IBM ClearCase 服务器进程学习




翻译人:雷霖 (Ralin)



ClearCase Server Processes

ClearCase is a distributed application. Many of its operations involve several host

computers and several server processes on each host. This section introduces the

ClearCase server processes.

For the most part, these servers do not need to be explicitly configured, started,

stopped, or managed. The information in this section is intended to help you

understand status and error messages that may be generated by these servers, to access

server logs, and to get a better idea of the role each server process plays in a ClearCase


Two server processes— albd_server and admin_server—run on every host that has

been configured to support local VOBs and views, regardless of whether any VOBs or

views have been created on the host. Other server processes are started as necessary to

manage any VOBs and views that reside on the host.

Note: ClearCase LT clients cannot be configured with support for local VOBs or views.

No ClearCase server processes run on a ClearCase LT client host or on a ClearCase host

that has been configured with no support for local VOBs and views.


ClearCase 服务器进程



两个服务器进程- albd_server admin_server-运行在已经被配置在支持本地VOBsViews的每个主机上,而不管是否有任何VOBs或者Views已经被创建在主机上。其他的服务进程被作为管理任何VOBsViews的必要而启动长驻在主机上。

注意:ClearCase LT客户端对于支持本地的VOBs或者Views不能被配置,没有ClearCase的服务进程运行在ClearCase LT的客户主机或者在不支持本地的VOBs或者Views已经被配置的ClearCase的主机上。



The albd_server handles a variety of tasks on hosts configured to support local VOBs

and views:

_ Starting and stopping other ClearCase services as needed.

_ Setting up network communications between ClearCase clients and servers.

_ Managing execution of tasks run by the ClearCase scheduler.

Chapter 1 - ClearCase Network Planning and Administration 9

_ Responding to requests for registry information on a ClearCase registry server


_ Responding to requests for licenses on a ClearCase license server host.

(ClearCase LT does not use the albd_server in this way.)

_ On UNIX hosts, responding to load-balancing queries from a remote clearmake

process. (This feature is not supported on ClearCase LT.)

When you start ClearCase, the albd_server starts first, and runs with one of the

following user identities:

_ root on UNIX

_ The built-in LocalSystem identity on ClearCase LT on Windows

_ A specially created privileged user account on ClearCase on Windows

When you stop ClearCase, the albd_server stops all ClearCase services on the host and

then exits.

Note: On a ClearCase LT client or a ClearCase client configured without support for

local VOBs and views, the albd_server is not installed, and there are no other

ClearCase services to stop or start.

When a client program wants to access a service (a VOB or view server, for example)

on a ClearCase server host, it uses a remote procedure call (RPC) to send a request to

the albd_server process on that host. The albd_server starts the requested service if it

is not already started, then issues a response telling the client the service’s port number.

Thereafter, the client communicates directly with the specific service, without

involving the albd_server.

ClearCase services started by the albd_server generally run with the identity of the

resource (VOB or view) owner on UNIX and with the identity of the albd_server on


Port Assignment

The albd_server listens for RPCs on a well-known port (port 371) that has been

reserved for it by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. ClearCase installation

verifies that no other service uses this port for UDP or TCP communications. If a

conflict is detected, we recommend that you modify the conflicting service to use

another port. If you cannot reconfigure or remove the conflicting service, you must

configure the albd_server to use a different UDP port.

_ On UNIX, edit the local host’s services database and/or the NIS services map.

10 Administrator’s Guide: Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearCase LT

_ On Windows, create the appropriate entry in the

file%SystemRoot%/System32/drivers/etc/services. (If there is no entry for the

albd_server in this file, it will use port 371.)

Note: All albd_server processes in a community must use the same port number. If you

change the albd_server port assignment on any ClearCase host, you must change it on

every ClearCase host.

The albd_server reads configuration file albd.conf during startup to determine which

services to provide. Do not modify this file.




l         当需要的时候启动和停止其他的ClearCase服务

l         ClearCase的服务器和客户机间设置网络通信。

l         管理ClearCase的调度程序任务的执行

l         响应ClearCase的注册服务主机上的注册信息的请求

l         响应ClearCaseLicense主机上的License请求(ClearCase LT不使用Albd_Server用这种方式)

l         Unix主机,响应远程的ClearMake进程的查询装载平衡(ClearCase LT不支持这种功能)


l         Unix上的root

l         WindowsClearCase LT的内置本地系统身份

l         WindowsClearCase特别创建的一个有特殊权利的用户帐号


注意:如果ClearCase LT客户端或者ClearCase客户端的配置不支持本地VOBsViews,那么这个服务将不被安装,因此就没有其他服务可以停止或启动。




Albd_Server监听RPC在一个众所周知的371端口,这个端口已经被Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.所保留,ClearCase安装检验这个端口没有被其他的服务以UDP或者TCP通讯的方式使用,如果冲突一旦被发觉,我们建议你使用冲突的服务使用其他端口号,如果你不能重新配置这个服务或者移除冲突的服务,你就得去配置Aldb_Server使用其他的UDP端口。

l         Unix机,编辑本地服务器的数据和/NIS服务匹配

l         Windows机,创建一个合适的条目在 file%SystemRoot%/System32/drivers/etc/services.


注意:所有的Aldb_Server的进程在通讯中必须使用相同的端口号。如果你改变了端口的配置在任何一台ClearCase主机上,你就得改变它在每一个主机的端口配置。Aldb_Server在启动的时候读取 albd.conf这个配置文件,用来决定提供哪些服务。不要修改此文件。



The ClearCase administration server (admin_server) is invoked as needed by the

host’s albd_server process. This short-lived server performs miscellaneous

administrative support functions:

_ Retrieving server log files for display by the getlog command and the ClearCase

Administration Console.

_ Retrieving and changing the local host’s ClearCase properties when requested by

the ClearCase Administration Console.

_ Moving registry files and reconfiguring clients if the host is a backup registry





l         显示回收服务的日志文件通过getlog命令在ClearCase的管理控制台

l         回收和改变本地主机的ClearCase属性当ClearCase管理控制台发出请求的时候

l         移动注册文件和重新配置客户端如果主机是备份注册服务器




The credentials mapping server credmap_server runs on any ClearCase host that is

configured to support local VOBs and views. This server handles credentials mapping

in environments where users access a common set of VOBs and views from both UNIX

and Windows computers. For more information, see Credentials Mapping on page 56.






A view_server is a long-lived process that manages activity in a particular view. A

view_server is started by the host’s albd_server process whenever a client requests

access to a view. A view_server remains active until it is terminated by a cleartool

endview –server command, a system shutdown, or an operating system command

that terminates the view_server process.

When it begins execution, a view_server reads configuration information from

the .view file in the view-storage directory. Values in this file are established by

mkview, chview, and similar commands. Do not modify this file with a text editor.



一个View_Server是一个常驻进程,它管理者活动在指定的View。无论什么时候当客户端请求访问View的时候,View_Server就被主机的albd_Server进程启动。它一直保持激活状态除非通过一个服务器命令cleartool endview关闭它,或者系统关闭了,或者一个操作系统的命令关闭了view_Server这个进程。




For each VOB, a long-lived vob_server process runs on the VOB host. The vob_server

manipulates data in the VOB’s storage pools in response to requests from client


The vob_server is the only process that ever creates or deletes VOB data containers;

only the VOB owner or a privileged user can modify VOB data containers and storage

pools. For more information, see The VOB Storage Directory on page 105.

A vob_server process is started as needed by albd_server. It remains active until any

of the following events occur:

_ The VOB is removed with the rmvob command.

_ ClearCase is stopped on the VOB server host.

_ The VOB server host is shut down and restarted.

When it begins execution, the vob_server reads configuration information from the file

vob_server.conf in the VOB storage directory. Values in this file are established by the

vob_snapshot_setup utility and other commands. Do not modify this file.







l         VOB通过rmvob命令删除了

l         VOB服务器上的ClearCase被停止了运行

l         VOB服务器关闭和重启

当它开始运行的时候,vob_server读取VOB storage目录下的vob_server.conf文件的配置信息。信息值通过vob_snapshot_setup和其他命令在这个文件中有效的创建。不要修改这个文件。



A host’s db_server processes manage VOB database transactions on that host in

response to requests from client programs. Because client programs cannot access VOB

databases directly, they must send database transaction requests to a db_server process

when they need to create, read, or modify VOB data or metadata.

Each db_server process services a single client at a time, but can operate on any

number of VOBs. A client establishes a connection to a db_server with the help of the

albd_server on the VOB host. If necessary, the albd_server starts a new db_server

process to handle a request. The connection is broken when the client exits or becomes

idle (stops requesting database transactions for an extended period). At that point, the

db_server becomes available for use by another client. After a period of idleness, an

unconnected db_server is terminated by its host’s albd_server.







Each VOB server host runs one or more vobrpc_server processes for each of its VOBs.

Each vobrpc_server process handles requests from view_server processes throughout

the network. These requests can generate both metadata (VOB database) and file

system data (storage pool) activity. The vobrpc_server accesses the VOB database in

the same way as a db_server; it forwards storage pool access requests to the


12 Administrator’s Guide: Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearCase LT

vobrpc_server processes are started by albd_server, which also routes new requests to

the least-busy servers and terminates unneeded vobrpc_server processes when the

system is lightly loaded.







Each VOB server host runs one lock manager process, lockmgr, which arbitrates

transaction requests to all VOB databases on that host. The calling program polls

lockmgr, which either grants or prohibits access to the requested data. If the data is

available, the transaction proceeds immediately: the data is read or written, and output

is returned to the calling program. If the data is unavailable (locked because another

caller has been granted write access to the data), the caller waits until lockmgr grants

it access to the data.

Unlike most other ClearCase services, the lockmgr is not started by the albd_server.

Instead, it is started when the VOB host starts. Lock manager startup options can be

changed if necessary to improve VOB server performance for certain configurations.

For more information, see Modify Lock Manager Startup Options on page 291.




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