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原创 Contest 8B Rail Station

Problem B: Rail stationTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 479  Solved: 243[Submit][Status][Web Board]DescriptionThere is a famous railway station in PopPush City. Country t

2018-01-03 18:10:06 254

原创 Contest 8A The Maze runner

Problem A: The Maze runnerTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 468  Solved: 256[Submit][Status][Web Board]DescriptionGiven a maze, find a shortest path from start to exit.

2018-01-01 13:20:56 327

原创 Contest 7B Remove Nth Node From End of List

Problem B: Remove Nth Node From End of ListTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 221  Solved: 68[Submit][Status][Web Board]DescriptionGiven a linked list, remove the nth nod

2018-01-01 13:18:16 224

原创 Contest 7 Big vs Big (2)

Problem A: Big vs Big (2)Time Limit: 3 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 332  Solved: 183[Submit][Status][Web Board]DescriptionCalculate the addtion of any two positive big integers.

2018-01-01 13:14:58 235

原创 Contest6 The K-th largest number

Problem B: The K-th largest numberTime Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 40 MBSubmit: 856  Solved: 233[Submit][Status][Web Board]DescriptionGiven N integer numbers, find the K-th largest n

2017-12-04 20:40:00 365

原创 contest6:A dilemma of HR

Problem A: A dilemma of HRTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 15 MBSubmit: 260  Solved: 65[Submit][Status][Web Board]DescriptionThe manager of Human Resource(HR) is now facing a dilemma

2017-12-04 20:35:52 232

原创 Contest5.StringReverse

DescriptionYou will be given a number of test cases. The first line contains the number of cases as a positive integer. Each case is given with a line containing a list of words separated by a spa

2017-11-13 12:45:37 317

原创 NLP一周总结(一)

1.jieba在ubuntu环境下的安装,命令行中输入pip install jieba//注意不要进入python环境中,就在系统环境中输入import jiebastr=">>> str="网络可以被看作未经标注的巨大的语料库。网络搜索引擎提供了一个有效的手段,搜索">>> for t in result:... print (t)>>> result= jieba.

2017-11-08 17:52:33 405

原创 nltk.获得文本语料和词汇资源

1.获取文本语料库1.1古滕堡语料库nltk.corpus.gutenberg.fileids()//古滕堡语料库文件标识符emma = nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt')emma = nltk.Text(nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt'))//我们调用了NLTK 中的co

2017-10-22 18:37:46 1163

原创 nltk练习题

1.制作《理智与情感》中四个主角:Elinor,Marianne,Edward 和Willoughby 的分布图。在这部小说中关于男性和女性所扮演的不同角色,你能观察到什么?你能找出一对夫妻吗?text2.dispersion_plot(["Elinor", "Marianne", "Edward", "Willoughby"])2.使用的语法my_sent = ["My", "s

2017-10-22 17:17:10 630

原创 Contest4:Problem B: Mirror Expression

Problem B: Mirror ExpressionTime Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 217  Solved: 95[Submit][Status][Web Board]DescriptionA mirrored experssion is a string for which when each of t

2017-10-21 23:49:35 341

原创 Contest4:A+B problem

#include #include int main(){ int n,i; long long int s; scanf("%d",&n); long long int x[2*n]; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("\n%lld %lld",&x[2*i],&x[2*i+1]);} for(i=0;i<n;i++

2017-10-21 21:54:51 805

转载 nltk参考文章


2017-10-17 13:05:25 394

原创 nlp nltk note(1)

1.下载语料库 import nltk nltk.download() 2.文本简易处理 from nltk.book import * text1 text1.concordance(“”) text1.similar(“”) text5.common_contexts([“boy”,”girl”]) text4.dispersion_plot([“citizens”, “dem

2017-10-16 23:17:07 365

转载 Stanford nlp 初步之词性标注


2017-10-16 21:24:55 1635

原创 Contest 3:Problem A: Number and its reverse

此题注意c中无reverse函数,用模的方法进行reverse操作。计算反转数时忘注意回文数,导致了最开始想减小计算域,结果从1开始也不会超时。C'est tout.DescriptionGive you a number M (9999Output the number of total numbers such that the sum of this number and

2017-10-16 20:56:12 362

原创 Contest 2: Find all factors

DescriptionOutput the number of total factors of an integer.InputThere are several lines. And each line contains a positive number N (1OutputOutput the number of tota

2017-10-16 15:49:22 295

原创 Contest 2:Temperature Conversion

DescriptionFahrenheit(F) and Centigrade(C) are used as unit of measuring the temperature. The conversion between them is: F = 32 + C*1.8; C = (F - 32)/1.8We need you write a C program to conve

2017-10-16 15:45:29 340

原创 Warm up:C input and output

谨以此练习来学习最基础的C语言输入和输出。#include //头文件,标准输入输出#include int main(){ int ch; while(scanf("%s",&ch)!=EOF){ printf("%s\n",ch);};return(0);

2017-10-16 15:37:24 238



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