How to copy folder from source to multiple servers

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If you are deploying files and folders to multiple machines on daily basis then this tool is defiantly going to make it easy for you to do that.

VtRa FFM is a software that can easily copy files/folders form one Server to multiple servers/workstations

VtRa FFM can also delete file or delete folder from multiple servers / workstations

Steps (9 total)
1The “copy folder” function in FFM was built from 3 sections –
A: Source folder path: In the source folder you write the source location path of the folder including the folder name you wants to copy. It can be folder on your local machine or somewhere in the network (UNC path)

B: Host Collection List: you should build a list of hosts that you want to copy the folder to them (destination servers). You can build as many host lists you want for different copy proposes.

*The prettiest thing is that after you made them you can choose all servers in the list for the copy process or only selected servers.

C: Destination Folder: On this line you will write the path of the destination folder (without mention the server name. the server name will be what you had selected on section B.

2Example :
You want to copy folder name c:\test to the path “\\server1\c$\Apps\test” and “\\server2\c$\Apps\test” (if folder apps doesn’t exist the FFM will create it).

1. In the “source folder” you will write c:\test

2. On the “Host collection list” mark server1 and server2

3. On the “destination folder” you have 3 options to write it – “c$\Apps\test”

4. Press the run button and in result the software will copy the folder with the name test and all the content inside that folder to the destination path on servers 1 and 2 (the path will be “c$\Apps” and the new folder name on each server will be test.

5. If you want to rename the folder to another name (let call it kuku) you will write on the “destination folder” line: “c$\Apps\kuku” and you will receive the copied folder on each server with the new name (kuku).

6. You have 3 copy options that you can choose before you start copy : “Overwrite” , “Dest Folder Backup” and “Include Security Permissions” you can find more details about it on the lower section of this guide .

7. After you finish fill out everything and you are ready to go choose the “Run” button on the left corner and the copy process will start


After the sofware will finish the copy process ‘ you will recive a popup massage “save log file” if you will choose yes you will be able to see the log when choosing “Files” –> “logs”

4FFM copy folder options :
You have 3 copy options that you can choose before you start copy :

1. Overwrite

2. Dest Folder Backup

3. Include Security Permissions

“Overwrite” and “Dest Folder Backup” can’t be together

5Overwrite :

When you install the software the default Option always will be Overwrite (In the screen shot you can see how to change it). It means that if the folder exist the software will replace it.

6Dest Folder Backup :
It means that the software will create a backup copy for each folder . The backup copy will be named uniquely

Include Security Permissions :

It will take all the security ntfs permissions from the source folder you want to copy (only the root permissions of this folder) and the permissions will pass to all the copies folder .

7Screen shot of FFM after you press run on multi server environment:
1. Copy any folder or file to a list of remote machines

2. Delete any folder or file from list of remote machines

3. Copy options available (if already destination file or folder exists you can overwrite destination or rename destination for backup purposes and copy source, copy folder including permissions of source folder only not inherited permissions)

4. The application provides logs of all actions and it can be saved for future references

5. VtRa FFM Support copy files , copy folders ,delete files , delete folders on windows 2000, windows XP, windows 7, windows 8/8.1, windows2003, windows 2008R2/2008R2, windows2012R2

6. Full windows GUI application (no scripting involved)

7. The application is multithread so you can open the application a few times and make many jobs simultaneously .

7. It’s FREE

9Download Now And Use For FREE
attached (230 KB)
installation link is down (not my site) but I attached the installation to step 9
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