Database system concept笔记(3)


实体-关系模型(Entity-Relationship Model)
所谓的entity其实就是所有的object(当然和OO中的对象还是有区别的),其对应到database的概念上可以理解为tuple,而由entity组成的entity set可以理解成table啦~

Mapping Cardinality 约束:常用来表示二元关系的类型,包括:one to one、one to many等4种(在图中箭头指向one的entity)
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Database System Concepts——数据库系统概念第六版(英文版) 作者: Abraham Silberschatz (Yale University) Henry F. Korth (Lehigh University) S. Sudarshan (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay) 本书目录: Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Database-System Applications 1 1.2 Purpose of Database Systems 3 1.3 View of Data 6 1.4 Database Languages 9 1.5 Relational Databases 12 1.6 Database Design 15 1.7 Data Storage and Querying 20 1.8 Transaction Management 22 1.9 Database Architecture 23 1.10 Data Mining and Information Retrieval 25 1.11 Specialty Databases 26 1.12 Database Users and Administrators 27 1.13 History of Database Systems 29 1.14 Summary 31 Exercises 33 Bibliographical Notes 35 Chapter 2 Introduction to the RelationalModel 2.1 Structure of Relational Databases 39 2.2 Database Schema 42 2.3 Keys 45 2.4 Schema Diagrams 46 2.5 Relational Query Languages 47 2.6 Relational Operations 48 2.7 Summary 52 Exercises 53 Bibliographical Notes 55 Chapter 3 Introduction to SQL 3.1 Overview of the SQL Query Language 57 3.2 SQL Data Definition 58 3.3 Basic Structure of SQL Queries 63 3.4 Additional Basic Operations 74 3.5 Set Operations 79 3.6 Null Values 83 3.7 Aggregate Functions 84 3.8 Nested Subqueries 90 3.9 Modification of the Database 98 3.10 Summary 104 Exercises 105 Bibliographical Notes 112 Chapter 4 Intermediate SQL 4.1 Join Expressions 113 4.2 Views 120 4.3 Transactions 127 4.4 Integrity Constraints 128 4.5 SQL Data Types and Schemas 136 4.6 Authorization 143 4.7 Summary 150 Exercises 152 Bibliographical Notes 156 Chapter 5 Advanced SQL 5.1 Accessing SQL From a Programming Language 157 5.2 Functions and Procedures 173 5.3 Triggers 180 5.4 Recursive Queries 187 5.5 Advanced Aggregation Features 192 5.6 OLAP 197 5.7 Summary 209 Exercises 211 Bibliographical Notes 216 Chapter 6 Formal Relational Query Languages 6.1 The Relational Algebra 217 6.2 The Tuple Relational Calculus 239 6.3 The Domain Relational Calculus 245 6.4 Summary 248 Exercises 249 Bibliographical Notes 254 Chapter 7 Database Design and the E-R Model 7.1 Overview of the Design Process 259 7.2 The Entity-Relationship Model 262 7.3 Constraints 269 7.4 Removing Redundant Attributes in Entity Sets 272 7.5 Entity-Relationship Diagrams 274 7.6 Reduction to Relational Schemas 283 7.7 Entity-Relationship Design Issues 290 7.8 Extended E-R Features 295 7.9 Alternative Notations for Modeling Data 304 7.10 Other Aspects of Database Design 310 7.11 Summary 313 Exercises 315 Bibliographical Notes 321 Chapter 8 Relational Database Design 8.1 Features of Good Relational Designs 323 8.2 Atomic Domains and First Normal Form 327 8.3 Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies 329 8.4 Functional-Dependency Theory 338 8.5 Algorithms for Decomposition 348 8.6 Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies 355 8.7 More Normal Forms 360 8.8 Database-Design Process 361 8.9 Modeling Temporal Data 364 8.10 Summary 367 Exercises 368 Bibliographical Notes 374 Chapter 9 Application Design and Development 9.1 Application Programs and User Interfaces 375 9.2 Web Fundamentals 377 9.3 Servlets and JSP 383 9.4 Application Architectures 391 9.5 Rapid Application Development 396 9.6 Application Performance 400 9.7 Application Security 402 9.8 Encryption and Its Applications 411 9.9 Summary 417 Exercises 419 Bibliographical Notes 426 Chapter 10 Storage and File Structure 10.1 Overview of Physical Storage Media 429 10.2 Magnetic Disk and Flash Storage 432 10.3 RAID 441 10.4 Tertiary Storage 449 10.5 File Organization 451 10.6 Organization of Records in Files 457 10.7 Data-Dictionary Storage 462 10.8 Database Buffer 464 10.9 Summary 468 Exercises 470 Bibliographical Notes 473 Chapter 11 Indexing and Hashing 11.1 Basic Concepts 475 11.2 Ordered Indices 476 11.3 B+-Tree Index Files 485 11.4 B+-Tree Extensions 500 11.5 Multiple-Key Access 506 11.6 Static Hashing 509 11.7 Dynamic Hashing 515 11.8 Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing 523 11.9 Bitmap Indices 524 11.10 Index Definition in SQL 528 11.11 Summary 529 Exercises 532 Bibliographical Notes 536 Chapter 12 Query Processing 12.1 Overview 537 12.2 Measures of Query Cost 540 12.3 Selection Operation 541 12.4 Sorting 546 12.5 Join Operation 549 12.6 Other Operations 563 12.7 Evaluation of Expressions 567 12.8 Summary 572 Exercises 574 Bibliographical Notes 577 Chapter 13 Query Optimization 13.1 Overview 579 13.2 Transformation of Relational Expressions 582 13.3 Estimating Statistics of Expression Results 590 13.4 Choice of Evaluation Plans 598 13.5 Materialized Views 607 13.6 Advanced Topics in Query Optimization 612 13.7 Summary 615 Exercises 617 Bibliographical Notes 622 Chapter 14 Transactions 14.1 Transaction Concept 627 14.2 A Simple Transaction Model 629 14.3 Storage Structure 632 14.4 Transaction Atomicity and Durability 633 14.5 Transaction Isolation 635 14.6 Serializability 641 14.7 Transaction Isolation and Atomicity 646 14.8 Transaction Isolation Levels 648 14.9 Implementation of Isolation Levels 650 14.10 Transactions as SQL Statements 653 14.11 Summary 655 Exercises 657 Bibliographical Notes 660 Chapter 15 Concurrency Control 15.1 Lock-Based Protocols 661 15.2 Deadlock Handling 674 15.3 Multiple Granularity 679 15.4 Timestamp-Based Protocols 682 15.5 Validation-Based Protocols 686 15.6 Multiversion Schemes 689 15.7 Snapshot Isolation 692 15.8 Insert Operations, Delete Operations, and Predicate Reads 697 15.9 Weak Levels of Consistency in Practice 701 15.10 Concurrency in Index Structures 704 15.11 Summary 708 Exercises 712 Bibliographical Notes 718 Chapter 16 Recovery System 16.1 Failure Classification 721 16.2 Storage 722 16.3 Recovery and Atomicity 726 16.4 Recovery Algorithm 735 16.5 Buffer Management 738 16.6 Failure with Loss of Nonvolatile Storage 743 16.7 Early Lock Release and Logical Undo Operations 744 16.8 ARIES 750 16.9 Remote Backup Systems 756 16.10 Summary 759 Exercises 762 Bibliographical Notes 766 Chapter 17 Database-System Architectures 17.1 Centralized and ClientServer Architectures 769 17.2 Server System Architectures 772 17.3 Parallel Systems 777 17.4 Distributed Systems 784 17.5 Network Types 788 17.6 Summary 791 Exercises 793 Bibliographical Notes 794 Chapter 18 Parallel Databases 18.1 Introduction 797 18.2 I/O Parallelism 798 18.3 Interquery Parallelism 802 18.4 Intraquery Parallelism 803 18.5 Intraoperation Parallelism 804 18.6 Interoperation Parallelism 813 18.7 Query Optimization 814 18.8 Design of Parallel Systems 815 18.9 Parallelism on Multicore Processors 817 18.10 Summary 819 Exercises 821 Bibliographical Notes 824 Chapter 19 Distributed Databases 19.1 Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Databases 825 19.2 Distributed Data Storage 826 19.3 Distributed Transactions 830 19.4 Commit Protocols 832 19.5 Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases 839 19.6 Availability 847 19.7 Distributed Query Processing 854 19.8 Heterogeneous Distributed Databases 857 19.9 Cloud-Based Databases 861 19.10 Directory Systems 870 19.11 Summary 875 Exercises 879 Bibliographical Notes 883 Chapter 20 DataWarehousing andMining 20.1 Decision-Support Systems 887 20.2 DataWarehousing 889 20.3 Data Mining 893 20.4 Classification 894 20.5 Association Rules 904 20.6 Other Types of Associations 906 20.7 Clustering 907 20.8 Other Forms of Data Mining 908 20.9 Summary 909 Exercises 911 Bibliographical Notes 914 Chapter 21 Information Retrieval 21.1 Overview 915 21.2 Relevance Ranking Using Terms 917 21.3 Relevance Using Hyperlinks 920 21.4 Synonyms, Homonyms, and Ontologies 925 21.5 Indexing of Documents 927 21.6 Measuring Retrieval Effectiveness 929 21.7 Crawling and Indexing the Web 930 21.8 Information Retrieval: Beyond Ranking of Pages 931 21.9 Directories and Categories 935 21.10 Summary 937 Exercises 939 Bibliographical Notes 941 Chapter 22 Object-Based Databases 22.1 Overview 945 22.2 Complex Data Types 946 22.3 Structured Types and Inheritance in SQL 949 22.4 Table Inheritance 954 22.5 Array and Multiset Types in SQL 956 22.6 Object-Identity and Reference Types in SQL 961 22.7 Implementing O-R Features 963 22.8 Persistent Programming Languages 964 22.9 Object-Relational Mapping 973 22.10 Object-Oriented versus Object-Relational 973 22.11 Summary 975 Exercises 976 Bibliographical Notes 980 Chapter 23 XML 23.1 Motivation 981 23.2 Structure of XML Data 986 23.3 XML Document Schema 990 23.4 Querying and Transformation 998 23.5 Application Program Interfaces to XML 1008 23.6 Storage of XML Data 1009 23.7 XML Applications 1016 23.8 Summary 1019 Exercises 1021 Bibliographical Notes 1024 PART EIGHT ADVANCED TOPICS Chapter 24 Advanced Application Development 24.1 Performance Tuning 1029 24.2 Performance Benchmarks 1045 24.3 Other Issues in Application Development 1048 24.4 Standardization 1051 24.5 Summary 1056 Exercises 1057 Bibliographical Notes 1059 Chapter 25 Spatial and Temporal Data andMobility 25.1 Motivation 1061 25.2 Time in Databases 1062 25.3 Spatial and Geographic Data 1064 25.4 Multimedia Databases 1076 25.5 Mobility and Personal Databases 1079 25.6 Summary 1085 Exercises 1087 Bibliographical Notes 1089 Chapter 26 Advanced Transaction Processing 26.1 Transaction-Processing Monitors 1091 26.2 TransactionalWorkflows 1096 26.3 E-Commerce 1102 26.4 Main-Memory Databases 1105 26.5 Real-Time Transaction Systems 1108 26.6 Long-Duration Transactions 1109 26.7 Summary 1115 Exercises 1117 Bibliographical Notes 1119 Chapter 27 PostgreSQL 27.1 Introduction 1123 27.2 User Interfaces 1124 27.3 SQL Variations and Extensions 1126 27.4 Transaction Management in PostgreSQL 1137 27.5 Storage and Indexing 1146 27.6 Query Processing and Optimization 1151 27.7 System Architecture 1154 Bibliographical Notes 1155 Chapter 28 Oracle 28.1 Database Design and Querying Tools 1157 28.2 SQL Variations and Extensions 1158 28.3 Storage and Indexing 1162 28.4 Query Processing and Optimization 1172 28.5 Concurrency Control and Recovery 1180 28.6 System Architecture 1183 28.7 Replication, Distribution, and External Data 1188 28.8 Database Administration Tools 1189 28.9 Data Mining 1191 Bibliographical Notes 1191 Chapter 29 IBM DB2 Universal Database 29.1 Overview 1193 29.2 Database-Design Tools 1194 29.3 SQL Variations and Extensions 1195 29.4 Storage and Indexing 1200 29.5 Multidimensional Clustering 1203 29.6 Query Processing and Optimization 1207 29.7 Materialized Query Tables 1212 29.8 Autonomic Features in DB2 1214 29.9 Tools and Utilities 1215 29.10 Concurrency Control and Recovery 1217 29.11 System Architecture 1219 29.12 Replication, Distribution, and External Data 1220 29.13 Business Intelligence Features 1221 Bibliographical Notes 1222 Chapter 30 Microsoft SQL Server 30.1 Management, Design, and Querying Tools 1223 30.2 SQL Variations and Extensions 1228 30.3 Storage and Indexing 1233 30.4 Query Processing and Optimization 1236 30.5 Concurrency and Recovery 1241 30.6 System Architecture 1246 30.7 Data Access 1248 30.8 Distributed Heterogeneous Query Processing 1250 30.9 Replication 1251 30.10 Server Programming in .NET 1253 30.11 XML Support 1258 30.12 SQL Server Service Broker 1261 30.13 Business Intelligence 1263 Bibliographical Notes 1267


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