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原创 I am Back!
Everything will be done soon, and Im back.Get ready to your carear, fighting~ you are the best!
2006-08-17 17:21:00 1093
转载 [转载]AIX 常见问题整理
怎样在AIX 5.1中建立热后备(hot spare)磁盘? 环境 AIX 5.1 问题 怎样在AIX 5.1中建立热后备(hot spare)磁盘? 解答 在AIX 5.1中可以在操作系统的级别上建立hot spare磁盘。 如需要在某一卷组(VG)中建立hot spare磁盘,必须满足如下条件: 1. 逻辑卷(LV)在此卷组中必须进行镜像(mirror)。 2. 作为hot spar
2006-07-13 15:17:00 8012 1
原创 File Structure
File TypesOrdinary: Text or code dataDirectory:a table of contents, that stores a list of files within that directory.special filesRepresent hardware or loqical devices.eg.CD-ROM-Device is represented
2006-06-07 01:40:00 1154
原创 Review
From now on, I wanna be professional in AIX. So I think I should clean up all what I have learned. BTW, go over. I should finish reading the DOC below:1. AIX Basics2. Implementation I & II & D
2006-06-07 01:00:00 957
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