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原创 低于1.5kg轻薄笔记本不完全汇总(2023年11月)

轻薄笔记本( < 1.5kg )基本信息汇总

2023-11-10 14:20:45 282

原创 国外部分音乐人工智能/音乐科技研究机构科研项目简介

本文对国外部分音乐人工智能/音乐科技科研机构的科研项目与教学课程设置作简要介绍,包括英国伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary)的数字音乐中心(C4DM)、西班牙巴塞罗那庞培法布拉大学(UPF)的音乐技术研究组(MTG)、美国斯坦福大学的音乐与声学计算机研究中心(CCRMA)以及法国的声学/音乐协调研究所(IRCAM)。

2022-02-26 15:09:36 4501

原创 PyTorch入门程序

一个PyTorch入门程序,在 PyTorch For Audio and Music Processing 入门代码的基础上添加了一些注释和新的内容

2022-02-20 20:59:08 1004

原创 音乐速度与节拍估计(一)基本方法


2022-02-04 17:55:00 2318 1

原创 使用Python播放MIDI音符


2022-02-04 17:49:33 5743 2

原创 群体智能优化算法之鲸鱼优化算法


2022-02-04 17:42:39 5880 2

原创 群体智能优化算法之灰狼优化算法


2022-02-04 17:38:14 3171 2

原创 群体智能优化算法


2022-02-04 17:32:10 12279

原创 使用Python读取和播放音频文件


2021-10-27 23:14:36 3587 2

原创 ASR实验及记录

DeepSpeech2 和 CVTE开源模型

2021-10-27 23:07:22 1360

原创 算法竞赛部分算法(二)算法模板(C/C++)


2021-10-27 22:51:34 365

原创 算法竞赛部分算法总结(一)


2021-04-13 13:15:13 499

原创 2020 暑期实习开发岗 笔试题目及题解(阿里巴巴、网易互娱、腾讯)


2020-04-12 00:00:40 1639

原创 Python实现和弦查询器(钢琴)

输入和弦名称即可显示对应琴键位置环境:Python 3.7 , PyQt5代码已放至githubhttps://github.com/Hellwz/Chord-Query例如:

2020-02-02 20:20:33 3057

原创 用C++写出类似精灵宝可梦的游戏

环境:VS2017 , Win32 API语言: C++代码已放至githubhttps://github.com/Hellwz/Rookemon游戏展示:https://github.com/Hellwz/Rookemon/blob/master/游戏展示.mp4

2020-02-02 19:57:08 3917

原创 汉诺塔游戏程序(附带演示功能)


2020-02-02 18:49:16 1804 2

原创 USACO-Section 4.1-PROB Beef McNuggets

Beef McNuggetsHubert ChenFarmer Brown's cows are up in arms, having heard that McDonalds is considering the introduction of a new product: Beef McNuggets. The cows are trying to find any possible

2016-02-13 21:40:34 442

原创 NOIP 模拟练习题 收费站


2016-01-27 14:44:16 1412

原创 NOIP 模拟练习题 最小奖励


2016-01-27 14:39:49 729

原创 USACO-Section 3.3-PROB Shopping Offers

Shopping OffersIOI'95In a certain shop, each kind of product has an integer price. For example, the price of a flower is 2 zorkmids (z) and the price of a vase is 5z. In order to attract more cu

2016-01-27 14:34:40 397

原创 USACO-Section 3.3- PROB Home on the Range

Home on the RangeFarmer John grazes his cows on a large, square field N (2 <= N <= 250) miles on a side (because, for some reason, his cows will only graze on precisely square land segments). Regr

2016-01-27 14:32:38 347

原创 USACO-Section 3.2-PROB Magic Squares

Magic SquaresIOI'96Following the success of the magic cube, Mr. Rubik invented its planar version, called magic squares. This is a sheet composed of 8 equal-sized squares:1234

2016-01-27 14:28:51 365

原创 USACO-Section 3.3-PROB Riding The Fences

Riding the FencesFarmer John owns a large number of fences that must be repaired annually. He traverses the fences by riding a horse along each and every one of them (and nowhere else) and fixing

2016-01-27 14:23:34 313

原创 USACO-Section 3.2-PROB Spinning Wheels

Spinning Wheels1998 ACM NE RegionalsEach of five opaque spinning wheels has one or more wedges cut out of its edges. These wedges must be aligned quickly and correctly. Each wheel also has an al

2016-01-27 14:19:54 330

原创 USACO-Section 3.2-PROB Stringsobits

StringsobitsKim SchrijversConsider an ordered set S of strings of N (1 This set of strings is interesting because it is ordered and contains all possible strings of length N that have L (1 You

2016-01-27 14:09:18 348

原创 USACO-Section 3.2-PROB Factorials

FactorialsThe factorial of an integer N, written N!, is the product of all the integers from 1 through N inclusive. The factorial quickly becomes very large: 13! is too large to store in a 32-bit

2016-01-24 20:52:44 444

原创 USACO-Section 3.1-PROB Stamps

StampsGiven a set of N stamp values (e.g., {1 cent, 3 cents}) and an upper limit K to the number of stamps that can fit on an envelope, calculate the largest unbroken list of postages from 1 cent

2016-01-24 20:06:43 350

原创 USACO-Section 3.1-PROB Contact

ContactIOI'98The cows have developed a new interest in scanning the universe outside their farm with radiotelescopes. Recently, they noticed a very curious microwave pulsing emission sent right fr

2016-01-24 18:46:12 575

原创 USACO-Section 3.1-PROB Humble Numbers

Humble NumbersFor a given set of K prime numbers S = {p1, p2, ..., pK}, consider the set of all numbers whose prime factors are a subset of S. This set contains, for example, p1, p1p2, p1p1, and

2016-01-24 15:09:28 356

原创 USACO-Section 3.1-PROB Score Inflation

Score InflationThe more points students score in our contests, the happier we here at the USACO are. We try to design our contests so that people can score as many points as possible, and would li

2016-01-24 11:50:29 375

原创 USACO-Section 3.1-PROB Agri-Net

Agri-NetRuss CoxFarmer John has been elected mayor of his town! One of his campaign promises was to bring internet connectivity to all farms in the area. He needs your help, of course.Farmer Joh

2016-01-24 11:14:11 378

原创 OI

写博客可以更好的建立学习体系。。?刷题for NOIp2016

2016-01-24 11:12:05 485



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