
Operating System (so)

Summary of OS   

  Initially, computers were used from the front console. Software such as assemblers,loaders, and compilers improved on the convenience of programming the system, but also required substantial set-uptime.   

  Multiprogramming, which was developed to improve performance, also allows time-sharing. Time-shared operating) systems allow many users (from one to several hundred) to use a computer sys-tem interactively at the same time. Other operating systems types include real-time systems and multi-processor systems.   

  A real-time system is often used as control de-vice in a dedicated application. Sensors bring data to the computer. The computer must analyze the data and possibly adjust controls to modify the sensor inputs. Systems, which control scientific experiments, medical computer systems, industrial control systems, and some display systems are real-time systems. A real-time operating system has well-defined fixed time constraints.,Processing must be done within the defined constraints, or the system will fail.   

  Operating systems have developed over the past thirty years for two main purposes.First, they provide a convenient environment for the development and execution of programs.Second, operating systems attempt to schedule computational activities to ensure good performance of the computing system.2 .







Characteristics of OS   

  Operating system techniques are migrating down from mainframes to minicomputer and microcomputer systems.
  What exactly does an operating system do? Basically, it performs a number of support functions.For example, picture an application program stored on disk. Before the program can be executed, it must first be copied into main memory, because the pro-gram that controls a computer must be in main memory. The process of copying a program from disk to memory involves considerable logic.The source of computer’s logic is software. Thus, if the application program is to be loaded, there must be a program in memory to control the loading process.That programs the operating system.
  An operating system serves as an interface(Figure 2-1)。Bridging the gap between hardware and application software. Thus,as we move from hard-ware to software, it is appropriate that we consider the operating system first.   

  The operating system must ensure correct operation of the computer system. To prevent user pro-grams from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the hardware was modified to create two modes:User mode and monitor mode. Various instructions (such as 1/0 instructions and halt instructions) are privileged and can only be executed in monitor mode. The user must also protect the memory in which the monitor resides from modification. A timer prevents infinite loops.







Function of US   

  Generally, when a new computer system is in-stalled, operational software suitable to that hardware’s purchased. Users want available operational soft-ware that can effectively support their processing activities。   

  Though operational software varies between manufacturers,it has similar characteristics.Modern hardware, because of its sophistication, requires that operating systems meet certain specific standards.For example, considering the present state of the field, an operating system must support some form of online processing. Functions normally associated with operational software are:

1. Job Management
  A very important responsibility of any operational software is the scheduling of jobs to be handled by a computer system. This is one of the main tasks of the job management function. The operating system sets up the order in which programs are processed, and defines the sequence in which particular jobs are executed. The operational software must be able to assess these factors and control the order in which jobs are processed.

2 .Resource Management   

  The management of resources in a computer system is another major concern of the operating system.Obviously, a program cannot use a device if that hardware is unavailable. As we have seen, the operational software oversees the execution of all programs.It also monitors the devices being used.

3. Control of I/0 Operations   

  Allocation of a system's resources is closely tied to the operational software's control of 1/O opera-dons.As access is often necessary to a particular device before I/0 operations may begin. The operating system must coordinate 1/0 operations and the de-vices on which they are performed. In effect, it sets up directory of programs undergoing execution and the devices they must use in completing I/O operations.












A Glimpse of OS Products


  A popular operating system is Cp/M,the control program for microcomputers developed for early 8-bitmachines by digital research incorporated. UNIX, developed by American Telephone and Telegraph(AT&T), shows promise of becoming a new standard, particularly for applications involving communication between two or more computers.Mainframes have more complex operating systems which, in addition to serving as a hardware/software interface, manage the computer's resources.

2 .Windows
  Windows is a graphical environment that introduces new, more streamlined ways for you to work with your personal computer. Windows not only gives you more control over the Nave you work. It unleashes your computer so it operates at its full power. unhampered by previous memory restrictions.
  In Windows, your computer screen is referred teas a desktop. The desktop displays all your work in rectangular areas called windows.You work with your applications and documents in these windows.
  With Windows, you can run several powerful applications at once and switch quickly among them. For example, you could switch from a database application to a spreadsheet, and then to your word processor with a few simple moves and without waiting while you quit one application and restart another. 
  Windows comes with a collection of useful accessory programs to help you manage the various parts of your daily work. These accessories include a clock, an appointment calendar, a calculator, a note-pad, a card file, and a macro recorder.   

  And to get you started working with applications, Windows includes three full featured applications:Write,Paint-brush,and Terminal.Use these applications to prepare and edit documents, create colorful illustrations, and connect to other computers and information services with your modem.   

  For those idle moments, or just to put some playing your day, Windows provides two games:Solitaire and Reverse You can also use the games to practice some of the basic skills you need to operate Windows efficiently.


  Perhaps the best known microcomputer OS is\ISDOS, developed by Microsoft Corporation for the丁BM-PC and compatible machines.It has become industry standard.   

  Why is an OS standard so important? At the:Hard ware level, computers made by different manufacturers are often incompatible; in other words, a, -program written for one won't work on another. Re-.number, however, that the OS sits between the hard are and the application program. With a commons in the middle, it is possible for the same program to run on two quite different machines (Figure 2-2).Of course the portions of the OS that communicate with the hardware might be very different, but software would see a smooth common interface. 
  COMMAND.COM is the command processor. The functions of the input/output control system are divided between two routines, MSDOS.SYS and IO.SYS.MSDOS.SYS is hardware-independent.10.SYS, on. The other hand, communicates directly with the hardware, so it contains device-dependent code. Versions of the OS written for different com-puters should differ only in their IO.SYS logic. In addition to the primary modules, the OS contains an umber of utility programs.





2 .Windows



3 .DOS


  MSDOS COMMAND.COM是命令处理程序,输入/输出控制系统功能被划分为两个例行程序:MSDOS.SYS及I0. SYSMSDOS.SYS一是与硬件无关的,另一方面,IO.SYS直接与硬件进行通讯,所以,它包含着依赖于设备傲代码。为不同计算机编写的操作系统的版本,仅应在其I0. SYS逻辑方面有所区别。除了主要模块之外,操作系统还包含许多实用程序。


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