Bad-Block Scheme Questionnaire

You can get our BBM manual from http://ftp.dataio.com/FCNotes/BBM/. If you know which Data I/O existed BBM can be applied, please just provide its name and no need to fill this questionnaire.
Otherwise please fill this questionnaire entirely to assist Data I/O in meeting your needs of NAND based device programming. Please provide all of the required information. Please attach any documents such as specifications, platform information and example source code to this document if you think they are necessary or useful for Data I/O.
否则,请完整填写此问卷,以帮助DATA I/O满足您对基于NAND的设备编程的需求。请提供所有必需的信息。如果您认为任何文档(如规范、平台信息和示例源代码)对于DATA I/O是必要的或有用的,请将它们附加到本文档中。

  1. What is the name of your bad-block scheme?

  2. How does it handle bad blocks, skip bad block, use good blocks in a reserved area as replacement or other style?

  3. Are there any partitions within the NAND? If yes how can we get this information? Will the partition mapping fixed or likely to be changed?

  4. Do you use the spare area also known as “redundant area” or OOB? Please skip next question if “NO”.

  5. If you use the spare area, will the data be contained in your data file, or does Data I/O needs to calculate the values? Please skip this questions if no need for Data I/O to calculate the value.
    如果使用备用区域,数据是否包含在数据文件中,或者DATA I/O是否需要计算这些值?如果不需要数据I/O来计算值,请跳过此问题。

o Please provide the detailed information of the spare area data structure. (re-size the table if needed)

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o If ECC needs to be calculated by Data D/O – provide source code (in C or C++) or reusable linked library, and an example file with matching ECC values is preferred.
如果ECC需要通过DATA I/O来计算-提供源代码(C或C++)或可重用链接库,则具有匹配ECC值的示例文件是首选的。

  1. Will you be using a file system? If so, please list its name and describe its behavior if bad block occured.

  2. Are there any portions of your image file that must go at fixed locations in the device, regardless of whether any bad blocks are encountered prior to that location? If so, please describe. Also, if a bad block is found at that location, should the device fail?

  3. Are there any special structures that need to be programmed in the device that need to be calculated by Data I/O? Examples of these would be any mapping tables, partition information, etc. If so, please provide the structure in detail. Specify Big Endian or Little Endian format.
    设备中是否有需要编程的特殊结构需要通过DATA I/O计算?这些示例包括任何映射表、分区信息等。如果是,请详细提供结构。指定Big Endian或Little Endian格式。

  4. Please list any dynamic fields that need to be programmed to the device or any parameters which will affect the BBM behavior that must be given to you as a parameter at task creation time. An example would be if you need to program a code version number into the device that is not contained in the data file, or if a particular region of the device needs to be movable by you, etc. If any of the fields are more than one byte, specify Big Endian or Little Endian format.
    请列出需要编程到设备上的任何动态字段或任何将影响BBM行为的参数,这些参数必须在任务创建时作为参数提供给您。例如,如果需要将代码版本号编程到数据文件中未包含的设备中,或者需要移动设备的特定区域,等等。如果任何字段超过一个字节,请指定Big Endian或Little Endian格式。

  5. Please provide a graphical representation of how your bad-block scheme would handle a device that had a bad block at block 3, 7, and 10. Please use whichever graphical program you need to depict what would happen, just be sure to provide a clear representation.

                    Device						                 Image

Block 0 Block 0
1 1
2 2
Block 3 is bad 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Block 7 is bad 7
8 8
9 9
Block 10 is bad 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
…. ….
n-4 n-4
n-3 n-3
n-2 n-2
n-1 n-1
n n

  1. Is there anything else that needs to be handled by Data I/O that needs to be programmed into your device or be computed? If so, please provide a complete description and any applicable code to assist us in meeting your needs.
    是否还有其他需要由DATA I/O处理的需要编程到您的设备中或进行计算的内容?如果是,请提供完整的说明和任何适用的代码,以帮助我们满足您的需要。

  2. What is the contact information for the appropriate person that knows the details of this scheme? Usually there are further questions and it’s easier to discuss this with the development team directly.

  • Name:
  • Title:
  • phone # :
  • e-mail address :
  • Your Semiconductor FAE Name:
  • Your Semiconductor FAE Phone #:






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