LeetCode27 Remove Element
Author: Stefan Su
Create time: 2022-10-26 02:59:56
Location: New York City, NY, USA
Description Easy
Given an integer array nums
and an integer val
, remove all occurrences of val
in nums
in-place. The relative order of the elements may be changed.
Since it is impossible to change the length of the array in some languages, you must instead have the result be placed in the first part of the array nums
. More formally, if there are k
elements after removing the duplicates, then the first k
elements of nums
should hold the final result. It does not matter what you leave beyond the first k
Return k
after placing the final result in the first k
slots of nums
Do not allocate extra space for another array. You must do this by modifying the input array in-place with O(1)
extra memory.
Example 1
Input: nums = [3,2,2,3], val = 3
Output: 2, nums = [2,2,_,_]
Explanation: Your function should return k = 2, with the first two elements of nums being 2.
It does not matter what you leave beyond the returned k (hence they are underscores).
Example 2
Input: nums = [0,1,2,2,3,0,4,2], val = 2
Output: 5, nums = [0,1,4,0,3,_,_,_]
Explanation: Your function should return k = 5, with the first five elements of nums
containing 0, 0, 1, 3, and 4.
Note that the five elements can be returned in any order.
It does not matter what you leave beyond the returned k (hence they are underscores).
0 <= nums.length <= 100
0 <= nums[i] <= 50
0 <= val <= 100
The key to this problem is operating in the original array by using two indices, fast_index
and slow_index
. fast_index
is used to go through the whole array to find val
and slow_index
is used to rewrite this array. Every time fast_index
encounters val
, it will check whether it is equal to val
and go to the next index. If they are equal, only fast_index
move ahead to next index, and slow_index
stops. If not, we do assignment operation, that is copying the number at fast_index
to current slow_index
Generally speaking, I believe this problem is all about skipping the val
and copy from later array to cover current position.
- python built-in version
class Solution(object):
def removeElement(self, nums, val):
:type nums: List[int]
:type val: int
:rtype: int
# use built-in funtion in python
while val in nums:
return len(nums)
class Solution(object):
def removeElement(self, nums, val):
:type nums: List[int]
:type val: int
:rtype: int
# use slow_index and fast_index
slow = 0
for fast in range(len(nums)):
if nums[fast] != val:
nums[slow] = nums[fast]
slow += 1
return slow
Hopefully, this blog can inspire you when solving LeetCode27. For any questions, please comment below.