
Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) 学生表

Course(C#,Cname,T#) 课程表

SC(S#,C#,score) 成绩表

Teacher(T#,Tname) 教师表


create table Student(SID varchar(10),Sname varchar(10),Sage datetime,Ssex nvarchar(10)); insert into Student values('01' , '赵雷' , '1990-01-01' , '男'); insert into Student values('02' , '钱电' , '1990-12-21' , '男'); insert into Student values('03' , '孙风' , '1990-05-20' , '男'); insert into Student values('04' , '李云' , '1990-08-06' , '男'); insert into Student values('05' , '周梅' , '1991-12-01' , '女'); insert into Student values('06' , '吴兰' , '1992-03-01' , '女'); insert into Student values('07' , '郑竹' , '1989-07-01' , '女'); insert into Student values('08' , '王菊' , '1990-01-20' , '女');
 create table Course(CID varchar(10),Cname varchar(10),TID varchar(10)); insert into Course values('01', '语文' , '02'); insert into Course values('02', '数学' , '01'); insert into Course values('03', '英语' , '03'); 
create table Teacher(TID varchar(10),Tname varchar(10)); insert into Teacher values('01' , '张三'); insert into Teacher values('02' , '李四'); insert into Teacher values('03' , '王五'); 
create table SC(SID varchar(10),CID varchar(10),score decimal(18,1)); insert into SC values('01' , '01' , 80); insert into SCvalues('01' , '02' , 90); insert into SC values('01' , '03' , 99); insert into SC values('02' , '01' , 70); insert into SC values('02' , '02' , 60); insert into SC values('02' , '03' , 80); insert into SC values('03' , '01' , 80);insert into SC values('03' , '02' , 80); insert into SC values('03' , '03' ,80); insert into SC values('04' , '01' , 50); insert into SC values('04' , '02', 30); insert into SC values('04' , '03' , 20); insert into SC values('05' ,'01' , 76); insert into SC values('05' , '02' , 87); insert into SC values('06', '01' , 31); insert into SC values('06' , '03' , 34); insert into SC values('07' , '02' , 89); insert into SC values('07' , '03' , 98);






select a.sid from 
(select sid,score from sc where cid ="01") a,
(select sid,score from sc where cid="02" ) b 
where a.score>b.score 
and a.sid = b.sid;



select sid,avg(score) from sc group by sid having avg(score)>60;



select stu.sid,stu.sname,COUNT(sc.cid),SUM(sc.score) 
from Student stu 
left join sc sc 
on stu.sid = sc.sid 
group by stu.sid,stu.sname;


select COUNT(*) from Teacher where Tname like "李%";


--分析:先获取学过张三老师课的所有同学的学号,需要通过关联字段关联分数表,课程表和教师表来获取,最后查 学生表中学生id不在此列的即可

select stu.sid,stu.sname from student stu 
where stu.sid not in 
( select sc.sid from sc,course,teacher 
where sc.cid=course.cid 
and course.tid = teacher.tid and teacher.tname = "张三");



select stu.sid,stu.sname from student stu ,sc sc
 where stu.sid in 
(select a.sid from 
(select sid from sc where sc.CID='01')a,
(select sid from sc where sc.CID='02') b 
where a.sid =b.sid ) 
group by stu.SID;


select stu.sid,stu.sname from student stu ,sc sc 
where stu.sid = sc.sid and sc.cid="01" 
and exists 
(select * from sc sc2 where sc2.sid=sc.sid and sc2.cid="02");


--分析:第一:先获取学过张三老师课的同学id,name;然后获取张三老师所教的所有课程;然后判断学过张三老师课的课程数量 等于 张三老师所教的所有课程的学生id和name

select stu.sid,stu.sname from student stu 
where stu.sid in 
( select sc.sid from sc ,course,teacher 
where sc.cid = course.cid and course.tid = teacher.tid 
and teacher.tname ="张三" 
group by sc.sid 
having count(sc.cid) = 
(select count(*) from course,teacher 
where course.tid = teacher.tid and teacher.tname ="张三")


select sid,sname from student where sid in (select a.sid from (select sid,score from sc where cid="01") a,(select sid,score from sc where cid="02") b where a.score>b.score and a.sid = b.sid);


select sid,Sname from (select Student.sid,Student.Sname,score ,(select score from SC SC_2 where SC_2.Sid=Student.Sid and SC_2.Cid='02') score2 from Student,SC where Student.Sid=SC.Sid and Cid='01') S_2 where score2<score;



select Sid,Sname  from Student where sid not in (select sc.sid from sc  where  sc.score>60 )  and sid in (select sc.sid from sc group by sid);



select Student.Sid,Student.Sname from Student,SC where Student.Sid=SC.Sid group by   Student.sid having COUNT(Cid)<(select COUNT(cid) from Course);



select Student.Sid,Student.Sname from Student,SC where Student.Sid=SC.Sid   and SC.Cid in (select Cid from SC where Sid='01') group by student.SID;


--分析:与11题相同,此语句用个关键字 distinct

select distinct Student.Sid,Sname  from Student,SC where Student.Sid=SC.Sid and Cid in (select cid from SC where Sid='01');


update SC set score = (select AVG(score) from (select * from SC) a where a.cid = SC.cid) where SC.cid in (select cid from Course,Teacher where Course.tid = Teacher.tid and Teacher.tname ="张三");

--分析:首先查询出学号为02的的所有课程,然后通过查询其他所学课程在这个02学生课程结果集的学生id,然后依 靠学生id分组,再根据每个学生id的分组后的重复条数和学生02课程的数目对比,如果相等则符合条件

select stu.sid,stu.sname from Student stu where stu.sid in (select sid from sc where cid in (select cid from sc where sid="02") group by sid having count(*) = (select count(*) from sc where sid="02"));


delete from sc where cid in (select cid from course,teacher where course.TID =teacher.TID and teacher.Tname="张三")


insert sc select sid,"02",(select avg(score) from sc where cid="02") from student where sid not in (select sid from sc where cid="02") group by sid;

17、按平均成绩从高到低显示所有学生的01“语文”、02“数学”、03“英语”三门的课程成绩,按如下形式显示:     学生ID,语文,数学,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分
--分析:根据sc表查询,显示字段,count(*),avg()函数,再order by排序

(select COUNT(*) from sc where sc.SID=t.sid ) as "有效课程数",(select avg(score) from sc where sc.SID=t.sid ) as "有效平均分" 


select  sid as "学生ID",  (select score from sc where sc.SID=t.sid and cid="01") as "语文", (select score from sc where sc.SID=t.sid and cid="02") as "数学",  (select score from sc where sc.SID=t.sid and cid="03") as "英语",  COUNT(*) as "有效课程数", avg(t.score) as "平均成绩"  from sc t group by sid order by avg(t.score);


select  t.cid as "课程ID",(select MAX(score) from sc where sc.cid=t.cid ) as "最高分",(select MIN(score) from sc where sc.cid=t.cid) as "最低分" from sc  t group by t.cid ;


select L.Cid as "课程ID",L.score as "最高分",R.score as "最低分" from SC L ,SC  R  where L.score (select MAX(IL.score) from SC as IL where L.Cid = IL.Cid ) and R.Score = (select MIN(IR.score) from SC as IR  where R.Cid = IR.Cid ) group by L.cid;


select t.Cid as "课程号",COUNT(*) as "学此课人数",course.Cname as "课程名",IFNULL(avg(score),0) as "平均成绩",100 * SUM(case when  IFNULL(score,0)>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/COUNT(*) as "及格百分数" from SC T,Course  where t.Cid=course.Cid  group by t.Cid order by 100 * SUM(case when  IFNULL(score,0)>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/COUNT(*) desc

20、查询如下课程平均成绩和及格率的百分数(用"1行"显示): 语文(01),数学(02),英语(03)
       课程总成绩=sum(case when cid="01" then score else 0 end)
       课程人数=sum(case when cid="01" then 1 else 0 end)
       及格人数=sum(case when cid="01" and score>=60 then 1 else 0);

select sum(case when cid="01" then score else 0 end)/sum(case when cid="01" then 1 else 0 end) as 语文课平均分,100 * SUM(case when Cid = '01' and score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/SUM(case when Cid = '01' then 1 else 0 end) as 语文及格百分数 ,SUM(case when Cid = '02' then score else 0 end)/SUM(case Cid when '02' then 1 else 0 end) as 数学平均分  ,100 * SUM(case when Cid = '02' and score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/SUM(case when Cid = '02' then 1 else 0 end) as 数学及格百分数,SUM(case when Cid = '03' then score else 0 end)/SUM(case Cid when '03' then 1 else 0 end) as 英语平均分,100 * SUM(case when Cid = '03' and score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end)/SUM(case when Cid = '03' then 1 else 0 end) as 英语及格百分数 from sc;


select MAX(Z.Tid) as 教师ID,MAX(Z.Tname) as 教师姓名,C.Cid as 课程ID,MAX(C.Cname) as 课程名称,avg(Score) as 平均成绩 from SC as T,Course as C ,Teacher as Z where T.Cid=C.Cid and C.Tid=Z.Tid group by t.Cid order by avg(Score) desc

22、查询如下课程成绩第 3 名到第 6 名的学生成绩单:语文(01),数学(02),英语(03)

select  distinct top 3 , SC.Sid as 学生学号, Student.Sname as 学生姓名 , T1.score as 语文,T2.score as 数学,T3.score as 英语,IFNULL(T1.score,0) + IFNULL(T2.score,0) + IFNULL(T3.score,0)  as 总分 from Student,SC   left join SC as T1 on SC.Sid = T1.Sid and T1.Cid = '01' left join SC as T2 on SC.Sid= T2.Sid and T2.Cid = '02' left join SC as T3 on SC.Sid = T3.Sid and T3.Cid = '03' where student.Sid=SC.Sid and IFNULL(T1.score,0) + IFNULL(T2.score,0) + IFNULL(T3.score,0) not in 
       (select  distinct TOP 15 with TIES IFNULL(T1.score,0) + IFNULL(T2.score,0) +IFNULL(T3.score,0) 
from sc left join sc as T1  on sc.Sid = T1.Sid and T1.Cid = 'k1'  left join sc as T2  on sc.Sid = T2.Sid and T2.Cid = 'k2' left join sc as T3  on sc.Sid = T3.Sid and T3.Cid = 'k3' order by IFNULL(T1.score,0) + IFNULL(T2.score,0) + IFNULL(T3.score,0)  desc);

--分析:根据case when then else 语句进行条件查询,关联sc表和course表即可,再根据cid,cname分组

select SC.Cid as 课程ID, Cname as 课程名称,SUM(case when score between 85 and 100 then 1 else 0 end) as "[100 - 85]",SUM(case when score between 70 and 85 then 1 else 0 end) as "[85 - 70]",SUM(case when score between 60 and 70 then 1 else 0 end) as "[70 - 60]",SUM(case when score < 60 then 1 else 0 end) as "[<60]" from SC,Course where SC.Cid=Course.Cid group by SC.Cid,Cname;

--分析:学号和平均成绩不用说,名次是根据查询两张同样的表进行比对的,如果第一张表中的每一条数据和第二张        表中的数据进行(平均成绩 > T2.平均成绩)条件查询,如果是第一名按条件查询会获得count()函数结果是0,        所以加1代表第一名,依次类推。这种排名是真正的排名,不依靠平均成绩排序;
       注:count(distinct)此处有个distinct关键字,如果有并列名次,你想排名是12345就用上,如果想12335就        去掉关键字即可;

select 1+(select COUNT( distinct 平均成绩) from (select SID,avg(score) as 平均成绩 from SC group by SID) as T1 where 平均成绩 > T2.平均成绩) as 名次, SID as 学生学号,平均成绩 from (select SID,avg(score) 平均成绩 from SC group by SID) as T2 order by 平均成绩 desc;


select @rank:=@rank+1 as 名次 ,SID as 学生学号,平均成绩 from (select SID,avg(score) 平均成绩 from SC group by SID) as T2 ,(select @rank:=0) B order by 平均成绩 desc; 


select Sid as 学生ID,CID as 课程ID,Score as 分数 from sc a  where 3>(select COUNT(*) from sc b where b.CID=a.CID and b.score>a.score) order by a.CID,a.score desc


select cid,count(cid) from sc group by cid;


select student.sid,sname,count(cid) from student,sc where student.sid=sc.sid group by sc.sid having count(cid) =1;


select COUNT(*) from student where Ssex="男";
select COUNT(Ssex) as 男生人数 from Student group by Ssex having Ssex='女';


select sname from student where sname like '王%';


select sname ,count(*) from student group by sname having count(*)>1;


select * ,year(sage),month(sage),day(sage),time(sage) from student where  year(sage) ='1991';


select cid,avg(score) from sc group by cid order by avg(score),cid desc; 


select Sname,SC.SID ,avg(score) from Student,SC where Student.SID=SC.SID group by SC.SID,Sname having avg(score)>85;


select Sname,score from Student,SC,course where course.Cname="语文" and course.CID = sc.CID and sc.score<60 and student.SID = sc.SID 


select sc.SID,sname ,sc.cid,cname from student,sc,course where student.SID = sc.SID and sc.CID=course.CID


select sc.SID, sname,cname,score from student,sc ,course where student.SID = sc.SID and sc.CID=course.CID and score>=70 


select sc.SID, sname,cname,score from student,sc ,course where student.SID = sc.SID and sc.CID=course.CID and score>=70 group by sname having COUNT(sname) = (select COUNT(*) from sc where cid=CID group by sid) 


select distinct cid from sc where score<60 order by cid desc;


select stu.sid,sname from student stu,sc where stu.sid=sc.sid and cid="03" and score>=80;

--分析:先根据student 和sc表根据sid进行分组查询,获取的结果集再取count(*)即可

select COUNT(*) from ( select student.sid from student,sc where student.SID=sc.SID group by student.sid ) a


select Student.Sname,score from Student,SC,Course C,Teacher where Student.SID=SC.SID and SC.CID=C.CID and C.TID=Teacher.TID and Teacher.Tname="张三" and SC.score=(select MAX(score)from SC where CID=C.CID );


select cid,count(cid) from sc group by cid;


select * from sc a,sc b where  a.sid =b.sid and a.score = b.score and a.cid !=b.cid


select Sid as 学生ID,CID as 课程ID,Score as 分数 from sc a where 2>(select COUNT(*) from sc b where b.CID=a.CID and b.score>a.score) order by a.CID,a.score desc

44、统计每门课程的学生选修人数(超过5人的课程才统计,此处6可替换)。要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果     按人数降序排列,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列 

select  CID as 课程号,COUNT(*) as 人数 from  sc  group  by  CID having COUNT(*)>5 order  by  COUNT(*) desc,cID


select sid from sc group by sid having count(sid)>=2

--分析:先根据sc表根据cid分组获取所有的cid的count和student表的count对比,相等则表示全都选修了这门课 程,然后通过course表获取在这个结果集的课程

select  CID,Cname from  Course where  CID  in  (select  cID   from  sc group  by  cID having COUNT(cid) = (select COUNT(sid) from student ))


select SID,avg(IFNULL(score,0)) 平均成绩 from SC where SID in(select SID from SC where score<60 group by SID having COUNT(*)>2) group by SID;


select SID from SC where CID='03'and score <60 order by score desc; 

--分析:在sc表中根据sid=02 和 cid=01 进行删除数据

delete from sc where sid=2 and cid = 01;


select sid,
	MAX(case  when cid=01 then score else 0 end ) as 语文,
	MAX(case cid when 02 then score	else 0 end ) as 数学,
	MAX(case cid when 03 then score	else 0 end ) as 英语,
	SUM(score) as 总分,
	avg(score) as 平均分
from sc group by sid

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