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原创 HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0410

Polymorphism a summarize about java polymorphism Generics learn about java generics Equality equals() and hashcode() To be continued…

2020-04-14 08:28:43 145

原创 HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0327

Operations of an Abstract Type Creators will create new objects, we can think it as a constructor; Producers create new objects from old objects of the type; Observers will give out the situation of t...

2020-03-27 17:33:05 144

原创 HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0317

Types in Java Primitives will be stored on stack and only values will be stored. Object reference types will be stored on heap and their id will also be stored other than values. Static Checking and D...

2020-03-17 15:32:34 152

原创 HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0313

Unified Modeling Language-UML Though we are not required to draw UML figures, we still need to understand different kinds of UML figures. A brief introduction of UML It is only a post for what I want ...

2020-03-13 21:58:48 144

原创 HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0310

Traditional Software Process In the tradition software process, documents are highlight in every part of the construction and each phase will be test strictly. Considering that users have little inter...

2020-03-10 21:44:07 121

原创 HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0306

Black-box Testing Black-box need to consider the specification and test cases in this process is created according to the separation of the equivalence class. It is a very important part in the exam s...

2020-03-06 15:35:39 212

原创 HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0303

Software Test Testing is an integral part of the software construction and it also has a relatively large proportion in the exam. Sometimes we may be asked to analyse the exception situation of the sp...

2020-03-03 16:23:48 161

原创 HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0228

External and Internal Quality Factors External quality factors mainly affect users while internal quality factors are related with software and its developers. However, external results result from in...

2020-02-28 15:31:42 156

原创 HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0225

Multi-Dimensional Views of Software Construction It is a record for the significant points in the courses. Code Snapshot It is said that this point will definitely appear in the final exam and it wil...

2020-02-25 16:17:52 171

原创 HITICS 2019大作业 程序人生-Hello’s P2P

HITICS 2019大作业 百度云分享链接 https://pan.baidu.com/s/10x8TtOH0mS7ojELYB1i6Vw

2019-12-30 20:35:53 264



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