
5.2 The while Loop

while (loop-continuation-condition) {

   // loop-body;



5.2.1 Case Study: Guessing Numbers


 import java.util.Scanner;

 public class GuessNumber {
	 public static void main(String[] args) {
		 // Generate a random number to be guessed
		 int number = (int)(Math.random() * 101);

		 Scanner input = new Scanner(;
		 System.out.println("Guess a magic number between 0 and 100");

		 int guess = -1;

		 while (guess != number) {
			 // Prompt the user to guess the number
			 System.out.print("\nEnter your guess: ");
			 guess = input.nextInt();

			 if (guess == number)
				 System.out.println("Yes, the number is " + number);
			 else if (guess > number)
				 System.out.println("Your guess is too high");
				 System.out.println("Your guess is too low");
		 } // End of loop

5.2.5 Input and Output Redirections

In the preceding example, if you have a large number of data to enter, it would be cumbersome to type from the keyboard. You can store the data separated by whitespaces in a text file, say input.txt, and run the program using the following command: 

java SentinelValue < input.txt

This command is called input redirection.The program takes the input from the fileinput.txtrather than having the user type the data from the keyboard at runtime. Suppose the contents of the file are

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 23 32

23 45 67 89 92 12 34 35 3 1 2 4 0

The program should get sum to be518.

Similarly, there is output redirection,which sends the output to a file rather than displaying it on the console. The command for output redirection is:

java ClassName > output.txt

Input and output redirection can be used in the same command. For example, the following command gets input frominput.txtand sends output tooutput.txt:

java SentinelValue output.txt

Try running the program to see what contents are inoutput.txt.

5.3 The do-while Loop

do {

   // Loop body;


} while (loop-continuation-condition);

5.4 The for Loop

for (initial-action; loop-continuation-condition; action-after-each-iteration) {

    // loop body;




for (int i = 1; i < 100; System.out.println(i++));

for (int i = 0, j = 0; (i + j < 10); i++, j++) {

   // Do something




int i=0;

do {

System.out.println("i is " + i);


} while (i<10);

5.8.1 Find the Greatest Common Divisor

int gcd = 1; // Initial gcd is 1

int k = 2; // Possible gcd

while (k <= n1 && k <= n2) {

    if (n1 % k == 0 && n2 % k == 0)

         gcd = k; // Update gcd

    k++; // Next possible gcd



 import java.util.Scanner;

 public class GreatestCommonDivisor {
	 /** Main method */
	 public static void main(String[] args) {
		 // Create a Scanner
		 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

		 // Prompt the user to enter two integers
		 System.out.print("Enter first integer: ");
		 int n1 = input.nextInt();

		 System.out.print("Enter second integer: ");
		 int n2 = input.nextInt();

		 int gcd = 1; // Initial gcd is 1
		 int k = 2; // Possible gcd
		 while (k <= n1 && k <= n2) {
			 if (n1 % k == 0 && n2 % k == 0)
				 gcd = k; // Update gcd

		 System.out.println("The greatest common divisor for " + n1 + " and " + n2 + " is " + gcd);

5.8.3 Case Study: Converting Decimals to Hexadecimals

Hexadecimals are often used in computer systems programming (see Appendix F for an introduction to number systems). How do you convert a decimal number to a hexadecimal number? To convert a decimal numberdto a hexadecimal number is to find the hexadecimal digitshn,hn- 1, hn- 2,……,h2, h1, andh0 such that 

d = hn * 16n + hn - 1 * 16n - 1 +hn-2 * 16n -2 + …… +h2 * 162 +h1 * 161 +h0 * 160

These hexadecimal digits can be found by successively dividing d by 16 until the quotient is 0. The remainders areh0,h1,h2, ……, hn- 2, hn - 1, andhn. The hexadecimal digits include the decimal digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, plus A, which is the decimal value 10; B, which is the decimal value 11; C, which is 12; D, which is 13; E, which is 14; and F, which is 15.

For example, the decimal number 123 is7Bin hexadecimal. The conversion is done as follows. Divide 123by16. The remainder is11(in hexadecimal) and the quotient is7. Continue divide 7by 16. The remainder is 7and the quotient is0. Therefore7B is the hexadecimal number for123.

 import java.util.Scanner;

 public class Dec2Hex {
	 /** Main method */
	 public static void main(String[] args) {
		 // Create a Scanner
		 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

		 // Prompt the user to enter a decimal integer
		 System.out.print("Enter a decimal number: ");
		 int decimal = input.nextInt();

		 // Convert decimal to hex
		 String hex = "";

		 while (decimal != 0) {
			 int hexValue = decimal % 16;

			 // Convert a decimal value to a hex digit
			 char hexDigit = (hexValue <= 9 && hexValue >= 0) ?
				 (char)(hexValue + '0') : (char)(hexValue - 10 + 'A');
			 hex = hexDigit + hex;

			 decimal = decimal / 16;

		 System.out.println("The hex number is " + hex);

5.8.4问题:Monte Carlo模拟

Monte Carlo模拟是随机数和概率相结合的一种技术。这里我们试着用这个技术来估算pi的近似值。


由于 圆面积/正方形面积 =pi/4,因此 pi的近似值就是:4*击中次数/1000000

public class MonteCarloSimulation {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    final int NUMBER_OF_TRIALS = 10000000;
    int numberOfHits = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TRIALS; i++) {
      double x = Math.random() * 2.0 - 1;
      double y = Math.random() * 2.0 - 1;
      if (x * x + y * y <= 1)

    double pi = 4.0 * numberOfHits / NUMBER_OF_TRIALS;
    System.out.println("PI is " + pi);

5.9 Keywords break and continue


5.11 Case Study: Displaying Prime Numbers



1、 穷举,从2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...挨个往上找,直到求满50个为止;⑤

2、 测试给定的数是否素数;①

3、 计算当前的素数个数;③

4、 打印素数② ,如果已经满10个,还要输出一个换行。


 public class PrimeNumber {
	 public static void main(String[] args) {
		 final int NUMBER_OF_PRIMES = 50; // Number of primes to display
		 final int NUMBER_OF_PRIMES_PER_LINE = 10; // Display 10 per line
		 int count = 0; // Count the number of prime numbers
		 int number = 2; // A number to be tested for primeness

		 System.out.println("The first 50 prime numbers are \n");

		 // Repeatedly find prime numbers
		 while (count < NUMBER_OF_PRIMES) {
			 // Assume the number is prime
			 boolean isPrime = true; // Is the current number prime?

			 // Test whether number is prime
			 for (int divisor = 2; divisor <= number / 2; divisor++) {
				 if (number % divisor == 0) { // If true, number is not prime
					 isPrime = false; // Set isPrime to false
					 break; // Exit the for loop

			 // Display the prime number and increase the count
			 if (isPrime) {
				 count++; // Increase the count
				 if (count % NUMBER_OF_PRIMES_PER_LINE == 0) {
					 // Display the number and advance to the new line
					 System.out.print(number + " ");

			 // Check if the next number is prime


1. There are three types of repetition statements: the while loop, the do-while loop, and the for loop.

2. The part of the loop that contains the statements to be repeated is called the loop body.

3. A one-time execution of a loop body is referred to as aniteration of the loop.

4. An infinite loopis a loop statement that executes infinitely.

5. In designing loops, you need to consider both theloop control structureand the loop body.

6. The while loop checks the loop-continuation-condition first. If the condition is tru e, the loop body is executed; if it is false , the loop terminates.

7. The  do-while loop is similar to the while loop, except that the do-while loop executes the loop body first and then checks the loop-continuation-condition to decide whether to continue or to terminate.

8. The  while loop and the do-while loop often are used when the number of repetitions is not predetermined.

9. A sentinel valueis a special value that signifies the end of the loop.

10. The for loop generally is used to execute a loop body a fixed number of times.

11. The for loop control has three parts. The first part is an initial action that often initializes a control variable. The second part, the loop-continuation-condition , determines whether the loop body is to be executed. The third part is executed after each iteration and is often used to adjust the control variable. Usually, the loop control variables are initialized and changed in the control structure.

12. The while loop and for loop are calledpretest loopsbecause the continuation condition is checked before the loop body is executed.

13. The do-while loop is called aposttest loopbecause the condition is checked after the loop body is executed.

14. Two keywords, break and continue , can be used in a loop.

15. The break keyword immediately ends the innermost loop, which contains the break.

16. The continue keyword only ends the current iteration.

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