
# 建库
create table course
    id         varchar(255) not null
        primary key,
    name       varchar(255) not null,
    teacher_id varchar(255) not null

create table score
    user_id   varchar(255) not null,
    course_id varchar(255) not null,
    score     float(3, 0)  not null

create table student
    id     varchar(255) not null
        primary key,
    name   varchar(255) not null,
    birth  date         not null,
    gender varchar(255) not null

create table teacher
    id   varchar(255) not null
        primary key,
    name varchar(255) null

# 插入数据
insert into student values ('0001', '猴子', '1989-01-01', '男');
insert into student values ('0002', '猴子', '1990-12-21', '女');
insert into student values ('0003', '马云', '1991-12-21', '男');
insert into student values ('0004', '王思聪', '1990-05-20', '男');
insert into score values ('0001', '0001', 80);
insert into score values ('0001', '0002', 90);
insert into score values ('0001', '0003', 99);
insert into score values ('0002', '0002', 60);
insert into score values ('0002', '0003', 80);
insert into score values ('0003', '0001', 80);
insert into score values ('0003', '0002', 80);
insert into score values ('0003', '0003', 80);
insert into course values('0001' , '语文' , '0002');
insert into course values('0002' , '数学' , '0001');
insert into course values('0003' , '英语' , '0003');
insert into teacher values('0001' , '孟扎扎');
insert into teacher values('0002' , '马化腾');
insert into teacher values('0003' , null);
insert into teacher values('0004' , '');

# 题目
-- 一般查询

# 查询姓 猴 的学生名单
select * from student where name like '猴%';

# 查询姓名最后一个是 猴 的学生
select * from student where name like '%猴';

# 查询姓名中带 猴 的学生名单
select * from student where name like '%猴%';

# 查询姓 孟 的老师个数
select count(*) from teacher where name like '孟%';

# 查询课程编号为 0002 的总成绩
select sum(score) from score where course_id = '0002';

# 查询选了课程的学生人数
select count(distinct user_id) from score;

# 查询各科成绩最高和最低的分数
select course_id,max(score) as max_score,min(score) as min_score from score group by course_id;

# 查询每门课被选的学生数
select count(distinct user_id) from score group by course_id;

# 查询男生,女生人数
select gender,count(gender) from student group by gender;

# 查询平均成绩大于 60 分的学生学号和平均成绩
select user_id,avg(score) from score group by user_id having avg(score) > 60;

# 查询至少选了两门课程的学生学号
select user_id from score group by user_id having count(distinct course_id) >= 2;

# 查询同名同姓学生名单并统计同名人数
select name,count(name) from student group by name;

# 查询不及格的课程并按课程号从大到小排列
select * from score where score < 60 order by course_id desc;

# 查询每门课的平均成绩,结果按平均成绩升序排列,平均成绩相同时,按课程号降序排列
select course_id,avg(score) from score group by course_id order by avg(score) asc,course_id desc ;

# 检索课程编号为 0004 且分数小于 60 的学生学号,结果按分数降序排列
select user_id from score where course_id = '0004' and score < 60 order by score desc;

# 统计每门课的学生选修人数(超过两人的课程才统计),要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列
select course_id,count(user_id) from score group by course_id having count(user_id) >= 2 order by count(user_id) desc,course_id asc ;

# 查询两门以上不及格课程的学生的学号以及平均成绩
select course_id,avg(score) from score where score < 60 group by course_id having count(score) >= 2;

# 查询学生的总成绩并排名
select user_id,sum(score) from score group by user_id order by sum(score) desc ;

# 查询平均成绩大于 60 分的学生的学号和平均成绩
select user_id,avg(score) from score group by user_id having avg(score) > 60;

-- 复杂查询

# 查询所有课程中成绩小于 60 分学生的学号、姓名
select, from student where id in (
    select user_id from score where score < 60

# 查询没有学全所有课的学生的学号、姓名 
select, from student where id in (
    select user_id from score group by user_id having count(distinct course_id) < (select count(distinct course_id) from score)

# 查询出只选修了两门课程的全部学生的学号和姓名 
select, from student where id in (
    select user_id from score group by user_id having count(distinct course_id) = 2

# 1990年出生的学生名单
select * from student where birth like '1990%';

# 查询各科成绩前两名的记录  
(select * from score where course_id = '0001' order by score desc limit 2)
union all
(select * from score where course_id = '0002' order by score desc limit 2)
union all
(select * from score where course_id = '0003' order by score desc limit 2);

# 查询本月过生日的学生
SELECT * FROM student WHERE MONTH(birth) = month(now());

-- 联表查询

# 查询所有学生的学号、姓名、选课数、总成绩 
select id,count(course_id),ifnull(sum(score),0) from student left join score on = score.user_id group by user_id,id;

# 查询平均成绩大于85的所有学生的学号、姓名和平均成绩
select user_id,name,avg(score) from score left join student on user_id = id group by user_id,id having avg(score) > 85;

# 查询学生的选课情况:学号,姓名,课程号,课程名称
select,,course_id, from student inner join score on = score.user_id inner join course c on score.course_id =;

# 查询出每门课程的及格人数和不及格人数
select course_id,sum(case when score < 80 then 1 else 0 end) as '<60',sum(case when score >= 80 then 1 else 0 end) as '>=60' from score group by course_id;

# 使用分段[100-85],分别统计:各分数段人数,课程号和课程名称
select course_id,sum(case when score >= 85 and score < 100 then 1 else 0 end) as '[100-85]' from score s left join course c on s.course_id = group by s.course_id,;

# 查询课程编号为0003且课程成绩在80分以上的学生的学号和姓名
select * from score sc inner join student st on sc.user_id = and sc.course_id = '0003' and sc.score > 80;
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