Microsoft Project的RibbonXml VBA项目中不能使用带参数的过程

如果在Microsoft Project 使用以下代码:

Sub gallery_MSN_getItemCount(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
     On Error Resume Next
     returnedVal = 12

End Sub

Public Sub gallery_MSN_getItemLabels(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef returnedVal)
 'This callback runs for every item (label).
 'This example uses the values in the array for Label names.
     Dim Labelname As Variant
     On Error Resume Next
     Labelname = _
     Array("Sheila Webster", _
           "Brian Main", _
           "Susan Zhang", _
           "Anne Walzer", _
           "Andrea Vogel", _
           "Ronda Viescas", _
           "Norman Harker", _
           "Michelle Wells", _
           "Wilma Yang", _
           "Angel Wang", _
           "Raymond Denny", _
           "June Winograd")

    On Error Resume Next
     returnedVal = Labelname(index)
     On Error GoTo 0

 End Sub

Sub gallery_MSN_Click(control As IRibbonControl, id As String, index As Integer)

'Call the macro that belongs to the label when you click one of the labels.
 'Example: When you click the first label it runs the macro named "macro_1".
     On Error Resume Next
     MsgBox ("It works !")
     On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Sub test()
    Dim strXML As String
    strXML = "<mso:customUI xmlns:mso="""">"
     strXML = strXML & "<mso:ribbon>"
     strXML = strXML & "<mso:qat/>"
     strXML = strXML & "     <mso:tabs>"
     strXML = strXML & "     <mso:tab id=""PlannersTab"" label=""Planners"" insertBeforeQ=""mso:TabResource"">"
     strXML = strXML & "         <mso:group id=""GroupMove"" label=""Move"" autoScale=""true"">"

    strXML = strXML & "         <mso:gallery  id=""MSN"" "
     strXML = strXML & "                label=""Go to MSN"" "
     strXML = strXML & "                imageMso=""MenuTaskWellArrange"" "
     strXML = strXML & "                size=""large"""

     strXML = strXML & "                columns=""3"" "
     strXML = strXML & "                rows=""10"" "

    strXML = strXML & "                getItemCount=""gallery_MSN_getItemCount"" "
     strXML = strXML & "                getItemLabel=""gallery_MSN_getItemLabels"" "
     strXML = strXML & "                showItemLabel=""true"" "
     strXML = strXML & "                onAction=""gallery_MSN_Click"" >"

    strXML = strXML & "          </mso:gallery>"

    strXML = strXML & "         </mso:group>"
     strXML = strXML & "     </mso:tab>"
     strXML = strXML & "     </mso:tabs>"
     strXML = strXML & "</mso:ribbon>"
     strXML = strXML & "</mso:customUI>"
 ActiveProject.SetCustomUI (strXML)

End Sub

会报"Automation error"的错误。其原因在于不能使用带项目的参数。如果改成下面这个样子就可以了:

Option Explicit

Sub gallery_MSN_Click()

 'Call the macro that belongs to the label when you click one of the labels.
 'Example: When you click the first label it runs the macro named "macro_1".
     On Error Resume Next
     MsgBox ("It works")
     On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Private Sub AddHighlightRibbon()
    Dim ribbonXml As String
    Dim MyArray As Variant
    Dim item As Variant
    Dim cnt As Integer
    cnt = 0
    MyArray = Array("Sheila Webster", "Brian Main", "Susan Zhang", "Anne Walzer", "Andrea Vogel", "Ronda Viescas", _
           "Norman Harker", _
           "Michelle Wells", _
           "Wilma Yang", _
           "Angel Wang", _
           "Raymond Denny", _
           "June Winograd")
    ribbonXml = "<mso:customUI xmlns:mso="""">"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "  <mso:ribbon>"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "    <mso:qat/>"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "    <mso:tabs>"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "      <mso:tab id=""highlightTab"" label=""Highlight"" insertBeforeQ=""mso:TabFormat"">"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "        <mso:group id=""testGroup"" label=""Test"" autoScale=""true"">"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "         <mso:gallery  id=""MSN"" "
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "                label=""Go to MSN"" "
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "                imageMso=""MenuTaskWellArrange"" "
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "                size=""large"""
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "                columns=""3"" "
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "                rows=""10"" "
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "                showItemLabel=""true"" "
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "                onAction=""gallery_MSN_Click"" >"
    For Each item In MyArray
        ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "               <mso:item id=""item" + CStr(cnt) + """ label=""" + item + """></mso:item>"
        cnt = cnt + 1
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "          </mso:gallery>"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "        </mso:group>"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "      </mso:tab>"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "    </mso:tabs>"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "  </mso:ribbon>"
    ribbonXml = ribbonXml + "</mso:customUI>"
    ActiveProject.SetCustomUI (ribbonXml)
End Sub

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Ribbon XML is used to customize the Ribbon in Microsoft Office applications, including Word. Here is an example of how to create a custom Ribbon using VBA in Word: 1. Open Word and press Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor. 2. In the Project Explorer, right-click on your document project and select Insert > Module. 3. In the new module, write the following code to create a custom Ribbon: ``` Sub AddCustomRibbon() Dim ribbonXML As String ribbonXML = "<customUI xmlns=''>" _ & "<ribbon>" _ & "<tabs>" _ & "<tab id='CustomTab' label='My Tab'>" _ & "<group id='CustomGroup' label='My Group'>" _ & "<button id='CustomButton' label='My Button' onAction='MyMacro' imageMso='HappyFace'/>" _ & "</group>" _ & "</tab>" _ & "</tabs>" _ & "</ribbon>" _ & "</customUI>" CustomUI = ribbonXML End Sub ``` 4. In the Ribbon XML code, you can customize the tab, group, and button labels and IDs, as well as the onAction and imageMso properties of the button. 5. Save the module and close the Visual Basic Editor. 6. In Word, go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon. 7. In the right-hand column, select Macros and then click the New Group button to create a new group in your custom tab. 8. Select your new group and click the Rename button to give it a name. 9. In the left-hand column, select Macros and then select the macro you created in step 3. 10. Click the Add button to add the macro to your new group. 11. Click OK to close the Options dialog box. 12. Your custom Ribbon should now be visible in Word with your custom tab, group, and button.


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