


Option Explicit
    Size        As Long
    Width       As Long
    Height      As Long
    Planes      As Integer
    Bitcount    As Integer
    Reserved    As Long
    ImageSize   As Long
End Type

    bWidth            As Byte
    bHeight           As Byte
    bColorCount       As Byte
    bReserved         As Byte
    wPlanes           As Integer
    wBitCount         As Integer
    dwBytesInRes      As Long
    dwImageOffset     As Long
End Type

    Reserved          As Integer
   Type              As Integer
    Count             As Integer
End Type

    Bits()            As Byte
End Type

Public Enum Errors
End Enum
Public Function ReplaceIcons(Source As String, Dest As String, Error As String) As Long

    Dim IcoDir As ICON_DIR
    Dim IcoDirEntry As ICON_DIR_ENTRY
    Dim tBits As DIB_BITS
    Dim Icons() As IconDescriptor
    Dim lngRet As Long
    Dim BytesRead As Long
    Dim hSource As Long
    Dim hDest As Long
    Dim ResTree As Long

    hSource = CreateFile(Source, ByVal &H80000000, 0, ByVal 0&, 3, 0, ByVal 0)
    If hSource >= 0 Then
        If Valid_ICO(hSource) Then
            SetFilePointer hSource, 0, 0, 0
            ReadFile hSource, IcoDir, 6, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
            ReadFile hSource, IcoDirEntry, 16, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
            SetFilePointer hSource, IcoDirEntry.dwImageOffset, 0, 0
            ReDim tBits.Bits(IcoDirEntry.dwBytesInRes) As Byte
            ReadFile hSource, tBits.Bits(0), IcoDirEntry.dwBytesInRes, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
            CloseHandle hSource
            hDest = CreateFile(Dest, ByVal (&H80000000 Or &H40000000), 0, ByVal 0&, 3, 0, ByVal 0)
            If hDest >= 0 Then
                If Valid_PE(hDest) Then
                    ResTree = GetResTreeOffset(hDest)
                    If ResTree > 308 Then                  ' Sanity check
                        lngRet = GetIconOffsets(hDest, ResTree, Icons)
                        SetFilePointer hDest, Icons(1).Offset, 0, 0
                        WriteFile hDest, tBits.Bits(0), UBound(tBits.Bits), BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                        If Not HackDirectories(hDest, ResTree, Icons(1).Offset, IcoDirEntry) Then
                            eRR.Raise CANT_HACK_HEADERS, App.EXEName, "Unable to modify directories in target executable.  File may not contain any icon resources."
                        End If
                        eRR.Raise NO_RESOURCE_TREE, App.EXEName, Dest & " does not contain a valid resource tree.  File may be corrupt."
                        CloseHandle hDest
                    End If
                    eRR.Raise INVALID_PE_SIGNATURE, App.EXEName, Dest & " is not a valid Win32 executable."
                    CloseHandle hDest
                End If
                CloseHandle hDest
                eRR.Raise FILE_CREATE_FAILED, App.EXEName, "Failed to open " & Dest & ". Make sure file is not in use by another program."
            End If
            eRR.Raise INVALID_ICO, App.EXEName, Source & " is not a valid icon resource file."
            CloseHandle hSource
        End If
        eRR.Raise FILE_CREATE_FAILED, App.EXEName, "Failed to open " & Source & ". Make sure file is not in use by another program."
    End If
    ReplaceIcons = 0
    Exit Function
    ReplaceIcons = eRR.Number
    Error = eRR.Description
End Function
Public Function Valid_ICO(hFile As Long) As Boolean
    Dim tDir          As ICON_DIR
    Dim BytesRead     As Long
    If (hFile > 0) Then
        ReadFile hFile, tDir, Len(tDir), BytesRead, ByVal 0&
        If (tDir.Reserved = 0) And (tDir.Type = 1) And (tDir.Count > 0) Then
            Valid_ICO = True
            Valid_ICO = False
        End If
        Valid_ICO = False
    End If
End Function


Option Explicit
    Magic    As Integer
    cblp     As Integer
    cp       As Integer
    crlc     As Integer
    cparhdr  As Integer
    minalloc As Integer
    maxalloc As Integer
    ss       As Integer
    sp       As Integer
    csum     As Integer
    ip       As Integer
    cs       As Integer
    lfarlc   As Integer
    ovno     As Integer
    res(3)   As Integer
    oemid    As Integer
    oeminfo  As Integer
    res2(9)  As Integer
    lfanew      As Long
End Type

    Machine              As Integer
    NumberOfSections     As Integer
    TimeDateStamp        As Long
    PointerToSymbolTable As Long
    NumberOfSymbols      As Long
    SizeOfOtionalHeader  As Integer
    Characteristics      As Integer
End Type

    DataRVA     As Long
    DataSize    As Long
End Type

    Magic             As Integer
    MajorLinkVer      As Byte
    MinorLinkVer      As Byte
    CodeSize          As Long
    InitDataSize      As Long
    unInitDataSize    As Long
    EntryPoint        As Long
    CodeBase          As Long
    DataBase          As Long
    ImageBase         As Long
    SectionAlignment  As Long
    FileAlignment     As Long
    MajorOSVer        As Integer
    MinorOSVer        As Integer
    MajorImageVer     As Integer
    MinorImageVer     As Integer
    MajorSSVer        As Integer
    MinorSSVer        As Integer
    Win32Ver          As Long
    ImageSize         As Long
    HeaderSize        As Long
    Checksum          As Long
    Subsystem         As Integer
    DLLChars          As Integer
    StackRes          As Long
    StackCommit       As Long
    HeapReserve       As Long
    HeapCommit        As Long
    LoaderFlags       As Long
    RVAsAndSizes      As Long
    DataEntries(15)   As IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY
End Type

    SectionName(7)    As Byte
    Address           As Long
    VirtualAddress    As Long
    SizeOfData        As Long
    PData             As Long
    PReloc            As Long
    PLineNums         As Long
    RelocCount        As Integer
    LineCount         As Integer
    Characteristics   As Long
End Type

    Characteristics   As Long
    TimeStamp         As Long
    MajorVersion      As Integer
    MinorVersion      As Integer
    NamedEntries      As Integer
    IDEntries         As Integer
End Type

    Name              As Long
    Offset            As Long
End Type

    Offset            As Long
    Size              As Long
    CodePage          As Long
    Reserved          As Long
End Type

Public Type IconDescriptor
    ID       As Long
    Offset   As Long
    Size     As Long
End Type

Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Public Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As Any, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
Public Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
Public Declare Function SetFilePointer Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lDistanceToMove As Long, lpDistanceToMoveHigh As Long, ByVal dwMoveMethod As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

Private SectionAlignment   As Long
Private FileAlignment      As Long
Private ResSectionRVA      As Long
Private ResSectionOffset   As Long
Public Function Valid_PE(hFile As Long) As Boolean
    Dim Buffer(12)      As Byte
    Dim lngBytesRead    As Long
    Dim tDosHeader      As IMAGE_DOS_HEADER

    If (hFile > 0) Then
        ReadFile hFile, tDosHeader, ByVal Len(tDosHeader), lngBytesRead, ByVal 0&
        CopyMemory Buffer(0), tDosHeader.Magic, 2
        If (Chr(Buffer(0)) & Chr(Buffer(1)) = "MZ") Then
            SetFilePointer hFile, tDosHeader.lfanew, 0, 0
            ReadFile hFile, Buffer(0), 4, lngBytesRead, ByVal 0&
            If (Chr(Buffer(0)) = "P") And (Chr(Buffer(1)) = "E") And (Buffer(2) = 0) And (Buffer(3) = 0) Then
                Valid_PE = True
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
    End If

    Valid_PE = False

End Function
Public Function GetResTreeOffset(hFile As Long) As Long
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler:

    Dim tDos          As IMAGE_DOS_HEADER
    Dim tFile         As IMAGE_FILE_HEADER
    Dim tOptional     As IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER
    Dim tSections()   As IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
    Dim BytesRead     As Long
    Dim intC          As Integer
    Dim TreeFound     As Boolean

    TreeFound = False
    If (hFile > 0) Then
        SetFilePointer hFile, 0, 0, 0
        ' Get the offset of the Image File Header
        ReadFile hFile, tDos, Len(tDos), BytesRead, ByVal 0&
        SetFilePointer hFile, ByVal tDos.lfanew + 4, 0, 0
        ' Get the Image File Header and the Image Optional Header
        ReadFile hFile, tFile, Len(tFile), BytesRead, ByVal 0&
        ReadFile hFile, tOptional, Len(tOptional), BytesRead, ByVal 0&
        ' Get section headers
        ReDim tSections(tFile.NumberOfSections - 1) As IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
        ReadFile hFile, tSections(0), Len(tSections(0)) * tFile.NumberOfSections, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
        ' Make sure there is a resource tree in this file
        If (tOptional.DataEntries(2).DataSize) Then
            ' Save section alignment and file alignment of image
            SectionAlignment = tOptional.SectionAlignment
            FileAlignment = tOptional.FileAlignment
            ' Determine which section contains the resource tree
            For intC = 0 To UBound(tSections)
                If (tSections(intC).VirtualAddress <= tOptional.DataEntries(2).DataRVA) _
                        And ((tSections(intC).VirtualAddress + tSections(intC).SizeOfData) > tOptional.DataEntries(2).DataRVA) Then
                    TreeFound = True
                    ' Save RVA and offset of resource section for future calculations
                    ResSectionRVA = tSections(intC).VirtualAddress
                    ResSectionOffset = tSections(intC).PData
                    ' Calculate the physical file offset of the resouce tree
                    GetResTreeOffset = tSections(intC).PData + (tOptional.DataEntries(2).DataRVA - tSections(intC).VirtualAddress)
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next intC
            If Not TreeFound Then
                GetResTreeOffset = -1
            End If
            GetResTreeOffset = -1
        End If
        GetResTreeOffset = -1
    End If
    Exit Function

    MsgBox "An error occurred while locating the resource tree. " _
            & " Please make sure neither of the specified files are in use.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, _
            App.EXEName & " - " & eRR.Description

End Function
Public Function GetIconOffsets(hFile As Long, TreeOffset As Long, Icons() As IconDescriptor) As Long
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler:

    Dim Root          As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR                ' Root node of resource tree
    Dim L1Entries()   As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY                ' 1st level of directory entries
    Dim L2Root()      As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR                ' Level 2 resource directories
    Dim L2Entries()   As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY                ' 2nd level of directory entries
    Dim L3Root()      As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR                ' Level 3 resource directories
    Dim L3Entries()   As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY                ' 3rd level of directory entries
    Dim DataEntries() As RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY               ' Resource data entries
    Dim DIB           As DIB_HEADER                        ' Descriptor for icon images
    Dim iLvl1         As Integer                           ' Loop Counter (first level)
    Dim iLvl2         As Integer                           ' Loop Counter (second level)
    Dim iLvl3         As Integer                           ' Loop Counter (third level)
    Dim Cursor        As Long                              ' Temp val for setting file pointer
    Dim BytesRead     As Long                              ' For ReadFile()
    Dim Count         As Integer                           ' Number of icons found

    If (hFile > 0) Then
        Count = 0
        SetFilePointer hFile, ByVal TreeOffset, 0, 0
        ' Get the root node and begin navigating the resource tree
        ReadFile hFile, Root, Len(Root), BytesRead, ByVal 0
        ReDim L2Root(Root.NamedEntries + Root.IDEntries) As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR
        ReDim L1Entries(Root.NamedEntries + Root.IDEntries) As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY
        ' Get first level child nodes
        For iLvl1 = 1 To (Root.NamedEntries + Root.IDEntries)
            SetFilePointer hFile, TreeOffset + 8 + (iLvl1 * 8), 0, 0
            ReadFile hFile, L1Entries(iLvl1), 8, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
            If L1Entries(iLvl1).Name = 3 Then
                ' Jump to level 2 and get directory
                '     Strip high-order byte from offset
                CopyMemory Cursor, L1Entries(iLvl1).Offset, 3
                Cursor = Cursor + TreeOffset
                SetFilePointer hFile, ByVal Cursor, 0, 0
                ReadFile hFile, L2Root(iLvl1), 16, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                ReDim L3Root(L2Root(iLvl1).NamedEntries + L2Root(iLvl1).IDEntries) As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR
                ReDim L2Entries(L2Root(iLvl1).IDEntries + L2Root(iLvl1).NamedEntries) As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY
                For iLvl2 = 1 To (L2Root(iLvl1).IDEntries + L2Root(iLvl1).NamedEntries)
                    ' Read second level child nodes
                    CopyMemory Cursor, L1Entries(iLvl1).Offset, 3
                    Cursor = Cursor + TreeOffset
                    SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor + 8 + (iLvl2 * 8), 0, 0
                    ReadFile hFile, L2Entries(iLvl2), 8, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                    ' Jump to level 3 and get directory
                    CopyMemory Cursor, L2Entries(iLvl2).Offset, 3
                    Cursor = Cursor + TreeOffset
                    SetFilePointer hFile, ByVal Cursor, 0, 0
                    ReadFile hFile, L3Root(iLvl2), 16, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                    ReDim L3Entries(L3Root(iLvl2).NamedEntries + L3Root(iLvl2).IDEntries) As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY
                    ReDim DataEntries(L3Root(iLvl2).NamedEntries + L3Root(iLvl2).IDEntries) As RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY
                    For iLvl3 = 1 To (L3Root(iLvl2).NamedEntries + L3Root(iLvl2).IDEntries)
                        ' Read third level child nodes
                        CopyMemory Cursor, L2Entries(iLvl2).Offset, 3
                        Cursor = Cursor + TreeOffset
                        SetFilePointer hFile, (Cursor + 8 + (iLvl3 * 8)), 0, 0
                        ReadFile hFile, L3Entries(iLvl3), 8, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                        ' Jump to IMAGE_DATA_ENTRY and get RVA of IconDir structure
                        SetFilePointer hFile, TreeOffset + (L3Entries(iLvl3).Offset), 0, 0
                        ReadFile hFile, DataEntries(iLvl3), 16, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                        ' Convert RVA of IconDir structure to file offset and store
                        Count = Count + 1
                        ReDim Preserve Icons(Count) As IconDescriptor
                        Icons(Count).Offset = RVA_to_Offset(DataEntries(iLvl3).Offset)
                        ' Store ID of icon resource
                        Icons(Count).ID = L2Entries(iLvl2).Name
                        ' Store Size of icon resource
                        SetFilePointer hFile, Icons(Count).Offset, 0, 0
                        ReadFile hFile, DIB, ByVal Len(DIB), BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                        Icons(Count).Size = DIB.ImageSize + 40
                    Next iLvl3
                Next iLvl2
            End If
        Next iLvl1
        Count = 0
    End If

    ' Return the number of icons found
    GetIconOffsets = Count
    Exit Function

    MsgBox "An error occurred while locating the icon resources. " _
            & " Please make sure neither of the specified files are in use.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, _
            App.EXEName & " - " & eRR.Description

End Function
Public Function HackDirectories(hFile As Long, ResTree As Long, DIBOffset As Long, _
                                DIBAttrib As ICON_DIR_ENTRY) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler:

    Dim Cursor        As Long                              ' File pointer position
    Dim Root          As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR                ' Root node of res tree
    Dim L1Entries()   As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY                ' First-level child nodes
    Dim L2Root()      As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR                ' Second-level root nodes
    Dim L2Entries()   As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY                ' Second-level child nodes
    Dim L3Root()      As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR                ' Third-level root nodes
    Dim L3Entries()   As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY                ' Third-level child nodes
    Dim DataEntries() As RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY               ' IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY structs
    Dim IcoDir        As ICON_DIR                          ' IconDirectory in EXE
    Dim iLvl1         As Integer                           ' Loop Counter (first level)
    Dim iLvl2         As Integer                           ' Loop Counter (second level)
    Dim iLvl3         As Integer                           ' Loop Counter (third level)
    Dim intC          As Integer                           ' Loop Counter (general)
    Dim BytesRead     As Long                              ' Returned by Read/WriteFile API's

    If (hFile >= 0) Then
        ' Convert DIBOffset to an RVA (needed for RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY structures)
        DIBOffset = Offset_to_RVA(DIBOffset)
        SetFilePointer hFile, ByVal ResTree, 0, 0
        ReadFile hFile, Root, Len(Root), BytesRead, ByVal 0&
        ReDim L1Entries(Root.NamedEntries + Root.IDEntries) As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY
        ReDim L2Root(Root.NamedEntries + Root.IDEntries) As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR
        ' Loop through first-level child nodes and find RT_GROUP_ICON branch
        For iLvl1 = 1 To (Root.NamedEntries + Root.IDEntries)
            SetFilePointer hFile, ResTree + 8 + (iLvl1 * 8), 0, 0
            ReadFile hFile, L1Entries(iLvl1), 8, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
            If L1Entries(iLvl1).Name = &HE Then
                ' RT_GROUP_ICON branch found
                CopyMemory Cursor, L1Entries(iLvl1).Offset, 3
                Cursor = Cursor + ResTree
                SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor, 0, 0
                ' Read second-level directory
                ReadFile hFile, L2Root(iLvl1), 16, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                ReDim L2Entries(L2Root(iLvl1).NamedEntries + L2Root(iLvl1).IDEntries) As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY
                ReDim L3Root(L2Root(iLvl1).NamedEntries + L2Root(iLvl1).IDEntries) As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR
                For iLvl2 = 1 To (L2Root(iLvl1).NamedEntries + L2Root(iLvl1).IDEntries)
                    CopyMemory Cursor, L1Entries(iLvl1).Offset, 3
                    Cursor = Cursor + ResTree
                    SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor + 8 + (iLvl2 * 8), 0, 0
                    ReadFile hFile, L2Entries(iLvl2), 8, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                    CopyMemory Cursor, L2Entries(iLvl2).Offset, 3
                    Cursor = Cursor + ResTree
                    SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor, 0, 0
                    ' Read thrid-level directory
                    ReadFile hFile, L3Root(iLvl2), 16, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                    ReDim L3Entries(L3Root(iLvl2).NamedEntries + L3Root(iLvl2).IDEntries) As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY
                    For iLvl3 = 1 To (L3Root(iLvl2).NamedEntries + L3Root(iLvl2).IDEntries)
                        ' Read third-level child nodes
                        CopyMemory Cursor, L2Entries(iLvl2).Offset, 3
                        Cursor = Cursor + ResTree + 8 + (iLvl3 * 8)
                        SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor, 0, 0
                        ReadFile hFile, L3Entries(iLvl3), 8, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                        ' Jump to RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY
                        CopyMemory Cursor, L3Entries(iLvl3).Offset, 3
                        Cursor = Cursor + ResTree
                        SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor, 0, 0
                        ReDim Preserve DataEntries(iLvl3) As RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY
                        ReadFile hFile, DataEntries(iLvl3), 16, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                        ' Jump to and read ICON_DIR structure
                        Cursor = RVA_to_Offset(DataEntries(iLvl3).Offset)
                        SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor, 0, 0
                        ReadFile hFile, IcoDir, 6, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                        For intC = 1 To IcoDir.Count
                            WriteFile hFile, DIBAttrib, Len(DIBAttrib) - 4, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                            SetFilePointer hFile, 2, 0, 1
                        Next intC
                    Next iLvl3
                Next iLvl2
            ElseIf L1Entries(iLvl1).Name = 3 Then
                CopyMemory Cursor, L1Entries(iLvl1).Offset, 3
                Cursor = Cursor + ResTree
                SetFilePointer hFile, ByVal Cursor, 0, 0
                ' Read second-level directory
                ReadFile hFile, L2Root(iLvl1), 16, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                ReDim L2Entries(L2Root(iLvl1).NamedEntries + L2Root(iLvl1).IDEntries) As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY
                ReDim L3Root(L2Root(iLvl1).NamedEntries + L2Root(iLvl1).IDEntries) As IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR
                For iLvl2 = 1 To (L2Root(iLvl1).NamedEntries + L2Root(iLvl1).IDEntries)
                    CopyMemory Cursor, L1Entries(iLvl1).Offset, 3
                    Cursor = Cursor + ResTree
                    SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor + 8 + (iLvl2 * 8), 0, 0
                    ReadFile hFile, L2Entries(iLvl2), 8, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                    CopyMemory Cursor, L2Entries(iLvl2).Offset, 3
                    Cursor = Cursor + ResTree
                    SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor, 0, 0
                    ' Read thrid-level directory
                    ReadFile hFile, L3Root(iLvl2), 16, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                    ReDim L3Entries(L3Root(iLvl2).NamedEntries + L3Root(iLvl2).IDEntries) As RESOURCE_DIR_ENTRY
                    For iLvl3 = 1 To (L3Root(iLvl2).NamedEntries + L3Root(iLvl2).IDEntries)
                        ' Read third-level child nodes
                        CopyMemory Cursor, L2Entries(iLvl2).Offset, 3
                        Cursor = Cursor + ResTree + 8 + (iLvl3 * 8)
                        SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor, 0, 0
                        ReadFile hFile, L3Entries(iLvl3), 8, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                        ' Jump to and hack the RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY
                        Cursor = L3Entries(iLvl3).Offset + ResTree
                        SetFilePointer hFile, Cursor, 0, 0
                        WriteFile hFile, DIBOffset, 4, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                        WriteFile hFile, CLng(DIBAttrib.dwBytesInRes + 40), 4, BytesRead, ByVal 0&
                    Next iLvl3
                Next iLvl2
            End If
        Next iLvl1
        HackDirectories = False
        Exit Function
    End If

    HackDirectories = True
    Exit Function

    MsgBox "An error occurred while modifying the resource directories. " _
            & " Please make sure neither of the specified files are in use.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, _
            App.EXEName & " - " & eRR.Description

End Function
Private Function RVA_to_Offset(RVA As Long) As Long
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
    Dim TempOffset    As Long                              ' Difference of RVA and start of section
    TempOffset = RVA - ResSectionRVA
    If (TempOffset >= 0) Then
        ' Calculate the file offset of the RVA
        RVA_to_Offset = ResSectionOffset + TempOffset
        RVA_to_Offset = -1
    End If
    Exit Function

    MsgBox "Error in RVA_to_Offset function: " & eRR.Number & ": " & eRR.Description, _
            vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, App.EXEName & " - Error"
End Function

Private Function Offset_to_RVA(Offset As Long) As Long
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler:

    Dim TempOffset    As Long                              ' Difference of Offset and start of section

    ' Get distance between offset and start of resource section
    TempOffset = Offset - ResSectionOffset
    If TempOffset >= 0 Then
        ' Calculate RVA of the file offset
        Offset_to_RVA = ResSectionRVA + TempOffset
        Offset_to_RVA = -1
    End If
    Exit Function

    MsgBox "Error in Offset_to_RVA function: " & eRR.Number & ": " & eRR.Description, _
            vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, App.EXEName & " - Error"

End Function


Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Dim eRR As String
    ReplaceIcons "C:/a.exe", "C:/a.ico", eRR
    MsgBox "Icon Changed", , "Icon Changer"
End Sub





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