




(Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo E7500   RAM: 2.00G windows7-64bit Enterprise Service Pack 1 鉴于机子本身比较慢和迟缓,可能不够准确)

   a b c d e
   f g h i j
   k l m n o
   p q r s t
   u v w x y











       和上面的时间不同,这里给出了更详细的时间,且排除了人为输入和数据库初次连接的耗时。(第一行为回溯用时,第二行为数据库查找单词验证用时,包含文件输出,第三行为数据库连接后到程序结束的用时 【下同】)








        优化2                                                                                  优化3




       这个问题到底要多快解决:笔者的想法是 毫秒级,50ms内,只是目前笔者做不到,那么各位看官,有没有好的想法?


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <time.h>
#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mysql.h"

using namespace std;

const long long MAXN = 100;
static bool judge_flag[MAXN][MAXN];
static long long ActualN = 5;
static vector<string> results;
static char original_data[MAXN][MAXN];
static MYSQL mysql;
static MYSQL_RES *resultset;
static MYSQL_ROW row;

#define   CLOCKS_PER_SEC ((clock_t)1000)

void CleanFlag()
	for (long long i = 0; i < ActualN; i++)
		for (long long j = 0; j < ActualN; j++)
			judge_flag[i][j] = true;

inline bool CheckForBoundary(long long value_line, long long value_column)
	if ((value_line >= ActualN) || (value_line < 0))
		return false;
		if ((value_column >= ActualN) || (value_column < 0))
			return false;
			return true;

void Explore(long long line, long long column, string current_result);
bool JudgeWord(string judge_str);

inline void Handle(long long cur_line, long long cur_col, string cur_result)
		if (judge_flag[cur_line][cur_col])
			string temp = cur_result;
			temp += original_data[cur_line][cur_col];
		    Explore(cur_line, cur_col, temp);

void Explore(long long line, long long column, string current_result)
	if (!JudgeWord(current_result))
	vector<string>::iterator iter = std::find(results.begin(), results.end(), current_result);

	if (iter == results.end())
		results.insert(results.end(), current_result);

	judge_flag[line][column] = false;
	//Eight Directions
	long long current_line, current_column;
	//Left Up
	current_line = line;
	current_column = column;
	if (CheckForBoundary(--current_line, --current_column))
		Handle(current_line, current_column, current_result);
	current_line = line;
	current_column = column;
	if (CheckForBoundary(--current_line, current_column))
		Handle(current_line, current_column, current_result);
	//Right UP
	current_line = line;
	current_column = column;
	if (CheckForBoundary(--current_line, ++current_column))
		Handle(current_line, current_column, current_result);
	current_line = line;
	current_column = column;
	if (CheckForBoundary(current_line, --current_column))
		Handle(current_line, current_column, current_result);
	current_line = line;
	current_column = column;
	if (CheckForBoundary(current_line, ++current_column))
		Handle(current_line, current_column, current_result);
	//Left Down
	current_line = line;
	current_column = column;
	if (CheckForBoundary(++current_line, --current_column))
		Handle(current_line, current_column, current_result);
	current_line = line;
	current_column = column;
	if (CheckForBoundary(++current_line, current_column))
		Handle(current_line, current_column, current_result);
	//Right Down
	current_line = line;
	current_column = column;
	if (CheckForBoundary(++current_line, ++current_column))
		Handle(current_line, current_column, current_result);
	judge_flag[line][column] = true;

bool RemoveNoWord(string judge_str)
		string sqlstr="select words from cetsix where words='"+judge_str+"'";
		if (!mysql_query(&mysql, sqlstr.c_str()))
			resultset = NULL;
			resultset = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
			int numRows = mysql_num_rows(resultset);
			if (numRows > 0) return true;
		return false;

bool JudgeWord(string judge_str)
		string sqlstr="select words from cetsix where words like '"+judge_str+"%'";
		if (!mysql_query(&mysql, sqlstr.c_str()))
			resultset = NULL;
			resultset = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
			int numRows = mysql_num_rows(resultset);
			if (numRows > 0) return true;
		return false;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	clock_t start_main, end_main, time_1, time_1e;
	long long n;
	cin >> n;
	ActualN = n;
	for (long long i = 0; i < ActualN; i++)
		for (long long j = 0; j < ActualN; j++)
			cin >> original_data[i][j];
	mysql_init(&mysql);//Initial MySQL
    if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost", "root","", "test", 3306, NULL, 0))	
		cout << "Fail to connect with MySql" << endl;
		cout << "Success of connect" << endl;

	start_main = clock();
	cout << "Explore now" << endl;
	time_1 = clock();
	for (long long i = 0; i < ActualN; i++)
		for (long long j = 0; j < ActualN; j++)
			string temp;
			temp += original_data[i][j];
			Explore(i, j, temp);
	time_1e = clock();
	cout << (double)(time_1e - time_1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "S" << endl;
	//Output into document
	time_1 = clock();
	ofstream out;
	vector<string>::iterator outiter;
	int countNum = 0;
	for (outiter = results.begin(); outiter != results.end(); outiter++)
		if (RemoveNoWord(*outiter))
		   out << *outiter << "; ";
		if (countNum > 10) 
			out << endl;
			countNum = 0;
	time_1e = clock();
	cout << (double)(time_1e - time_1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "S" << endl;
	end_main = clock();
	cout << (double)(end_main - start_main)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "S" << endl;
	return 0;

2014 4.24


















         再次感谢Devil(Cao Teng)作出的杰出贡献,上代码,结贴啦~

//  trie.h
//  word_game
//  Created by 曹 腾 on 14-4-19.
//  Copyright (c) 2014年 zju. All rights reserved.

#ifndef word_game_trie_h
#define word_game_trie_h

 Name: Trie树的基本实现
 Author: MaiK
 Description: Trie树的基本实现 ,包括查找 插入和删除操作

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int sonnum=26,base='a';
struct Trie
    int num;//to remember how many word can reach here,that is to say,prefix
    bool terminal;//If terminal==true ,the current point has no following point
    struct Trie *son[sonnum];//the following point

// create a new node
Trie *NewTrie()
    Trie *temp=new Trie;
    for(int i=0;i<sonnum;++i)temp->son[i]=NULL;
    return temp;

// insert a new word to Trie tree
void Insert(Trie *pnt,const char *s,int len)
    Trie *temp=pnt;
    for(int i=0;i<len;++i)
        else temp->son[s[i]-base]->num++;

// delete the whole tree
void Delete(Trie *pnt)
        for(int i=0;i<sonnum;++i)if(pnt->son[i]!=NULL)Delete(pnt->son[i]);
        delete pnt;

//trie to find the current word
Trie* Find(Trie *pnt,char *s,int len)
    Trie *temp=pnt;
    for(int i=0;i<len;++i)
        else return NULL;
    return temp;


//  main.cpp
//  word_game
//  Created by 曹 腾 on 14-4-19.
//  Copyright (c) 2014年 zju. All rights reserved.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <ctime>
#include "trie.h"

using namespace std;

Trie* db;
int total_find = 0;
int total_search = 0;

#define GAME_SIZE 4
#define WORD_MAX  128
char game[GAME_SIZE][GAME_SIZE] = {'b', 'a', 't', 's',
    't', 'r', 'p', 'g',
    'v', 'e', 'i', 'p',
    'n', 'm', 's', 'i'};
bool flag[GAME_SIZE][GAME_SIZE];

void ResetFlag()
    for (int i=0; i<GAME_SIZE; ++i)
        for (int j=0; j<GAME_SIZE; ++j)
            flag[i][j] = false;

Trie* ConstructTrie(const char* file)
    Trie* db = NewTrie();
    ifstream infile(file);
    string line;
    char word[WORD_MAX];
    int trie_size = 0;
    int total_lines = 0;
    int invalid_lines = 0;
    while (!infile.eof()) {
        infile >> line;
        // check for validity
        int len = (int)line.length();
        if (len < 1 || len > WORD_MAX-1) {
        bool check_fail = false;
        for (int i=0; i<len; ++i) {
            char ch = line[i];
            if (!isalpha(ch)) {
                check_fail = true;
            word[i] = tolower(ch);
        if (check_fail) {
        Insert(db, word, len);
    cout << "total lines: " << total_lines << endl;
    cout << "invalid lines: " << invalid_lines << endl;
    cout << "trie size: " << trie_size << endl;
    return db;

void DFS(int x, int y, char* word, int len)
    Trie* leaf = Find(db, word, len);
    if (!leaf)
    if (leaf->terminal) {
        for (int i=0; i<len; ++i)
            printf("%c", word[i]);
        printf(" ");
    flag[y][x] = true;
    static int dx[] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1};
    static int dy[] = {-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1};
    for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) {
        int nx = x+dx[i];
        int ny = y+dy[i];
        if (flag[ny][nx])
        if (nx < 0 || nx >= GAME_SIZE || ny < 0 || ny >= GAME_SIZE)
        word[len] = game[ny][nx];
        DFS(nx, ny, word, len+1);
    flag[y][x] = false;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    db = ConstructTrie("/Users/caoteng/Documents/word_game/English.txt");
    clock_t t = clock();
    char word[WORD_MAX];
    for (int y=0; y<GAME_SIZE; ++y) {
        for (int x=0; x<GAME_SIZE; ++x) {
            word[0] = game[y][x];
            int len = 1;
            DFS(x, y, word, len);
    if (total_find > 0)
        cout << endl;
    cout << "total search: " << total_search << endl;
    cout << "total find: " << total_find << endl;
    t = clock() - t;
    printf ("%f seconds\n",((float)t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    return 0;

      以上代码请注明原作者,为Xcode 5.1版调试成功代码。



total lines: 13654

invalid lines: 130

trie size: 13524

bat bat bar bare brim a art art ape tab tart tare tap tape taper tapir trap trip trip trim stab state star start starve stare strap strip stripe strip spa spat spat spate spar sprig spire tb tab tart tare tap tape taper tapir trap trip trip trim ten rat rat rate rap rapt rape re rep rem rip ripe ripen rig rip rim rise risen pat pat pate par part part paris ps prime prism pe per pert pert pen pirate pig pie pier pip g verb i is pirate pip pipe piper pig pie pier ps n net m me men mire ms se set sept semi sire siren sip sip spire sip i is 

total search: 449

total find: 118

0.021821 seconds

Program ended with exit code: 0


total lines: 13654

invalid lines: 130

trie size: 13524

bat bat bar bare brim a art art ape tab tart tare tap tape taper tapir trap trip trip trim stab state star start starve stare strap strip stripe strip spa spat spat spate spar sprig spire tb tab tart tare tap tape taper tapir trap trip trip trim ten rat rat rate rap rapt rape re rep rem rip ripe ripen rig rip rim rise risen pat pat pate par part part paris ps prime prism pe per pert pert pen pirate pig pie pier pip g verb i is pirate pip pipe piper pig pie pier ps n net m me men mire ms se set sept semi sire siren sip sip spire sip i is 

total search: 449

total find: 118

0.000477 seconds

Program ended with exit code: 0


otal lines: 13654

invalid lines: 130

trie size: 13524

a abc bag cg chi chin de dim din dint g hi him i ic id in ins into ion join joint lf m mid mint mr mrs ms n no not ns on os snide so son sonic stoic to ton tonic up 

total search: 164

total find: 44

0.000172 seconds

Program ended with exit code: 0



total lines: 13654

invalid lines: 130

trie size: 13524

a abc bag cg chi chin de dim din dint g hi him i ic id in ins into ion join joint lf m mid mint mr mrs ms n no not ns on os snide so son sonic stoic to ton tonic up 

total search: 164

total find: 44

0.000110 seconds


total lines: 13654

invalid lines: 130

trie size: 13524

bat bat bar bare brim a art art ape tab tart tare tap tape taper tapir trap trip trip trim stab state star start starve stare strap strip stripe strip spa spat spat spate spar sprig spire tb tab tart tare tap tape taper tapir trap trip trip trim ten rat rat rate rap rapt rape re rep rem rip ripe ripen rig rip rim rise risen pat pat pate par part part paris ps prime prism pe per pert pert pen pirate pig pie pier pip g verb i is pirate pip pipe piper pig pie pier ps n net m me men mire ms se set sept semi sire siren sip sip spire sip i is 

total search: 449

total find: 118

0.000338 seconds


The End


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  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


