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原创 《GPU的革命》文章整理
整理几年前写的文章,或许对初学CUDA编程的朋友有帮助:CUDA 线程执行模型分析(一)招兵------ GPU的革命CUDA 线程执行模型分析(二)大军未动粮草先行------GPU的革命CUDA硬件实现分析(一)------安营扎寨-----GPU的革命CUDA硬件实现分析(二)------规行矩步------GPU的革命CUDA编程接口(一)------一十八般武器------GPU的革命C
2014-12-24 23:05:30 16674 5
原创 G-BLASTN: Accelerating Nucleotide Alignment by Graphics Processors论文提供下载
G-BLASTN的github地址 https://github.com/OpenHero/gblastn sourceforge地址http://sourceforge.net/projects/gblastn/ 主页:http://www.comp.hkbu.edu.hk/~chxw/software/G-BLASTN.html两年没日没夜的工作,终于收到回报了,K. Zhao and X.-
2014-01-25 15:56:41 6332
原创 《大规模并行处理器编程实战(第2版)》今年翻译的一本书出版
2013-12-10 13:18:19 10525 3
原创 回答一封读者的来信
2013-12-04 00:20:21 6052
原创 G-BLASTN 1.1 Released
http://www.comp.hkbu.edu.hk/~chxw/software/G-BLASTN.htmlG-BLASTN is a GPU-accelerated nucleotide alignment tool based on the widely used NCBI-BLAST. G-BLASTN can produce exactly the same results as N
2013-11-25 16:13:21 4813
原创 制作poster+香港打印流程
2013-11-14 15:01:41 10045 1
原创 香港浸会大学计算机系异构计算实验室招收RA
2013-10-17 16:21:41 6405
翻译 blast数据库含义
Databasesblast的数据库里面有这几个数据库,每一个的具体含义:https://ncisf.org/index.php?q=software-databases/blast-databasesA list of the databases available on the cluster, including information about the database, it's so
2013-08-27 14:39:28 6083
原创 NCBI SRA数据预处理
SRA数据的的处理流程大概如下一、SRA数据下载、NCBI 上存储的数据现在大都存储为SRA格式。下载以后就是以SRA为后缀名。这里可以通过三种方式下载SRA格式的数据。1.通过http方式,2.通过ftp方式,3.通过AsperaAspera可以在NCBI网站上下载。参阅:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK47540/二、SRA格式转换成FASTQ格式./
2013-08-25 22:32:01 22346 4
原创 【G-BLASTN 1.0正式发布】
2013-08-23 02:04:33 5150 7
原创 CUDA 5.5 Production Release
CUDA 5.5 Production Release is now available to everyone athttps://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads值得一提的是针对ARM的release出来了。ARM高性能计算,各个公司都在为接下来几年的发展开始圈地了。。
2013-08-01 09:59:43 5172 6
翻译 CUDA Toolkit 5.5 Release Candidate (RC)
CUDA Toolkit 5.5 Release Candidate (RC). This important update to the CUDA platform and programming model includes:Support for ARM PlatformsNative compilation, for easy application portingFast cross-c
2013-06-21 12:34:59 5268 3
翻译 The Most Important Algorithms
The Most Important Algorithmshttp://www.risc.jku.at/people/ckoutsch/stuff/e_algorithms.htmlAfter a long discussion with some of my RISC colleagues about what the 5 most important algorithms on the wor
2013-06-18 12:14:56 4820
翻译 CUDA 5.5 Release Candidate
The CUDA 5.5 Release Candidate is now available for download. As a CUDA® Registered Developer, you now have access to all the latest features such as: • Multi-process MPI debugging & profiling
2013-05-30 11:49:36 5301
转载 Accelerating Computer Vision Algorithms Using OpenCL on The Mobile GPU
Accelerating Computer Vision Algorithms Using OpenCL on The Mobile GPUMarch 12th, 2013Abstract:Recently, general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) has been enabled on mobile devic
2013-05-28 12:40:43 4574
转载 Scheduling in Heterogeneous Computing Environments for Proximity Queries
Scheduling in Heterogeneous Computing Environments for Proximity QueriesMay 14th, 2013Abstract:We present a novel, Linear Programming (LP) based scheduling algorithm that exploits heterogeneous multi-
2013-05-28 12:38:38 4312
转载 General Purpose Computing on Low-Power Embedded GPUs: Has It Come of Age?
General Purpose Computing on Low-Power Embedded GPUs: Has It Come of Age?April 29th, 2013Abstract:In this paper we evaluate the promise held by lowpower GPUs for non-graphic workloads that arise in em
2013-05-28 12:38:03 4400
转载 Open Source Game Clones
Open Source Game ClonesThis site tries to gather open-source reimplementations of great old games in one place. If you think that some information is missing or have any suggestions - feel free to con
2013-05-28 09:07:52 5835 1
翻译 Ten Reasons Why Android Should Support OpenCL
Ten Reasons Why Android Should Support OpenCL>> WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 2013In an earlier post, I explained why a Google engineer's grievance with OpenCL was mistaken. Now here are ten reasons why Google
2013-05-22 19:18:11 4514 1
转载 Intel Launches Low-Power, High-Performance Silvermont Microarchitecture
Intel announces Silvermont microarchitecture, a new design in Intel's 22nm Tri-Gate SoC process delivering significant increases in performance and energy efficiency.Silvermont microarchitecture deliv
2013-05-22 18:57:35 1378
转载 Go 1.1 is released(Google Go 语言发布1.1版本)
MONDAY, MAY 13, 2013Go 1.1 is releasedIt is our great pleasure to announce the release of Go 1.1.In March last year we released Go 1.0, and since then we have released three minor "point releases". Th
2013-05-22 18:53:00 1648
转载 Yet another implementation of a lock-free circular array queue
Yet another implementation of a lock-free circular array queueBy Faustino Frechilla, 27 Apr 2011 4.94 (35 votes) Download code_submitted.zip - 20.95 KB1. IntroductionImproving applications with high
2013-05-17 15:15:55 2541
转载 Windows* early enabling for Intel(R) Xeon Phi(tm) Coprocessors
Windows MIC驱动可以使用了http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/windows-early-enabling-for-intelr-xeon-phitm-coprocessor#getstartedhttp://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/beta-windows-enabled-drivers-and-
2013-05-15 17:31:39 1978
转载 NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Edition 3.0 Final with OpenGL Debugging and Kepler GK110 support!
The NVIDIA Developer Tools team is proud to announce the final release of NVIDIA® Nsight™ Development Platform, Visual Studio Edition 3.0, an application development platform for heterogeneous systems
2013-05-14 15:22:04 2591
转载 FHC 2013: The Fourth International Workshop on Frontiers of Heterogeneous Computing
************************************************************************CALL FOR PAPERSFHC 2013: The Fourth International Workshop on Frontiers of Heterogeneous ComputingTo be held in conjunction
2013-05-09 18:47:46 2126 1
翻译 Nsight Visual Studio Edition 3.0 Release Candidate 1
Nsight Visual Studio Edition 3.0 Release Candidate 1 with OpenGL Debugging Support Now Available for Download!Support OpenGL 4.2 for frame debugging, pixel history and frame profiling.Support for Open
2013-02-01 03:16:57 2416
翻译 X86-workstation buying guide for OpenCL developers, Q1 2013
X86-workstation buying guide for OpenCL developers, Q1 2013 « The entanglement of Bitcoins and compute-capabilities « » StreamComputing is at HiPEAC, Berlin » Written by Vincent HindriksenJanuary 06,
2013-01-14 22:34:11 1586
原创 《五种算法以后》
2012-12-03 19:31:46 2020 6
原创 创建了intel MIC 高性能编程QQ群
创建了intel MIC 高性能编程QQ群 118714532对Intel多核编程有兴趣的朋友,请加入。 Intel® Many Integrated Core Architecture是Intel的多核心协处理器架构。
2012-11-16 14:34:01 2298 1
翻译 Somehow, an Incredible Robotic Dragonfly is Now on Indiegogo
Somehow, an Incredible Robotic Dragonfly is Now on Indiegogo POSTED BY: Evan Ackerman / 星期四, 十一月 08, 2012 Share on printShare on emailSha
2012-11-14 11:22:48 1358
原创 HKBU Job Opening
Post-doctoral Research Fellow I Applicants should possess a PhD Degree in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, or other relevant disciplines, and demonstrate abilities to conduct high-impact researc
2012-11-09 09:43:17 1748
转载 不伤眼睛的电脑背景颜色
天天使用电脑要主要保护眼睛。下面介绍下不伤眼睛的文字背景色苹果绿 RGB 204,255,204 #CCFFCC杏仁黄 rgb 250 249 222 #FAF9DE青草绿 rgb 227 237 205 #E3EDCD海天蓝 rgb 220 226 241 #DCE2F1豆沙绿 RGB 199 237 204 (这个最被推荐)#C7EDCC灰色 RGB235,235,228#EBEBE4
2012-11-07 20:35:42 9793 1
The NVIDIA Developer Tools team is proud to announce the release of NVIDIA® Nsight Visual Studio Edition 3.0 CUDA Preview. This new release officially supports the newKepler GK110 architecture found i
2012-10-30 11:19:40 2694 3
原创 网络防欺骗
#开开分享##网络防欺骗#一直想写一篇关于网络图片放欺骗的文章,一直没时间写,今天早上看到某警官的新闻,说某男被网络“美女”骗走100多万元的新闻,觉得有必要利用手中的技术,讲解一些网络放欺骗的方法,当然,只能做到尽量减少被骗的概率,被骗往往是贪念,贪财,贪色,就会容易被骗。入正题,先介绍几个网站images.google.com 这上面可以搜索相似的照片,可以把你得到的照片尽量找到相应的出处。前
2012-10-27 10:47:26 1590
转载 计算某正整数换算成二进制后bit为1的个数
算是上一篇的续集[算法]计算某正整数换算成二进制后bit为1的个数电子技术 IT Tech, 算法 Algorithm, 网络转载 Reprintby Jian Xu//顺便求推荐:如何在WordPress中插入格式化的带语法高亮的代码或者数学公式,如果你知道的话,请直接在下面留言,谢谢~侃哥在准备去Cisco的面试,问我一道题:求二进制数中1的个数。看起来简单,不假思索地写下了num=0;whi
2012-10-26 09:39:32 7329 4
转载 x & (x - 1)==0
判断是否是2的N次方——证明x & (x - 1)==0的正确性分类: c和cpp2012-10-07 19:47 642人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报判断一个整数x是否是2的N次方。 方法之一是判断x & (x - 1)==0。若为True,则x是2的N次方;若为False,则x不是2的N次方。 有人质疑,他证明了“2的n次方一定符合这个条件”, 却并没有证明“符合这个条件的一定是2的n次方
2012-10-26 09:27:37 2087 3
转载 windows下配置nginx+php开发
久为搭建网站,最近为了做一些测试,又得重新搭建网站,之前搭建的Nginx的网站由于机器硬盘坏掉,所有配置都被格式化了。重新搭建nginx支持php的时候,遇到了很多问题,搜索了一些资料,才解决,感谢网络上分享技术的人们。下面的文档解决了nginx 和php搭建的时候问题。非常感谢。尤其是标红那个地方。尤其重要。windows下配置nginx+php开发博客分类: PHPWindowsPHPngin
2012-10-25 21:01:01 1827
原创 CUDA VS Wizard 2.9 更新
CUDA VS Wizard 2.9 更新支持最新的CUDA 5.0版本先安装CUDA 5.0,然后再安装这个wizard可以很方便的创建工程。可以很方便的创建lib。dll。exe。静态链接库,动态链接库和执行程序。暂时只支持VS 2005和VS2008VS2010 和VS2012稍后推出。下面是下载地址MD5:dda87a94d065a067adee941e55f126a4SHA1:9b6d
2012-09-14 23:19:37 5474 33
转载 HOW TESLA K20 SPEEDS QUICKSORT, A FAMILIAR COMP-SCI CODE By Stephen Jones on Sep 12 2012 In Superco
HOW TESLA K20 SPEEDS QUICKSORT, A FAMILIAR COMP-SCI CODEBy Stephen Jones on Sep 12 2012In Supercomputing4 CommentsWe promised that the Kepler-based NVIDIA Tesla K20 GPU – first unveiled in May at the
2012-09-14 15:57:31 2009
CUDA cpp class texture demo
CUDA VS Wizard 2.0 W32 Release
CUDA VS Wizard 2.0 W64 Release
CUDA VSExpress Wizard 1.2
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