Manifesto of Open Source Project Protection (MOSPP)

Version 1, September 2024

The fundamental purpose of the open source spirit is to promote a more stable development of academic research, rather than being used, criticized, and destroyed by people. This manifesto serves only as a basic guideline for projects and does not hold significant legal binding force. We call for more people to abide by this manifesto, and for the public to distribute it.

We hereby call upon developers to:

1. Adhere to the relevant academic ethics
Developers are naturally endowed with the basic rights stipulated by open source licenses, but we call for more developers with academic ethics to respect project authors. This is not moral coercion; developers have the right to ignore this suggestion.

2. Open source project authors provide developers with more freedom rights, but this does not mean authors are obligated to serve developers
Developers have certain freedom rights. Similarly, authors can autonomously decide what they want to do and how the project will evolve.

3. Open source project authors are not obliged to accept destructive suggestions from other developers
Destructiveness includes but is not limited to: destructive opinions on the future planning of project authors, destructive opinions on the basic principles of the project, and destructive opinions on the good communal environment.
This is similar to the second point, but with the difference that: authors can consider user feedback without the obligation to serve developers, but destructive suggestions are intolerable.

Open source project authors can append this manifesto to their projects as an ethical statement. Authors should also check for conflicts between the manifesto and the license. If there is a dispute, it will be interpreted according to the original Chinese version.

May the open source world have a bright future!

在进行数据库课程设计时,文献参考是非常关键的,它可以帮助你深入理解理论知识,获取最佳实践案例,并为实际项目提供指导。以下是一些建议的文献类型和参考资源: 1. **教科书与经典教材**: - Codd, E. F. (1970). "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks." Communications of the ACM. - Date, C. J., & Darwen, P. (2005). "The Third Manifesto: Distilled from the Writings of Eric Evans." No Starch Press. - Silberschatz, A., Korth, U., & Sudarshan, S. (2013). "Database System Concepts" (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. 2. **技术手册与规范文档**: - Oracle Database Concepts (Oracle官方文档) - MySQL Documentation (MySQL官方文档) - PostgreSQL Documentation (PostgreSQL官方文档) - SQL:2011 International Standard (ISO/IEC 9075-1) 3. **学术论文与研究论文**: - VLDB (Very Large Data Bases) 和 SIGMOD (Special Interest Group on Management of Data) 会议论文集 - Transactional Databases and Concurrency Control papers - ACID Properties and Isolation Levels studies 4. **开源数据库教程与指南**: - PostgreSQL Planner Guide (PostgreSQL官方文档中的规划器部分) - MongoDB Documentation (MongoDB官方文档) - NoSQL vs. SQL comparison articles 5. **设计和架构书籍**: - Kimball, R. (2006). "The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling." Wiley. - Inmon, H. (2005). "The Data Warehouse Revolution: The New Science of Managing and Mining Business Information." John Wiley & Sons.




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