Say hello to x86_64 Assembly [part 1]

title: Say hello to x86_64 Assembly [part 1]
date: 2020-01-08 23:36:15
- x86
- x64
- 汇编
- assembly


Say hello to x86_64 Assembly [part 1]




There are many developers between us. We write a tons of code every day. Sometime, it is even not a bad code :) Every of us can easily write the simplest code like this:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  int x = 10;
  int y = 100;
  printf("x + y = %d", x + y);
  return 0;
$ sudo apt-get install nasm
(load "~/.emacs.d/lisp/nasm.el")
(require 'nasm-mode)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(asm\\|s\\)$" . nasm-mode))
section .data 
    section .text
    global _start
[label:] instruction [operands] [; comment]
MOV COUNT, 48 ; Put value 48 in the COUNT variable
section .data
    msg db      "hello, world!"
section .text
    global _start
    mov     rax, 1
    mov     rdi, 1
    mov     rsi, msg
    mov     rdx, 13
    mov    rax, 60
    mov    rdi, 0

After it we will have executable hello file which we can run with ./hello and will see Hello world string in the terminal.

在它之后,我们将拥有可执行的hello文件,我们可以使用./hello运行它,并将在终端中看到hello world字符串。

$ nasm -f elf64 -o hello.o hello.asm
$ ld -o hello hello.o

So we know that sys_write syscall takes three arguments and has number one in syscall table. Let’s look again to our hello world implementation. We put 1 to rax register, it means that we will use sys_write system call. In next line we put 1 to rdi register, it will be first argument of sys_write, 1 - standard output. Then we store pointer to msg at rsi register, it will be second buf argument for sys_write. And then we pass the last (third) parameter (length of string) to rdx, it will be third argument of sys_write. Now we have all arguments of the sys_write and we can call it with syscall function at 11 line. Ok, we printed “Hello world” string, now need to do correctly exit from program. We pass 60 to rax register, 60 is a number of exit syscall. And pass also 0 to rdi register, it will be error code, so with 0 our program must exit successfully. That’s all for “Hello world”. Quite simple :) Now let’s build our program. For example we have this code in hello.asm file. Then we need to execute following commands:

所以我们知道sys_write syscall有三个参数,在syscall表中是第一个。让我们再来看看我们的hello world实现。我们将1放入rax寄存器,这意味着我们将使用sys_write系统调用。在下一行中,我们将1放入rdi寄存器,它将是sys_write的第一个参数,1-标准输出。然后我们将指向msg的指针存储在rsi寄存器中,它将是sys_write的第二个buf参数。然后我们将最后一个(第三个)参数(字符串长度)传递给rdx,它将是sys_write的第三个参数。现在我们有了sys_write的所有参数,可以用sys call函数在11行调用它。好的,我们打印了“Hello World”字符串,现在需要正确地退出程序。我们传递60到RAX寄存器,60是一个信号退出syscall。并将0传递给rdi寄存器,它是错误代码,所以0表示我们的程序成功退出。这就是“你好世界”的全部内容。很简单:)现在让我们构建我们的程序。例如,hello.asm文件中有此代码。然后我们需要执行以下命令:

  • fd - 文件描述符。对应标准输入、标准输出和标准错误,可以是0、1和2

  • buf - 指向字符数组,该数组可用于获取fd指向的文件内容。

  • count - 指定要从文件写入字符数组的字节数

  • fd - file descriptor. Can be 0, 1 and 2 for standard input, standard output and standard error

  • buf - points to a character array, which can be used to store content obtained from the file pointed to by fd.

  • count - specifies the number of bytes to be written from the file into the character array

It has 3 arguments:


size_t sys_write(unsigned int fd, const char * buf, size_t count);

In another words we just make a call of sys_write syscall. Take a look on sys_write:

换句话说,我们只是调用sys_write sys call。查看sys_write:

  • rax - 临时寄存器;调用syscal时,rax必须包含syscall编号

  • rdx - 用于将第三个参数传递给函数

  • rdi - 用于将第一个参数传递给函数

  • rsi - 用于向函数传递第二个参数的指针

  • rax - temporary register; when we call a syscal, rax must contain syscall number

  • rdx - used to pass 3rd argument to functions

  • rdi - used to pass 1st argument to functions

  • rsi - pointer used to pass 2nd argument to functions

So when we write mov rax, 1, it means to put 1 to the rax register. Now we know what is it rax, rdi, rbx and etc… But need to know when to use rax but when rsi and etc…

所以当我们写mov rax,1时,它的意思是把1放到rax寄存器中。现在我们知道什么是rax,rdi,rbx等等...但需要知道何时使用rax,何时rsi等等...

Ok, CPU performs some operations, arithmetical and etc… But where can it get data for this operations? The first answer in memory. However, reading data from and storing data into memory slows down the processor, as it involves complicated processes of sending the data request across the control bus. Thus CPU has own internal memory storage locations called registers:

好的,CPU执行一些操作,算术等... 但是它从哪里可以得到这些操作的数据呢?第一个答案就是内存。然而,读取数据并将数据存储到内存中会减慢处理器的速度,因为它涉及通过控制总线发送数据请求的复杂过程。因此,CPU有自己的内部内存存储位置,称为寄存器:

A central processing unit (CPU) is the hardware within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system.

Yes, it doesn’t look like printf(“Hello world”). Let’s try to understand what is it and how it works. Take a look 1-2 lines. We defined data section and put there msg constant with Hello world value. Now we can use this constant in our code. Next is declaration text section and entry point of program. Program will start to execute from 7 line. Now starts the most interesting part. We already know what is it mov instruction, it gets 2 operands and put value of second to first. But what is it these rax, rdi and etc… As we can read in the wikipedia:

是的,它看起来不像printf(“Hello world”)。让我们试着了解它是什么以及它是如何工作的。看1-2行。我们定义了data section并将msg常量与Hello world值放在一起。现在我们可以在代码中使用这个常量。接下来是声明文本段和程序入口点。程序将从7行开始执行。现在开始最有趣的部分。我们已经知道它是mov指令了,它有两个操作数,然后把值从第二个放到第一个。但这些rax,rdi...是什么,我们可以在维基百科上看到:

Let’s write first program with NASM assembly. And of course it will be traditional Hello world program. Here is the code of it:

让我们用NASM汇编编写第一个程序。当然,这将是传统的Hello world程序。这是它的代码:

Hello world

Hello World

Fields which are in square brackets are optional. A basic NASM instruction consists from two parts. The first one is the name of the instruction which is to be executed, and the second are the operands of this command. For example:


Comments starts with the ; symbol. Every NASM source code line contains some combination of the following four fields:


The text section is for code. This section must begin with the declaration global _start, which tells the kernel where the program execution begins.


The data section is used for declaring constants. This data does not change at runtime. You can declare various math or other constants and etc… The syntax for declaring data section is:


  • 数据段

  • 文本段

  • data section

  • text section

Here I will not describe full assembly syntax, we’ll mention only those parts of the syntax, which we will use in this post. Usually NASM program divided into sections. In this post we’ll meet 2 following sections:


Syntax of nasm assembly


That’s all we need for this moment. Other tools will be describe in next posts.


It’s version must be 2.0.0 or greater. I use NASM version 2.10.09 compiled on Dec 29 2013 version. And the last part, you will need in text editor where you will write you assembly code. I use Emacs with nasm-mode.el for this. It is not mandatory, of course you can use your favourite text editor. If you use Emacs as me you can download nasm-mode.el and configure your Emacs like this:

它的版本必须是2.0.0或者更高版本。我2013年12月29日编译的NASM版本是2.10.09。最后一部分,需要在文本编辑器中编写汇编代码。我使用Emacs配合nasm-mode.el来进行编写。当然你可以选择你喜欢的编辑器。如果你和我一样使用Emacs,你可以下载nasm-mode.el 并配置你的Emacs像这样:

Before we started, we must to prepare some things like As I wrote about, I use Ubuntu (Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS 64 bit), thus my posts will be for this operating system and architecture. Different CPU supports different set of instructions. I use Intel Core i7 870 processor, and all code will be written processor. Also i will use nasm assembly. You can install it with:

在我们开始前,我必须准备一些东西,例如我使用的Ubuntu(Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS 64 bit),因此我写的文章将针对这个操作系统和架构。不同的CPU支持不同的指令集,我使用的是 Intel Core i7 870 处理器,所有的代码都将由这个处理器所编写。我将使用nasm汇编,你可以使用下面命令安装:



Every of us can understand what’s this C code does. But… How this code works at low level? I think that not all of us can answer on this question, and me too. I thought that i can write code on high level programming languages like Haskell, Erlang, Go and etc…, but i absolutely don’t know how it works at low level, after compilation. So I decided to take a few deep steps down, to assembly, and to describe my learning way about this. Hope it will be interesting, not only for me. Something about 5 - 6 years ago I already used assembly for writing simple programs, it was in university and i used Turbo assembly and DOS operating system. Now I use Linux-x86-64 operating system. Yes, must be big difference between Linux 64 bit and DOS 16 bit. So let’s start.

我们每个人都能明白这个c代码做了什么,但...这些代码在底层如何工作的?我相信不是我们所有人都能够回答这个问题,包括我。我认为我能写高级语言的代码,像Haskell, Erlang, Go 等等...,但我绝对不知道在汇编之后他们是如何在底层工作的。所以我决定去进一步深入了解汇编并描绘我的学习方式。希望他会是个很有趣的事情,不仅仅是对我。大概5-6年前,我已经开始使用汇编编写一些简单的程序了,那是我在大学里面,使用Turbo Assembly 和DOS系统。现在我使用Linux-x86-64 系统。是的,Linux 64位和DOS 16位系统有很大的区别。让我们开始吧。





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


