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原创 C语言的递归-Recursion
C语言的递归-RecursionRecursion occurs when a function contains within it a call to itself. Recursion can result in very neat, elegant code that is intuitive to follow. It can also result in a very large am...
2018-06-11 00:09:23 1181
原创 C语言数组与指针(Arrays and Pointers)关系解析-差不多是一回事儿
C语言数组与指针(Arrays and Pointers)A pointer to a given data type can store the address of any variable of that particular data type. For example, in the following code, the pointer variable pc stores the a...
2018-06-10 23:44:52 1159
原创 动态内存分配Dynamic allocation(C语言划重点)
动态内存分配Dynamic allocation(C语言划重点)Dynamic allocation of memory allows building complex data structures such as linked lists. Allocating memory dynamically helps us to store data without initially knowin...
2018-06-10 22:00:58 1477
原创 C语言中Pointer, Array,String and Structures的区别
指针(pointer )Tasks, such as dynamic memory allocation, cannot be performed without using pointers. Every variable is a memory location and every memory location has its address defined which can be acc...
2018-06-10 21:43:45 1491
原创 Structures
The most basic example of structures are points, which are a single entity that contains two variables - x and y. Let's define a point in a two-dimensional point:struct point { int x; int y;}...
2018-06-10 21:40:07 290
原创 C语言的line counting(EOF, getchar()以及ASCII详解)
line counting#include<stdio.h>int main(){ int c, nl; nl= 0; while((c=getchar()) != EOF) if(c == '\n') //'\n' stands for the value of the newline character, which is 10...
2018-06-10 21:39:09 424
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