Chapter 16 Control Unit Operation

  1. Micro-operations
    • An instruction cycle:
      • Fetch sub cycle
        • Access PC, PC contains address of next instruction
        • Address moved to MAR
        • Address placed on address bus
        • Control unit requests memory read
        • Result placed on data bus, copied to MBR
        • Then, to IR
        • MBR is now free for further data fetches
        • Meanwhile PC incremented by "1"(Determined by the length of instructions)
          • in parallel with data fetch from memory
      • Indirect cycle
        • t1:      MAR ß (IRaddress)  -  address field of IR,
        • t2:      R ß 1, MBR ß (memory)
        • t3:      IRaddress ß MBR
      • Interrupt cycle
        • t1:        MBR ß(PC)
        • t2:        MAR ßsave-address,
          PC ßroutine-address
        • t3:        W ß 1, memory ß (MBR)
      • Execute sub cycle: different for each instruction
    • The steps in sub cycles are called micro-operations
    • Micro-operations are the atomic operations of a processor
  2. Rules for clock cycle grouping
    • Proper sequence must be followed
    • Conflicts must be avoided
    • PC ++: involving addition
      • May need addtional micro-operations
  3. Instruction cycle
    • A new 2-bit register called the instruction cycle code(ICC) is assumed
    • ICC = 
      • 00: fetch
      • 01: indirect
      • 10: execute
      • 11: interrupt
  4. Control of the processor
    • Basic element of processor
      • ALU
      • Registers
      • Internal data paths
      • External data paths
      • Control unit
    • Types of micro-operation
      • Data transfer
      • Perform arithmetic or logical ops
    • Functions of control unit
      • Sequencing: causes the processor to step through a series of micro-operations in the proper sequence
      • Execution: causes each micro-operation to be performed
  5. Control signals
    • Input
      • Clock
      • Instruction register
      • Flags:
        • Determine the state of CPU
      • Control signals from control bus
        • Interrupts
    • Output
      • Control signals to CPU
      • Control signals to control bus
  6. Conclusions on the control unit
    • The control unit is the engine that runs the entire computer
    • It controls everything with a few controls
    • Sequencing micro-ops
    • Execute some micro-ops
  7. Internal processor organization
    • In CPU, usually a single internal bus exists
    • Gates control the movement of data onto and off the bus
    • Control signals control data transfer to and from external system bus
    • Temporary registers may need for proper operation of ALU, except for AC:
      • Input register: Y
      • Temporary output register: Z
  8. Hardwired implementation
    • Hardwired implementation:
      • Can be expressed by boolean expression
        • Can be implemented in combinational circuit: rather complex
      • Pros:
        • Higher speed operation
        • Suitable for smaller implementations
        • Favored approach in RISC style designs
      • Cons:
        • Complex sequencing & micro-operation logic
        • Difficult to design and test
        • Inflexible design
        • Difficult to add new instructions(repetitive of 3rd?)
    • Micro-programmed implementation: simpler approach




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