【哈佛积极心理学笔记】第11讲 养成良好习惯


第11讲 养成良好习惯

ephemeral 昙花一现

Dan Millman, in the book The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, talks about the importance of action and change:
"To change the course of your life, choose one of the two basic methods:

  1. you can direct you energy and attention toward trying to fix your mind, find your focus, affirm your power, free your emotions and visualize positive outcomes so that you can finally develop the confidence to display the courage. to discover the determination, to make the commitment, to feel sufficiently motivated, to do what it is that you need to do.
  2. or you can just do it."

comfort zone -> very little change can happen
a little beyond that -> stretch zone -> optimal discomfort zone -> where change actually happens.
beyond that -> panic zone -> where we have anxiety and difficult -> unhealty for change

comfort zone -> freezing water
stretch zone -> flowing water
panic zone -> boiling water

“Flow” is when you have optimal arousal, optimal level of tension, when the task that you’re doing or whatever you’re doing is not too difficult nor too easy.

stretch ourselves but not too much.

How do we reduce stress in our lives, by simpling, by doing less rather than more, acutally doing less at times, doesn’t just lead to more happiness, it also leads to more success, more creativity, as well as more productivity.

CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy

bad news and good news about self-discipline:
bad -> most, just about all people, can’t get more self-discipline.
good -> it’s actually not that important, neither for success, nor for hapiness.

habbits 爱好性习惯 Rituals 重要的规律性习惯
perseverance 毅力

we all have a limited amount of self-discipline and the question is what we use it on
do not rely on self-discipline, rely on habbit

Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz: “Building rituals defining very precise behaviors, and performing them at very specific times, motivated by deeply held values.”

maintaing a ritual requires some self-discipline, but not a lot.
creating a ritual requires a lot of self-discipline.

Loher and Schwartz: “Incremental change is better than ambitious failure, success feeds on itself.”
We see it on individual level. We see it on the organization level. We need small successes, and then build them these successes.

procrastination 拖延症

You have rituals, and you are productive and you are creative.


  1. gradual change -> cognitive reconstruction
  2. actue change -> Eureka experience
1. gradual change -> cognitive reconstruction

an interpretation is a neural pathway

fortified 强化 equanimity 平静 fluke 侥幸 phenomenal contingent 依情况而定的
passive vicitm vs active agent

It’s contingent to our state of mind.

adrenaline/epinephrine 肾上腺素 provocative 挑衅性 confederate 同伙,托 symptom 症状 euphoria 愉悦

threat, opportunity, maybe the exact same thing, how we frame it can make all the difference.

want to be liked -> want to be known -> expreing rather than impressing
we can feel so much lighter. And the wonderful thing is, that it also makes the relationship so much healthier.

2. actue change -> Eureka experience

Eureka exprience has a whole process:

  1. Immersion (preparation)
  2. Incubation
  3. Eureka
  4. Evaluation
  5. Elaboration

Joseph Campbell: “You must have a room, or a certain hour or so a day when you don’t know what was in the newspaper that morning, you don’t know who your friends are, you don’t know what you own anybody, you don’t know anybody owns you. This is a place where you can simple experience and bring forth what you are and what you might be. This is the place of creative incubation. At first, you may find that nothing happens there. But if you have such a sacred place and use it, something eventually will happen.”





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