CPT111-Java Programming 课程笔记

1. About Java

  • Created by James Gosling.
  • Java is an OOP Language.
    • every Java file must contain a class declaration.
    • all code is written inside a class
    • to run a Java program, need to define a main method

1.1 Hello world

public class hello {
	public static void main(String[] args){
		System.out.println("hello world!");

1.2 Variable

  • Java is a statically typed language:
    • all variables, parameters, and methods must have a declared type
    • variables must be declared before use
    • that type can never change
    • expressions also have a type
  • Using an IDE, the compiler checks that all the types in your program are compatible before the program ever runs.
  • Variables can be declared and initialized once, and assigned multiple times


2. Data Type

2.1 numeric

byte8 bits-128 to 127 (0 to 255)
short16bits-32768 to 32767 (0 to 65535)
int (default)32 bits − 2 31 -2^{31} 231 to 2 31 − 1 2^{31}-1 2311 (0 to 2 64 − 1 2^{64}-1 2641)
long64 bits − 2 63 t o 2 63 − 1 -2^{63} to 2^{63}-1 263to2631
float32 bits± 1 0 38 10^{38} 1038 approx.7 significant digits
double64 bits± 1 0 308 10^{308} 10308 approx.15 significant digits

注:long 类型的赋值:long num = 300000L;,float 类型的赋值:float num = 300000F;

为什么 Java 中 long 后面要加L:


实际上内存中 num 只是一个 long 类型的变量,它存在于 stack(栈)中,数值并不在其中存放,它指向 heap(堆)中另一块真正存放数值的内存,加 L 的目的就是为了让 heap 也创建一块 long 类型所需要的内存,用来放数值。所以说 = 前后两者其实是在不同的两块内存,只不过有个指针将两者连接起来了。同理 float 类型的变量也要加 F

Java 整型默认为 int,且 Java 会自动向下转型,byteshort 都可以由 int 自动向下转型,所以不需要加任何符号,但是不能自动向上转型成 long 类型,所以要加 L,转为 long 类型。


  • 不加 L 默认是 intint 转为 long 是安全的,所以会自动转,能编译通过
  • 浮点数不加 F 默认是 double 类型,doublefloat 可能损失精度,所以不会自动转,编译通不过
  • 如果超过 int 的取值范围还不加 L,那么也会直接报错了

2.2 Boolean

True / False

Its size varies; it only uses 1 bit, but can take up to 32 bits of memory.

2.3 Char and String

  • string : String are objects, and have many methods.
  • char : includes non-Roman characters (Chinese), 16 bits.

Primitive Data Type vs Reference Data Type


引用类型和原始类型的行为完全不同,分别具有不同的语义,并且具有不同的特征和用法,它们包括:大小和速度问题,使用原始类型无须调用 new,也无须创建对象,这节省了时间和空间。另外,对象引用实例变量的缺省值为 null,而原始类型实例变量的缺省值与它们的类型有关。另外,赋值符 = 改变的是对象引用,而不是对象本身



  • boolean Character.isLetter(c) : 判断是否是字母
  • boolean Character.isDigit(c) : 判断是否是数字
  • boolean Character.isWhitespace(c) : 判断是否是空格
  • boolean isUpperCase(c) : 判断是否是大写字母
  • boolean isLowerCase(c)
  • char Character.toUpperCase(c) : 转为大写字母
  • char Character.toLowerCase(c)


  • string String.toString(c) : 转为字符串
  • int str.length() : 返回字符串长度
  • str str.substring(int start[, int end]) : 左闭右开,取子串
  • boolean str1.equals(str2) : 判断是否相等
  • boolean str1.equalsIgnoreCase()(str2)
  • boolean str.isEmpty() : 判断是不是空串
  • boolean str1.contains(str2) : 判断是否包含某子串
  • boolean str1.startsWith(str2) : 是否以某子串开头
  • boolean str1.endsWith(str2)
  • str.toUpperCase()
  • str.toLowerCase()
  • str.charAt(int i) : returns the character at index i
  • int str1.indexOf(str2[, int fromIndex]) : it returns the index number where the target string is first found, or -1 if the target is not found
  • int str1.lastIndexOf(str2[, int fromIndex])
  • string str.trim() : 去掉两头的空格
  • string str.replace(String a, String b)
  • string str.replaceAll(String a, String b)
  • string [] str1.split(str2)

String 对象创建问题 (https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_38750084/article/details/82928911)

3. Operators

+, -, *, %

/ : 在两个数都是整数的时候是整数除法。只要有一个浮点数,就是浮点数除法。

++i, i++, --i, i--

4. Scanner

  1. import the package of Scanner
    import java.util.Scanner;
  2. create a new Scanner object
    Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
  3. receive and store an input
    String next = kb.nextLine();

next() 方法是不接收空格的,在接收到有效数据前,所有的空格或者 tab 键等输入被忽略,若有有效数据,则遇到这些键退出。nextLine() 可以接收空格或者 tab 键,其输入应该以 enter 键结束。nextInt()nextDouble() 分别读入相应的类型。

Please DO NOT USE next(), nextInt(), nextDouble(). We will only use nextLine()

5. Casting and Conversion

Primitive Casting

  • Casting is explicitly telling Java to make a conversion.
  • Casts are required when you want to perform a narrowing conversion. You are instructing the compiler to convert.
  • Narrowing runs the risk of losing information.
  • The cast tells the compiler that you accept the risk.


  • In Java casting is the forcing of conversion between primitive data types, or between objects of different classes.
    y = (datatype)x;

Converting between primitive & String
there are classes for ALL primitive data types, they are called ‘wrapper classes’. The main use for wrapper classes is to convert text to primitive number types

String s = "999";
int res = Integer.parseInt(s);
String out = Integer.toString(res);

6. Flow Controls

6.1 Conditionals

if (condition1) {
else if (condition2) {

else {


6.2 Loops

while loop

while (condition) {


for loop

for (int i=0;i<=10;i++) {


6.3 Switch

switch (variable) {
case 1:
case 2:

7. Arrays

int [] myArray = new int[5];

When created, arrays are automatically initialized

  • String [] : NULL
  • boolean [] : false
  • int [] : 0

initialise the array when declared

int [] myArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
  • myArray.length : 返回数组长度

8. Method

static method

public static int MethodName(int a){

	return returnValue;


作用域与生命周期是两个完全不同的概念。在英文中,作用域用 scope 表示,生命周期则用 duration 表示。作用域是一个静态概念,只在编译源程序的时候用到。一个标识符的作用域指在源文件中该标识符能够独立地合法出现的区域。生命周期则是一个运行时(Runtime)概念,它是指一个变量在整个程序从载入到结束运行的过程中存在的时间周期。由于函数和数据类型是静态的概念,它们没有生命周期的说法,它们从编译、程序的运行到结束整个过程是一直存在的。


8.1 Overloading


9. Object


public class className {


9.1 Constructors


public class className {
	public className(parameter) {

9.2 this

this 是一个指向对象的指针,通过 this. 的方式来访问对象中的成员变量(属性)

9.3 public and private

  • public : 可以在任何地方调用该方法(接口)
  • private : 只能在该方法所属的类中调用该方法

使用 private 可以保证安全性

9.4 static

static 关键字属于类,而不是类的实例。

static 可以用于节省内存,所有实例化的对象共用一块静态变量的内存,该静态变量可以被任意对象覆写(有点像全局变量)

静态方法不能直接使用非静态数据成员或调用非静态方法,thissuper 两个关键字不能在静态上下文中使用。(因为static 关键字属于类,而不是类的实例。)

9.5 Inheritance

Java 没有多继承

public class SubClass extends SuperClass {


A subclass inherits all of the superclass’ instance variables, use super() to call the superclass’ constructor and pass the initial values.

We can call the inherited public methods on the superclass’ instance

9.5.2 Final

If the instance variable will never be changed after it is initialized, we can declare it to be final

private final String str;

9.5.2 Redefining Superclass Method in Subclass


We can put an annotation @Override before the overriding method, The purpose is that if we made a mistake such as typo on the method name or parameter then we will get a compile error.

We can still call the overridden method of the superclass by using super.Method

9.5.3 Polymorphism

Superclass variable calls the overridden method of each specific subclass

10. Exceptions

Exceptions happen when something goes wrong with the code. A condition that the code can not handle.

There are two types of Exceptions in Java, checked and unchecked.


Checked exceptions must either be caught by the method in which they occur or you must declare that the method containing that statement throws the exception. They correspond mainly to file reading and writing. They occured in compile time, so the program will not run without handling these.


Unchecked exceptions are those that belong to subclasses of Runtime-Exception default exception handlers. They can be handled by Java, or you can handle them.

10.1 Try - Catch

把可能抛出异常的代码放入 try 块,然后使用 catch 块来捕获异常,并在块内对其处理

It is possible to have multiple catch blocks to catch different types of exceptions.

catch(Exception e) 可以捕获所有异常,它是所有异常的父类,但请不要这么做

10.2 Throw


We can use Exceptions if

  • All return values are valid and you cannot use a special value to indicate the exceptional case.
  • The exceptional case must be dealt with at some early level of method call

Using Exceptions too much will slow down your program.

11. File Input / Output

11.1 File Reading

Step 1: Opening a File

import java.noi.file.Files;
import java.noi.file.Path;

Path path = Paths.get("E:\\data.txt");
BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path);

Step 2: Reading Content

String lineContent = reader.readLine();
while (lineContent != null) {
	lineContent = reader.readLine();

Step 3: Close File


Step 4: Exceptions

Path path = Paths.get("E:\\data.txt");
try {
	BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path);
	String lineContent = reader.readLine();
	while (lineContent != null) {
		lineContent = reader.readLine();
catch (IOException ex) {


public static void readFile() throws IOException {
	Path path = Paths.get("E:\\data.txt");
	BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path);
	String lineContent = reader.readLine();
	while (lineContent != null) {
		lineContent = reader.readLine();

11.2 File Writing

public static void writeFile(String[] toWrite) {
	Path path = Paths.get("data.txt");
	try {
		BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(path);
		for (int i=0;i<toWrite.length;i++) {
	catch (IOException ioe) {

Open Options:

  • StandardOpenOption.APPEND : new content will be appended to the end of the file
  • StandardOpenOption.CREATE : create a new file
  • StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING : if the file exists, then its length is truncated to 0 (empty
    the file)

11.3 Creating a Directory

public static void createDir() {
	Path path = Paths.get("newFloder");
	try {
		System.out.println("Floder: " + path.toAbsolutePath());
	catch (IOException ioe) {

12. Graphics

  • Graphics : Permits the drawing of shapes, lines and images. The selection of fonts colours and so on
  • Components : They are items such as buttons, text fields, menus and scroll bars. We can put them into containers and then use layout managers to arrange them on the screen
  • Containers : Special components that can contain other components
  • Layout Managers
  • Event handlers : handles events such as button clicks, mouse moving etc… Event handlers enable interaction between users the programs

The simplest Window

import javax.swing.JFrame;

public static void main(String[] args) {
	JFrame frame = new JFrame();
	frame.setTitle("My Frame");
	frame.setSize(200, 200);

12.1 Drawing

Every component inside a container has an x, y, width and height. The coordinate system of Java GUI
starts at the top-left corner. The (x, y) of a Component is relative to its container.

class Drawing extends JPanel {
	private final int x, y;
	private final int width, height;
	public Drawing(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
		width = w;
		width = h;
	public int getX() {return x;}
	public int getY() {return y;}
	public int getWidth() {return width;}
	public int getHeight() {return height;}

The JFrame, will call these methods to get the position, width and height of this ImageDisplay and put it in the relative position within the container. Here we are overriding JPanel’s methods.

A number of methods that can be used :

  • g.clearRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) : Clears the specified rectangle by filling it with the background color of the current drawing surface.
  • g.drawString(String data, int length, int x, int y) : Draws the text given by the specified character array, using this graphics context’s current font and colour
  • g.drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  • g.drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) : Draws a non filled rectangle
  • g.fillOval(int x, int y, int width, int height) : Draws a filled Oval
  • g.setColor(Color.GREEN) : Sets the colour to use for drawing

12.2 writing

  • Font myFont = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 12);
  • g.setFont(myFont)

12.3 Colours

Color myColor = new Color(r, b, g);

12.4 Images

public static BufferedImage readImage(String filename) {
	BufferedImage image = null;
	try {
		image = ImageIO.read(new File(filename));
	catch (IOException e) {
		System.out.println("read image error");
	return image;
  • g.drawImage(im, x, y, this)
  • g.drawImage(im, x, y, width, height, this)

13. List

13.1 ArrayList

ArrayList cannot hold primitives (int, double, boolean), only objects.

ArrayList<String> lst = new ArrayList<String>();


  • add(E e)
  • add(int index, E e)
  • contains(E e)
  • get(int index)
  • size()
  • set(int index, E e) : Replace
  • indexOf(E e) : First location
  • remove(E e) : First elemment. returns a boolean to inform if removed successfully.
  • remove(int index) : return the object

13.2 LinkList

  • LinkList 继承了 AbstractSequentialList
  • 实现了 Queue 接口,可以作为队列使用
  • 实现了 Deque 接口,可以作为双端队列使用
  • 实现了 List 接口,可以使用列表的相关操作
  • 实现了 Cloneable 接口,可以实现克隆
  • 实现了 java.io.Serializable 接口,可支持序列化

手工链表请看这里:算法整理 & 复习:链表、双向链表(https://blog.csdn.net/SP_FA/article/details/109405877)

14. Time

LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDDateTime have no time zone.

  • LocalDate : An instance of LocalDate is immutable and represents a date without information of the time and time-zone.
  • LocalTime : Without information of the date and time-zone.
  • LocalDateTime : Without time-zone.
LocalDate d1 = LocalDate.now();
LocalDate d2 = LocalDate.of(2021, Month.JULY, 12);
LocalDate d3 = LocalDate.of(2021, 7, 12);
LocalDate d4 = LocalDate.ofYearDay(2021, 193);

LocalTime t1 = LocalTime.now();
LocalTime t2 = LocalTime.of(17, 18);
LocalTime t3 = LocalTime.of(13, 30, 40);
LocalTime t4 = LocalTime.parse("10:15:20");

LocalDateTime dt1 = LocalDateTime.now();
LocalDateTime dt2 = LocalDateTime.of(2021, 7, 12, 12, 30);

Period and Duration

  • period : Represents a quantity of time in terms of years, months, and days.
    • getYears()
    • getMonths()
    • getDays()
  • duration : Represents a quantity of time in terms of seconds and nanoseconds.
    • toHoursPart()
    • toMinutesPart()
    • toSecondsPart()
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