The benefit workers want most is less work

The benefit workers want most is less work

The quest to keep employees happy has spurred some employers to take a fast-fashion approach to perks,making cupcakes,or kombucha,or onsite CrossFit classes a must-have for some time until the next big extraordinary benefit arrives.

quest 追求,需求
spurred [spɜ:d] 鞭策,促使
perks 补贴
onsite 现场的


But all the creativity and trend-chasing may be unnecessary.According to the just-released MetLife Employees Benefits Trends Study 2019,which surveyed 2600 full time US workers ,the top-rated “emerging benefit” is actually pretty intuitive and timeless. Among respondents ,72% expressed interest in unlimited paid time off,putting that perk ahead of wellness plans that reward healthy behaviors ,phased retirement programs, paid sabbaticals,and free or subsidized on-site services,like hair salons,dry cleaners,and restaurants.

trend [trend] 趋向
metlife 大都会
survey [ˈsɜ:veɪ] 调查
emerging 新兴的
intuitive [ɪnˈtju:ɪtɪv] 直观的
timeless 永恒的
respondents 受访者
wellness 健康
phased [feɪzd] 分阶段的
sabbatical [səˈbætɪkl] 休假的
subsidize [ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz]以津贴补助,以金钱收买


Sure,that stuff all sounds great,the survey takers basically said ,but what we really want is to have a life.

takers 调查人员(survey takers)常用


MetLife’s research,which focused on employees in a diverse range of occupations aged 21 and older,found a fairly consistent agreement across generations on this topic. Among Gen Z workers (now aged 21 or 22),73% of survey takers said they’d be drawn to unlimited paid time off,compared to 80% of millennials (aged 23-36),70% of Gen Xers (aged 37-52),and 63% of Boomers(aged 52 and up).

diverse [daɪˈvɜ:s] 多种多样的
occupation 职业,工作
consistent [kənˈsɪstənt] 一致的
millennial [mɪ’lenɪəl]千禧年
There are now four distinct generations in the workforce: Gen Z ( interns), Gen Y ( employees), Gen X ( managers), and Baby Boomers ( executives).


Many of the creative perks offered by workplaces are essentially designed to keep an employee at work longer by removing excuses,like the need to eat,or see a doctor across town.The survey results suggest there is some demand for these kind of programs.

essentially 本质上
designed 计划,企图
excuses 借口


But an unlimited paid time off benefit increasingly adopted by a range of firms,not only tech companies has the potential to be truly empowering and restorative.The perk gives employees permission to take the odd day off to deal with life or take a break,without triggering fear about “wasting” the paid days away allotted to them,which are pitifully scarce in the US.(Companies avoid total chaos by asking employees to gain approval for long stretches of vacation,or an abundance of days,and reserve the right to deny requests that are deemed infeasible.)

adopted 被收养,被采用
empowering 增强
restorative [rɪˈstɔ:rətɪv] 恢复活力,滋补品
allotted 分配
pitifully 可怜的
scarce [skeəs] 缺乏的
approval 批准
stretches 一段时间,伸展
abundance 丰富,大量
reserve 保留
deem 认为,主张
infeasible 不可实行的


In practice,of course, an unlimited vacation policy is only as enlightened as the managers who enforce it. It can become meaningless if managers themselves do not take time off,or if there is no minimum time away established. Research has shown that,int the absence of clear rules ,some employees take fewer days off than they would under a standard plan.

policy 政策
enforce 加强,强迫,执行
enlightened 有远见的,开明(as enlightened)


Another way to read the finding is as a pining for flexibility,which might make unlimited time off less necessary.

finding 研究结果,发现
pining ['paɪnɪŋ] 渴望 (as a pining for)


MetLife also asked full-time workers who are planning to leave their job for “gig” work in the next five years what would convince them to stay.More money was the answer for roughly half the respondents,while a third felt better benefits could help change their mind.However,the third and fourth most popular responses were more flexibility with their schedule ,and the ability to work from anywhere.

gig 工作,现场演奏会,(零工)
roughly 大致上


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