WindowBuilder was not able to show the GUI”的错误。google了一下,发现原来是布局不对造成的:
I tried creating a very simple project in which I created a layout manager named SomeLayout. I copied into it the exact code from FillLayout, and I also created a SomeLayoutInfo class with helper classes, which I modeled exactly after the FillLayoutInfo and associated from the WB source tree. It doesn't seem to be working the way I expected. I have attached a very simple sample Eclipse project that highlights the problem that I am seeing (no
I tried creating a very simple project in which I created a layout manager named SomeLayout. I copied into it the exact code from FillLayout, and I also created a SomeLayoutInfo class with helper classes, which I modeled exactly after the FillLayoutInfo and associated from the WB source tree. It doesn't seem to be working the way I expected. I have attached a very simple sample Eclipse project that highlights the problem that I am seeing (no