介绍一个QTP基础框架 - SIFL

SIFL全称Software Inquisition Foundation Library







Utility.vbs: 工具类,siChildren函数用于获取WebElement的满足指定描述的子对象元素









''' <summary>

''' Returns an array containing the values from the given row

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable">WebTable under test</param>

''' <param name="iRowNumber" type="Integer">Row number to grab</param>

''' <returns type="String()"></returns>

Public Function WebTableGetRowValues( oTable, iRowNumber)

       Dim aReturn

       For colNumber = 1 To oTable.ColumnCount(iRowNumber)

              arrayPush aReturn, Trim(oTable.GetCellData(iRowNumber, colNumber))


       WebTableGetRowValues = aReturn

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetRowValues", "WebTableGetRowValues", True


''' <summary>

''' Returns the Column Number for the first occurance of sMatchString or 0 if it doesn't occur

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sMatchString" type="String">String to match</param>

''' <returns type="Integer"></returns>

Public Function WebTableGetColumnNumber (ByRef oTable, sMatchString)

       If stringContains(sMatchString, "^#/d+$") Then

              WebTableGetColumnNumber = GetMatch(sMatchString, "^#(/d+)$")


              For rowNumber = 1 To oTable.RowCount

                     For colNumber = 1 To oTable.ColumnCount(rowNumber)

                            If StringContains(oTable.GetCellData(rowNumber, colNumber), sMatchString) Then

                                   WebTableGetColumnNumber = colNumber

                                   Exit Function

                            End If



              WebTableGetColumnNumber = 0

       End If

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetColumnNumber", "WebTableGetColumnNumber", True


''' <summary>

''' Returns the Column Index for the first occurance of sMatchString or -1 if no match

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sMatchString" type="String">String to match</param>

''' <returns type="Integer"></returns>

Public Function WebTableGetColumnIndex(ByRef oTable, sMatchString)

       WebTableGetColumnIndex = WebTableGetColumnNumber(oTable, sMatchString) - 1

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetColumnIndex", "WebTableGetColumnIndex", True


''' <summary>

''' Gets the Row index for the first occurance of sMatchString

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sMatchString" type="String">String to match</param>

''' <returns type="Integer">returns row index or -1 if sMatchString isn't found</returns>

Public Function WebTableGetRowIndex (ByRef oTable, sMatchString)

       WebTableGetRowIndex = WebTableGetRowNumber(oTable, sMatchString) - 1

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetRowIndex", "WebTableGetRowIndex", True


''' <summary>

''' Gets the Row number for the first occurance of sMatchString

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sMatchString" type="String">String to match</param>

''' <returns type="Integer">returns row number or 0 if sMatchString isn't found</returns>

Public Function WebTableGetRowNumber (ByRef oTable, sMatchString)

       If stringContains(sMatchString, "^#/d+$") Then

              WebTableGetRowNumber = GetMatch(sMatchString, "^#(/d+)$")


              For rowNumber = 1 To oTable.RowCount

                     For colNumber = 1 To oTable.ColumnCount(rowNumber)

                            If StringContains(oTable.GetCellData(rowNumber, colNumber), sMatchString) Then

                                   WebTableGetRowNumber = rowNumber

                                   Exit Function

                            End If



              WebTableGetRowNumber = 0

       End If

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetRowNumber", "WebTableGetRowNumber", True


''' <summary>

''' Search for a string of text in the cell data of a WebTable, and return the coordinates of the cell

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sSearch" type="String">String to match</param>

''' <returns type="String">Returns a string in the form of "intRowNumber,intColumnNumber"</returns>

Public Function WebTableGetCellCoords (ByRef oTable, ByRef sSearch)

    For rowNumber = 1 To oTable.RowCount

        For ColumnNumber = 1 To oTable.ColumnCount(oTable.RowCount)

            If StringContains(oTable.GetCellData(rowNumber, ColumnNumber), sSearch) Then

                bFound = True

                WebTableGetCellCoords = CStr(rowNumber) & "," & CStr(ColumnNumber)

                Exit Function

            End If



    'Return 0 if it wasn't found

    WebTableGetCellCoords = "0"

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetCellCoords", "WebTableGetCellCoords", True


''' <summary>

''' Search one column in a webtable for a string.

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable">Table (possibly) containing sMatchString</param>

''' <param name="sColumnHeader" type="String">Column to Search</param>

''' <param name="sSearchString" type="String">Search string</param>

''' <returns type="Boolean"></returns>

Public Function WebTableColumnContains (ByRef oTable, sColumnHeader, sSearchString)

    headerRowNumber = WebTableGetRowNumber(oTable, sColumnHeader)

       ColumnNumber = WebTableGetColumnNumber(oTable, sColumnHeader)

       WebTableColumnContains = False

    For rowNumber = headerRowNumber To oTable.RowCount

              If StringContains(oTable.GetCellData(rowNumber, ColumnNumber), sSearchString) Then

                     WebTableColumnContains = True

                     Exit Function

              End If


End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ColumnContains", "WebTableColumnContains", True


''' <summary>

''' Asserts if a table is sorted by specified column

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable">Table to check</param>

''' <param name="sHeader" type="String">Column to check</param>

''' <param name="sOrder" type="String">Asserting order, ascending or descending</param>

''' <example>

''' Assert if first table on page "Legal Assistant Scan Categories" is sorted by

''' column "Scan Name" in ascending order

''' NavigateToPage "Legal Assistant Scan Categories"

''' Set oTable = SelectFirstTable

''' oTable.AssertSortedByColumn  "Scan Name", "Ascending"

''' <code>

''' LoginProfile "SUPER"

''' assertSetupMenuLinkExists "Eligible Populations"

''' </code>

''' </example>

''' <returns type="Boolean"></returns>

Public Function WebTableAssertSortedByColumn (ByRef oTable, sHeader, sOrder)

       WebTableAssertSortedByColumn = reportStatus( WebTableVerifySortOrderInColumnAdv( oTable, sHeader, Array( "SortOrder", sOrder ) ), "AssertSortedByColumn", "Table sorted by '" & sHeader & "' ordered " & sOrder )

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "AssertSortedByColumn", "WebTableAssertSortedByColumn", True


''' <summary>

''' Verify oTable has correct order

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable">Table to check</param>

''' <param name="Header" type="String">Column to check</param>

''' <returns type="Boolean"></returns>

Public Function WebTableVerifySortOrderInColumn (ByRef oTable, Header)

       WebTableVerifySortOrderInColumn = WebTableVerifySortOrderInColumnAdv( oTable, Header, Null )

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "VerifySortOrderInColumn", "WebTableVerifySortOrderInColumn", True


''' <summary>

''' Verify oTable has correct order

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable">Table to check</param>

''' <param name="Header" type="String">Column to check</param>

''' <param name="aOptions" type="Object()"></param>

''' <array-elements param="aOptions">

''' <element name="SortOrder" type="String" default="Ascending">Should it be sorted asecnding or descending</element>

''' <element name="SortType" type="String" default="Alphabetical">Is it supposed to be sorted alphabetically?  Probably so.</element>

''' </array-elements>

''' <returns type="Boolean"></returns>

Public Function WebTableVerifySortOrderInColumnAdv (ByRef oTable, Header, aOptions)


       Set oOptions = GetOpts( Array ( _

               "SortOrder", "Ascending", _

               "SortType",  "Alphabetical" _

       ), aOptions)


    headerRowNumber = WebTableGetRowNumber  (oTable, Header)

       ColumnNumber = WebTableGetColumnNumber(oTable, Header)

       bReturn = False


    'subtract the Header row number from the row count. If there are 0 or 1 rows in the table, don't worry about sort order, just

    ' say it's sorted, and exit

    If oTable.GetROProperty("rows") - headerRowNumber <= 1 Then

        WebTableVerifySortOrderInColumnAdv = True

              Exit Function


        rowNumber = headerRowNumber + 1 'initialize the row number to the row below the header


           For iRow = rowNumber + 1 To oTable.GetROProperty("rows")


            sText1 = oTable.GetCellData(iRow - 1, ColumnNumber)

            sText2 = oTable.GetCellData(iRow    , ColumnNumber)


            'If the sort order is descending, reverse the variables

            If LCase( oOptions("SortOrder") ) = "descending" Then

                sTemp = sText1

                sText1 = sText2

                sText2 = sTemp

            End If


            If sText1 < sText2 Then

                bReturn = True


                'If we've found an exception to the intended sort order, short circuit out of here

                WebTableVerifySortOrderInColumnAdv = False

                            Exit Function

                     End If




    End If


       WebTableVerifySortOrderInColumnAdv = bReturn


End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "VerifySortOrderInColumnAdv", "WebTableVerifySortOrderInColumnAdv", True


''' <summary>

''' Determines whether a cell exists

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="iColumn" type="Integer"></param>

''' <param name="iRow" type="Integer"></param>

''' <returns type="Boolean"></returns>

Public Function WebTableCellExists( oTable, iRow, iColumn)

       sCellData = oTable.GetCellData(iRow, iColumn)

       WebTableCellExists = isFalse(StringContains(sCellData, "ERROR: The specified cell does not exist."))

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "CellExists", "WebTableCellExists", True



''' <summary>

''' Get values from specified column

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sHeader" type="String">Column to grab</param>

''' <returns type="String()">Array of column values</returns>

Public Function WebTableGetColumnValues( oTable, sHeader )

       WebTableGetColumnValues = WebTableGetColumnValuesAdv( oTable, sHeader, Null)

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetColumnValues", "WebTableGetColumnValues", True


''' <summary>

''' Get values from specified column

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sHeader" type="String">Column to grab</param>

''' <returns type="String()">Array of column values</returns>

Public Function WebTableGetColumnValuesAdv( oTable, sHeader, aOptions )

       Set oOptions = getopts(Array("iFooterRows", 0), aOptions)

       iFooterRows = oOptions("iFooterRows")

'      For i = WebTableGetHeaderRow(oTable, sHeader) + 1 to oTable.rowCount

       For i = 1 To oTable.rowCount - (WebTableGetHeaderRow(oTable, sHeader)) - iFooterRows

              ArrayPush aReturn, WebTableGetXInColumn(oTable, sHeader, i)

              'print WebTableGetXInColumn(oTable, sHeader, i)


       WebTableGetColumnValuesAdv = aReturn

'      msgbox oTable.rowCount - (WebTableGetHeaderRow(oTable, sHeader) + 1)

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetColumnValuesAdv", "WebTableGetColumnValuesAdv", True


''' <summary>

''' Grabs contents of cell at Row X in the specified column

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="Header" type="String">Column in question</param>

''' <param name="iRow" type="Integer">Row number</param>

''' <returns type="String">Cell contents</returns>

Public Function WebTableGetXInColumn (ByRef oTable, Header, iRow)

    headerRowNumber = WebTableGetHeaderRow  (oTable, Header)

       ColumnNumber = WebTableGetColumnNumber(oTable, Header)

       'IsObject(oTable.ChildItem(headerRowNumber + iRow, ColumnNumber, "WebElement", 0))

       If webTableCellExists(oTable, headerRowNumber + iRow, ColumnNumber) Then

              WebTableGetXInColumn = Trim( oTable.GetCellData(headerRowNumber + iRow, ColumnNumber) )

       End If

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetXInColumn", "WebTableGetXInColumn", True


''' <summary>

''' Gets the cell's WebElement based on the cell's position in the given column

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="Header" type="String"></param>

''' <param name="iRow" type="Integer"></param>

''' <returns type="WebElement"></returns>

Public Function WebTableCellXInColumn(ByRef oTable, Header, iRow)

       headerRowNumber = WebTableGetHeaderRow  (oTable, Header)

       ColumnNumber = WebTableGetColumnNumber(oTable, Header)

       Set WebTableCellXInColumn = WebTableGetCell(oTable, iRow + headerRowNumber, ColumnNumber )

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "CellXinColumn", "WebTableCellXInColumn"


''' <summary>

''' Gets a Cell's WebElement object based on the row and column numbers

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="iRow" type="Integer">Row Number</param>

''' <param name="iColumn" type="Integer">Column Number</param>

''' <returns type="WebElement"></returns>

Public Function WebTableGetCell(ByRef oTable, iRow, iColumn)

       Set oRowDesc = descriptionBuild(Array("html tag", "TR"))

       Set oRows = oTable.ChildObjects(oRowDesc)

       Set oRow = oRows(iRow - 1)

       Set oCells = oRow.ChildObjects(descriptionBuild(Array("html tag", "T[D|H]")))

       iStartCol = 0

       iCellCounter = 0

       For i = 0 To oCells.count - 1

              iStartCol = iStartCol + oCells(i).object.colSpan

              If iStartCol >= CInt(iColumn) Then

                     Exit For              

              End If

              iCellCounter = iCellCounter + 1


       Set oCell = oCells(iCellCounter)

       Set WebTableGetCell = oCell

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetCell", "WebTableGetCell", True



''' <summary>

''' Gets a Cell's Image object based on the row and column numbers

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="iRow" type="Integer">Row Number</param>

''' <param name="iColumn" type="Integer">Column Number</param>

''' <returns type="Image"></returns>

Public Function WebTableGetCellImage(ByRef oTable, iRow, iColumn)

       Set oRowDesc = descriptionBuild(Array("html tag", "TR"))

       Set oRows = oTable.ChildObjects(oRowDesc)

       Set oRow = oRows(iRow - 1)

       Set oCells = oRow.ChildObjects(descriptionBuild(Array("html tag", "T[D|H]")))

       iStartCol = 0

       iCellCounter = 0

       For i = 0 To oCells.count - 1

              iStartCol = iStartCol + oCells(i).object.colSpan

              If iStartCol >= CInt(iColumn) Then

                     Exit For              

              End If

              iCellCounter = iCellCounter + 1


       Set oCell = oCells(iCellCounter)

       Set WebTableGetCell = oCell

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetCell", "WebTableGetCell", True



''' <summary>

''' Finds the row number of sString in oTable relative to the header row

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sHeader" type="String"></param>

''' <param name="sString" type="String"></param>

''' <returns type="Integer()">Row Numbers relative to header row</returns>

Public Function WebTableFindStringInColumnAdv (ByRef oTable, sHeader, sString, aOptions)

       Set oOptions = GetOpts( Array(_

              "bJustFirstMatch", True _

              ), aOptions)

       iHeaderRow = WebTableGetHeaderRow  (oTable, sHeader)

       ColumnNumber = WebTableGetColumnNumber(oTable, sHeader)

       iMatches = 0

       aReturn = Array()

    For i = iHeaderRow + 1 To oTable.RowCount

            If StringContains(Trim(oTable.GetCellData(i, ColumnNumber)), Trim(sString)) Then

                arrayPush aReturn, i - iHeaderRow

                            iMatches = iMatches + 1

                     End If


       If oOptions("bJustFirstMatch") = True Then

              If iMatches > 0 Then

                     WebTableFindStringInColumnAdv = aReturn(0)


                     WebTableFindStringInColumnAdv = Null

              End If    


              WebTableFindStringInColumnAdv = aReturn

       End If



End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "FindStringInColumnAdv", "WebTableFindStringInColumnAdv"


''' <summary>

''' Finds the row number of sString in oTable relative to the header row

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sHeader" type="String"></param>

''' <param name="sString" type="String"></param>

''' <returns type="Integer">Row Number relative to header row</returns>

Public Function WebTableFindStringInColumn(ByRef oTable, sHeader, sString)

       WebTableFindStringInColumn = WebTableFindStringInColumnAdv(oTable, sHeader, sString, Null)

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "FindStringInColumn", "WebTableFindStringInColumn"


''' <summary>

''' Gets the cell data from column X in the row where column Y has the value sYValue

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sXHeader" type="String"></param>

''' <param name="sYHeader" type="String"></param>

''' <param name="sYValue" type="String"></param>

''' <returns type="String">cell data of target cell</returns>

Public Function WebTableGetXWhereYisString (ByRef oTable, sXHeader, sYHeader, sYValue)

       Yrow = WebTableFindStringInColumn (oTable, sYHeader, sYValue)

   If Not IsNull(Yrow) Then WebTableGetXWhereYisString = WebTableGetXInColumn (oTable, sXHeader, Yrow)

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetXWhereYisString", "WebTableGetXWhereYisString"


''' <summary>

''' Finds the row of sYValue in oTable and clicks a link object in column X

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sXHeader" type="String"></param>

''' <param name="sYHeader" type="String"></param>

''' <param name="sYValue" type="String"></param>

''' <returns type="Boolean">True on success</returns>

Public Function WebTableClickXWhereYisString (ByRef oTable, sXHeader, sYHeader, sYValue)

       Yrow = WebTableFindStringInColumn (oTable, sYHeader, sYValue)  

       If Not IsNull(Yrow) Then WebTableClickXWhereYisString = WebTableClickXInColumn (oTable, sXHeader, Yrow)

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ClickXWhereYisString", "WebTableClickXWhereYisString"


''' <summary>

''' Clicks an element in the specified column of row X (iRow)

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="Header" type="String"></param>

''' <param name="iRow" type="Integer">Row Number relative to header row</param>

''' <returns type="Boolean">True on success</returns>

Public Function WebTableClickXInColumn (ByRef oTable, Header, iRow)

    iHeaderRow = WebTableGetHeaderRow (oTable, Header)

       ColumnNumber = WebTableGetColumnNumber(oTable, Header)

       bReturn = False

       'If IsObject(oTable.ChildItem(iHeaderRow + iRow, ColumnNumber, "WebElement", 0)) Then

       If oTable.ChildItemCount( iHeaderRow + iRow, ColumnNumber, "WebElement" ) > 0 Then

              oTable.ChildItem(iHeaderRow + iRow, ColumnNumber, "WebElement", 0).Click

              bReturn = True

       End If

       WebTableClickXInColumn = bReturn

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ClickXInColumn", "WebTableClickXInColumn", True


''' <summary>

''' Clicks the column header specified by the Header parameter

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="Header" type="String"></param>

''' <returns type="Boolean">True on success</returns>

Public Function WebTableClickHeader (ByRef oTable, Header)

    iHeaderRow = WebTableGetHeaderRow (oTable, Header)

       ColumnNumber = WebTableGetColumnNumber(oTable, Header)

       bReturn = False

       If IsObject(oTable.ChildItem(iHeaderRow, ColumnNumber, "WebElement", 0)) Then

              oTable.ChildItem(iHeaderRow, ColumnNumber, "WebElement", 0).Click

              bReturn = True

       End If

       WebTableClickHeader = bReturn  

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ClickHeader", "WebTableClickHeader", True


''' <summary>

''' Returns the row number of the Header row as determined by the Header parameter.  Returns 0 if there is no header row.

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="Header" type="String"></param>

''' <returns type="Integer">Header row number</returns>

Public Function WebTableGetHeaderRow (ByRef oTable, Header)

       WebTableGetHeaderRow = 0

       If stringContains(Header, "^#/d+$") Then

              Set oRows = oTable.object.getElementsByTagName("TR")

              For i = 0 To oRows.Length - 1

                     If oRows(i).GetElementsByTagName("TH").length > 0 Then

                            WebTableGetHeaderRow = i + 1

                     End If



              WebTableGetHeaderRow = WebTableGetRowNumber  (oTable, Header)

       End If

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "GetHeaderRow", "WebTableGetHeaderRow", True


''' <summary>

''' Clicks on the first link in the specified column

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="Header" type="String"></param>

''' <returns type="Boolean">True for success</returns>

Public Function WebTableClickFirstInColumn (ByRef oTable, Header)

       WebTableClickXInColumn oTable, Header, 1

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ClickFirstInColumn", "WebTableClickFirstInColumn", True


''' <summary>

''' Clicks iRow in oTable

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="iRow" type="Integer">Index of row to click</param>

''' <returns type=""></returns>

Public Function WebTableClickRow (ByRef oTable, iRow)

       Set oRow = oTable.object.rows(iRow)


       WebTableClickRow = True

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ClickRow", "WebTableClickRow"


''' <summary>

''' Clicks the row where column Y contains the specified string

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sYHeader" type="String"></param>

''' <param name="sYValue" type="String"></param>

''' <returns type="Boolean">True on success</returns>

Public Function WebTableClickRowWhereYisString (ByRef oTable, sYHeader, sYValue)

    WebTableClickRowWhereYisString = False

       iRowNumber = WebTableFindRowWhereYisString(oTable, sYHeader, sYValue)

       If iRowNumber > 0 Then WebTableClickRowWhereYisString = WebTableClickRow (oTable, iRowNumber)

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ClickRowWhereYisString", "WebTableClickRowWhereYisString"


''' <summary>

''' Gets the row number (relative to the header row) where column Y contains sYValue

''' </summary>

''' <remarks>Because ClickRowWhereYisString calls this, it's unit tests doubles for FindRowWhereYisString</remarks>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <param name="sYHeader" type="String"></param>

''' <param name="sYValue" type="String"></param>

''' <returns type="Integer">Returns row number or 0 if it isn't found</returns>

Public Function WebTableFindRowWhereYisString (ByRef oTable, sYHeader, sYValue)

       iReturn = 0

       Yrow = WebTableFindStringInColumn (oTable, sYHeader, sYValue)

       If Yrow > 0 Then iReturn = Yrow

       WebTableFindRowWhereYisString = iReturn      

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "FindRowWhereYisString", "WebTableFindRowWhereYisString"


''' <summary>

''' Returns a list of row numbers matching dictCriteria

''' </summary>

''' <param name="dictCriteria" type="Dictionary"></param>

''' <param name="aOptions" type="Object"></param>

''' <returns type="Integer()"></returns>

Public Function WebTableFindRowsAdv( oTable, dictCriteria, aOptions )

       Set oOptions = getopts( Array( _

              "bJustFirstMatch", False _

              ), aOptions)

       bFirstTime = True

       aKeys = dictCriteria.Keys

       aPotentialMatches = Array()

       For i = 0 To UBound(aKeys)

              sColumnHeader = aKeys(i)

              sMatchPattern = dictCriteria.Item(sColumnHeader)

              aMatches = WebTableFindStringInColumnAdv(oTable, sColumnHeader, sMatchPattern, Array("bJustFirstMatch", False))

              If bFirstTime = True Then

                     aPotentialMatches = aMatches


                     aPotentialMatches = arrayCommonElements(aPotentialMatches, aMatches)

              End If

              bFirstTime = False


       If oOptions("bJustFirstMatch") = False Then

              WebTableFindRowsAdv = aPotentialMatches


              If UBound(aPotentialMatches) = -1 Then

                     WebTableFindRowsAdv = 0


                     WebTableFindRowsAdv = aPotentialMatches(0)

              End If

       End If


End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "FindRowsAdv", "WebTableFindRowsAdv"


''' <summary>

''' Clicks the table's first row

''' </summary>

''' <param name="oTable" type="WebTable"></param>

''' <returns type="Boolean">True on success</returns>

Public Function WebTableClickFirstRow (ByRef oTable)

       WebTableClickFirstRow = False

       HeaderRow = WebTableGetHeaderRow (oTable, "#1")

       WebTableClickFirstRow = WebTableClickRow (oTable, HeaderRow + 1 - 1 )

End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ClickFirstRow", "WebTableClickFirstRow"






'@Description Clicks on the check box specified in row, or if row is a string, it finds the text and clicks the checkbox in the corresponding row

'TODO enable them to search under a column header (str) or column index (int)

Public Function WebTableCheckBox (ByRef oTable, sString, Setting)


    If StringIsEmpty(Setting) Then

        Setting = "OFF"

    End If


    'After the analysis is done, this var will contain the row specified (or found)

    Dim iRow


    If TypeName(sString) = "Integer" Then

        iRow = sString


        sCoords = WebTableGetCellCoords(oTable, sString)

        'If the search text was found in the table, check the first check box you can find

        If sCoords <> "0" Then

            Dim aCoords

            aCoords = Split(sCoords, ",")

            iRow    = aCoords(0)

        End If

    End If


    'We've found the row - now find the column where there exists a checkbox

    For ColumnNumber = 1 To oTable.ColumnCount(iRow)

        Set oCheckBox = oTable.ChildItem(iRow, ColumnNumber, "WebCheckBox", 0)

        If TypeName(oCheckBox) <> "Nothing" Then

            WebCheckBoxSmartSet oCheckBox, Setting

            WebTableCheckBox = True

        End If



    'If the search text was not found in the table, do nothing, just return false

    WebTableCheckBox = False


End Function

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "CheckBox", "WebTableCheckBox", True




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