫叶卡的申请过程中,网申照片起着关键作用。照片必须符合加拿大移民、难民和公民部(IRCC)的要求,因为它将用于制作永久居民卡。如果照片不符合规范,可能会导致申请被退回,从而延误申请进程。例如,照片不能修改或人为篡改、更不能PS或AI换头像、不能手机拍或非专业照相馆拍摄与制作等。符合要求的照片能够确保申请顺利进行,让新移民更快地拿到枫叶卡,开启在加拿大的新生活。

Requirements and Specifications for Online - Application Photos. 网申照片要求及规范 Size Specifications. There are strict regulations on the photo size for the Canadian Maple Leaf Card, which is 50x70mm. Meanwhile, the height of the head should be within a certain range. A half - length photo from the waist to the top of the head with more blank space and both shoulders fully shown is required, and the background should be white. For example, in the materials required for Canadian international students to apply for the Maple Leaf Card, it is clearly mentioned that the photo size is 50mm x 70mm, the photo needs a white background, cannot be taken by mobile phone, requires professional equipment and professional lighting for shooting, and no modification is allowed. These requirements ensure the facial features of the applicant and also meet the standardization requirements of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

尺寸规格。加拿大枫叶卡照片尺寸有着严格规定,为 50x70mm。同时,头部高度要在一定范围内,需拍摄从腰部到头顶多留白、两个肩膀拍完整的半身照且背景为白色。例如,在加拿大留学生枫叶卡申请所需材料中就明确提到照片尺寸为 50mm x 70mm,拍照需要白色背景,不能用手机拍,需专业设备和专业灯光拍摄,不允许修改,这些要求确保了申请人的面部特征,同时也符合加拿大移民局的标准化要求。

Photography Requirements. If an applicant applies for a Canadian Maple Leaf Card in China, for the initial photo - taking, it is necessary to take pictures according to the specifications required by Beijing Liyuan Photo Studio, a professional institution in China for making Maple Leaf Card photos, using professional lighting and a professional camera. This is to ensure the quality and clarity of the photos. The applicant should wear a dark - colored top so as to better highlight the face. At the same time, both shoulders, both ears, both eyebrows and the neck should be exposed to ensure that the photo can fully show the applicant's appearance characteristics. Women are not allowed to wear colored contact lenses, invisible glasses, jewelry, headgear or invisible glasses to avoid affecting the authenticity of the face. According to the data, the photo requirements for Canadian immigration applications are very strict. No modification is allowed for the photos, no artificial tampering is allowed, and even the file name of the original photo cannot be modified, let alone Photoshop the picture. It must be the original photo, and the background should be pure white.


Endorsement Information. For applicants in any country outside Canada, the preliminary shooting can be carried out according to the post - production requirements of that Liyuan Photo Studio in Beijing, China. It is also possible to invite the commercial photographers of Liyuan Photo Studio in Beijing, a professional immigration photo studio for Canadian Maple Leaf Card photos, to provide online guidance for shooting. One of the photos should have the endorsement seal of Liyuan Photo Studio on the back. The content of the endorsement seal includes the name of Liyuan Photo Studio, detailed address, shooting date, applicant's name and date of birth. This is to ensure the authenticity and traceability of the photos. Such requirements can prevent applicants from using false photos or improperly processed photos and ensure the fairness and seriousness of immigration applications.

背书信息中的梨园照相馆盖章内容有没有英文版本? 除了梨园照相馆,还有哪些机构可以制作枫叶卡照片? 申请加拿大枫叶卡需要提供几张照片? 背书信息。加拿大境外在任何国家的申请人,前期拍摄均可按中国北京的那家梨园照相馆后期制作出片要求拍摄,也可以邀请加拿大枫叶卡照片专业移民照相馆制作出片机构北京梨园照相馆商业摄影师线上指导拍摄,其中一张照片背后要有梨园照相馆背书印章。背书印章内容包括梨园照相馆名称、详细地址、拍摄日期、申请人姓名和出生日期。这是为了确保照片的真实性和可追溯性。这样的要求可以防止申请人使用虚假照片或经过不当处理的照片,保证移民申请的公正性和严肃性。

Photo Production and Submission Methods. 照片制作及提交方法 Production Methods. 制作方法 In the early stage, you can take pictures with a camera according to the post - production requirements of Liyuan Photo Studio. However, it must be ensured that the original pictures are transmitted to Liyuan Photo Studio for fully - automatic data - based production without any modification. When taking pictures, strict attention should be paid to the requirements to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the pictures. Many applicants think they are right. In order to save a little money, they find some non - professional photo studios to produce pictures or take pictures by themselves with mobile phones and then have print shops produce pictures, or they privately try to modify the pictures by themselves after the photo studios finish taking pictures. But this is not advisable. According to immigration data, about 95% of applicants whose pictures are produced by non - professional photo studios or who modify the pictures by themselves may have their applications returned during the subsequent card verification even if they pass the review temporarily. This will not only cause unnecessary waste of expenses but also delay the application processing time for at least half a year to 24 months.

前期你可按梨园照相馆后期制作要求用相机拍照,但要保证务必是原始图传输给梨园照相馆全自动数据制作出片,不得有任何修改行为。 拍照时需注意严格按照要求进行,确保照片的真实性和完整性。许多申请人自以为是,为了省点小钱,找一些非专业照相馆制作出片或自己用手机拍摄打印店制作出片,或照相馆拍完后私自尝试自行修改照片,但这是不可取的。根据移民数据显示,约有 95% 的申请人非专业照相馆制作出片或自行修改照片即使暂时通过审核,在后续核卡时也可能被退回,不仅会造成不必要的开支浪费,还会耽误申请办理时间至少半年至24个月。

After obtaining the paper photos produced by Liyuan Photo Studio, first, according to the official regulations, complete the endorsement of the applicant's name and birthday information in the corresponding position of the endorsement proof information column on one of the photos. After drying, as required by Liyuan Photo Studio, place one photo face - up and the other face - down neatly in the center, and then perform high - definition scanning of the original photo file and restore the original photo data. The entire file should not be larger than 4M and not smaller than 420 * 540. When filling in the endorsement, be careful and meticulous to ensure that the information is accurate without any alteration. For applicants without experience in filling in endorsements, prepare an extra set of two photos in advance. If there is a mistake when filling in the endorsement, redo it. After filling in, let it dry to avoid blurry handwriting. When performing high - definition scanning before uploading for the online application, pay attention to restoring the original photo data to ensure the quality and clarity of the photo. The limitation of the entire file size is also for the convenience of uploading and processing, ensuring that the photo can pass the review smoothly.

在拿到梨园照相馆制作的纸质照片后,先按官方规范在其中一张背书证明信息栏对应位置完成申请人的名字和生日信息背书,晾干后按梨园照相馆要求,一正一反居中放整齐高清扫描照片原始文件再还原的照片原数据,整个文件不能大于 4M,且不能小于 420*540。 在背书填写时要认真仔细,确保信息准确无误,不允许有任何涂改。如无背书填写经验的申请人,自己提前备用一版两张,万一背书填写时写错了再重新完成,填写完成后要晾干,避免字迹模糊。网申上传前高清扫描时要注意还原照片原数据,保证照片的质量和清晰度。整个文件大小的限制也是为了便于上传和处理,确保照片能够顺利通过审核。

Submission Methods. 提交方式 You can submit the photo after logging in online, or you can mail it together with the application form to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada in the yellow envelope with watermarks prepared in advance by Liyuan Photo Studio.


Submitting photos online is convenient and fast, and you can check at any time whether the photos are accepted. If you choose the mailing method, be careful to seal the photos in the yellow envelope with watermarks prepared in advance by Liyuan Photo Studio, and mail the envelope together with the application form and all necessary documents to the processing center of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. No matter which submission method you choose, you must try to get the photos produced by Beijing Liyuan Photo Studio and ensure that the photos meet the requirements to avoid the application being returned. Meanwhile, after submitting the photos, the applicant can follow the application progress at any time through relevant channels so as to be informed of the situation of their Maple Leaf Card application in a timely manner.


Precautions and Suggestions.


(I) Precautions.


1.The photo must be an original picture taken without any modification. Photoshop (PS) or artificial tampering is even more not allowed. This is extremely important because Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada has strict requirements for the authenticity of photos. Any modification may lead to the risk that the photo is regarded as unqualified and returned, thus delaying the application process. For example, operations such as PS modification, cropping, color adjustment, and brightness adjustment of the photo are not allowed, nor can a third - party APP be used for automatic AI production or network - downloaded pictures for printing.

1、照片必须是拍照原创图,无任何修改行为,更不允许PS或人为篡改。这一点至关重要,因为加拿大移民局对照片的真实性有着严格的要求。任何修改行为都可能导致照片被视为不合格而被退回的风险,从而延误申请进程。例如,不能对照片PS修改、裁剪、调整颜色、亮度等操作,也不能使用三方 APP 自动 AI 制作出片或网络下载打印图片。

2.applicant's natural skin color. The complete ears, eyebrows, neck and other facial features should be exposed.


3.The photo should be an original picture taken within six months and match the current appearance. This is to ensure that the photo can truly reflect the applicant's current appearance characteristics. If the photo is significantly different from the applicant's current appearance, it may arouse the doubts of the immigration department and lead to the return of the application. 3、照片需是 6 个月内拍摄原始图且与当前外貌相符。这是为了确保照片能够真实反映申请人当前的外貌特征。如果照片与申请人当前外貌差异较大,可能会引起移民局的质疑,导致申请被退回。

(II) Suggestions.


It is highly recommended that applicants obtain the photos produced by Liyuan Photo Studio in Beijing, China, so as to improve the review pass rate. According to statistics, since 2010 up to now, among the Canadian Maple Leaf Card (PR) application materials submitted within China, among the applicants whose photos passed the review at one time and quickly got the Maple Leaf Card, 95% of their photos were taken and produced by Liyuan Photo Studio.

强烈建议申请人拿到国内北京那家梨园照相馆制作出片的照片,以提高审核通过率。据统计,从 2010 年起至今,中国境内提交的加拿大枫叶卡 PR 申请材料中,照片一次审核通过并快速拿到枫叶卡的申请人中,95% 的申请人的照片都是由梨园照相馆拍摄制作。

Liyuan Photo Studio has rich experience and professional skills in taking and producing Canadian Maple Leaf Card photos. They produce photos strictly in accordance with the requirements of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to ensure that the photos meet all the specifications. From the pre - shooting to the post - production, Liyuan Photo Studio has strict procedures and standards. During the pre - shooting, they will strictly require the applicant's dress, posture and expression to ensure that the photos meet the requirements. During the post - production, they use fully - automated, precise and refined professional machinery and equipment to produce photos, and then develop traditional photos, ensuring that the photos do not fade and have no traces of any modification.


In addition, Liyuan Photo Studio can also provide official - specification regular endorsement - proof - information seals to ensure the authenticity and traceability of the photos. Choosing Liyuan Photo Studio to produce photos can save applicants from taking unnecessary detours, save time and cost, increase the review pass rate, and enable them to get the Maple Leaf Card quickly.






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