3GPP协议号 Specification Numbering

Table of Contents

Latest version

Particular version

Title or subject

Specs related to a particular working group

Official versions published by recognized Standards Development Organizations

Yet more information:

Work plan

Releases (and phases, stages)

Historical information

TSG working methods

3GPP Drafting rules

Change Requests 

Version numbering


All 3GPP specifications have a specification number consisting of 4 or 5 digits. (e.g. 09.02 or 29.002).

The first two digits define the series, followed by 2 further digits for the 01 to 13 series or 3 further digits for the 21 to 55 series.

The full title, specification number and latest version number for every specification can be found in the current status list (warning: large file!).

An automated list of Specification numbers - with the Title and details of the Specification Group responsible.

Subject of specification series3G and beyond / GSM (R99 and later)GSM only (Rel-4 and later)GSM only (before Rel-4)
General information (long defunct)  00 series
Requirements21 series41 series01 series
Service aspects ("stage 1")22 series42 series02 series
Technical realization ("stage 2")23 series43 series03 series
Signalling protocols ("stage 3") - user equipment to network24 series44 series04 series
Radio aspects25 series45 series05 series
CODECs26 series46 series06 series
Data27 series47 series (none exists)07 series
Signalling protocols ("stage 3") -(RSS-CN) and OAM&P and Charging (overflow from 32.- range)28 series48 series08 series
Signalling protocols ("stage 3") - intra-fixed-network29 series49 series09 series
Programme management30 series50 series10 series
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM / USIM), IC Cards. Test specs.31 series51 series11 series
OAM&P and Charging32 series52 series12 series
Access requirements and test specifications 13 series (1)13 series (1)
Security aspects33 series(2)(2)
UE and (U)SIM test specifications34 series(2)11 series
Security algorithms (3)35 series55 series(4)
LTE (Evolved UTRA), LTE-Advanced, LTE-Advanced Pro radio technology36 series--
Multiple radio access technology aspects37 series--
Radio technology beyond LTE38 series--

Note (1): The 13 series GSM specifications relate to European-Union-specific regulatory standards. On the closure of ETSI TC SMG, responsibility for these specifications was transferred to ETSI TC MSG, (Mobile Specification Group) and they do not appear on the 3GPP file server.

Note (2): The specifications of these aspects are spread throughout several series.

Note (3): Algorithms may be subject to export licensing conditions. See the relevant 3GPP page. See also the relevant ETSI pages.

Note (4): The original GSM algorithms are not published and are controlled by the GSM Association.

Technical Reports are of two classes:

  • Those intended to be transposed and issued by the Organizational Partners as their own publications; and
  • Those not intended for publication but which are simply 3GPP internal working documents, used, for example, for documenting planning and scheduling of work, or for holding the interim results of feasibility studies.

The first category have numbers of the form: xx.9xx

The second category have numbers of the form:
xx.8xx (feasibility study reports, etc) or, more rarely,
30.xxx / 50.xxx (planning and scheduling)
For some spec series, the stock of xx.8xx TRs has been exhausted, and in these cases, further internal TRs are allocated xx.7xx numbers.

Missing Specs: Click here to see those Specs not yet available following the most recent round of TSG meetings.

The 3GPP Specifications are stored on the file server as zipped MS-Word files. The filenames have the following structure:


where the character fields have the following significance ...

S = series number - 2 characters (see the table above)
M = mantissa (the part of the spec number after the series number) - 2 or 3 characters (see above)
P = optional part number - 1 or 2 digits if present
Q = optional sub-part number - 1 or 2 digits if present
V = version number, without separating dots - 3 digits (6 digits when any component of the three-digit range has been exhausted - see the fifth example below)

So for example:

  • 21900-320.zip is 3GPP TR 21.900 version 3.2.0
  • 0408-6g0.zip is 3GPP TS 04.08 version 6.16.0
  • 32111-4-410 is 3GPP TS 32.111 part 4 version 4.1.0
  • 29998-04-1-100 is 3GPP TS 29.998 part 4 sub-part 1 version 1.0.0
  • 29898-133601 is 3GPP TR 29.898 version 13.36.1

Further information:

Latest version

The latest versions of the approved specifications in the "latest" directory. The latest version of draft specs (i.e. those not yet under change control) are in the "latest-drafts" directory. See also the page on version numbering.

Particular version

All older versions of specifications (where available) are stored in the archive subdirectory. All versions of all releases of a given specification are placed directly under the name of the specification.

Title or subject

If you only know the title or the subject, but not the specification number, the best place to start looking is the complete list of all 3GPP specification numbers and titles. This list also shows the most recent version in each Release.

Specs related to a particular working group

Each 3GPP TSG Working Group has a home page, which lists the specifications under its responsibility. Follow the links from here, or use the main menu item "Specification Groups".

Official versions published by recognized Standards Development Organizations

The 3GPP Technical Specifications (and Technical Reports) which are publicly available from this site have, in themselves, no legal standing. They only become "official" when transposed into corresponding publications of the Partner Organizations. If you are looking for the official versions, see the official publications page.

Yet more information:

Work plan

The 3GPP Work plan describes the new functionality currently being elaborated in the TSG working groups. It also indicates the expected timescales for their finalization.

Releases (and phases, stages)

An introduction to the 3GPP mechanism for specifications releases can be found here.

Historical information

If you need to look for old / superseded specifications or change requests, start here.

TSG working methods

The procedures for creating, enhancing and maintaining specifications are described in TR 21.900. A presentation outlining the release and change request process can be found here.

3GPP Drafting rules

The rules for drafting specifications are described in TR 21.801.

Change Requests 

The change request mechanism is used when a correction or new functionality is required for an existing specification.

Version numbering

More information on the version numbering page.

Issuing new TS/TR numbers. More information on this page.

Page updated:

2016-12-08: Spec file structure caters for the six-character version format used for specs where the three-character limit has been exhausted.
2016-01-12: Mention of TRs numbered xx.7xx as overflow of xx.8xx allocations (JMM)
2015-10-01: Fix broken link to specification groups (JMM)






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