




int i;          declare i as int
const int i;    declare i as const int


int * p;        declare p as pointer to int
int ** p;       declare p as pointer to pointer to int
int *** p;      declare p as pointer to pointer to pointer to int

const int * p;          declare p as pointer to const int
const int ** p;         declare p as pointer to pointer to const int
const int *** p;        declare p as pointer to pointer to pointer to const int

int * const p;          declare p as const pointer to int
int ** const p;         declare p as const pointer to pointer to int
int *** const p;        declare p as const pointer to pointer to pointer to int

const int * const p;    declare p as const pointer to const int
const int ** const p;   declare p as const pointer to pointer to const int
const int *** const p;  declare p as const pointer to pointer to pointer to const int

int * const * p;        declare p as pointer to const pointer to int
int * const ** p;       declare p as pointer to pointer to const pointer to int
int * const *** p;      declare p as pointer to pointer to pointer to const pointer to int
int ** const * p;       declare p as pointer to const pointer to pointer to int
int *** const * p;      declare p as pointer to const pointer to pointer to pointer to int

const int * const * p;          declare p as pointer to const pointer to const int
int ** const * const p;         declare p as const pointer to const pointer to pointer to int
const int ** const * const p;   declare p as const pointer to const pointer to pointer to const int


int a[];            declare a as array of int
int a[10];          declare a as array 10 of int
int a[10][15];      declare a as array 10 of array 15 of int

int *a[10];         declare a as array 10 of pointer to int
int **a[10];        declare a as array 10 of pointer to pointer to int
int ***a[10];       declare a as array 10 of pointer to pointer to pointer to int

int *a[10][15];     declare a as array 10 of array 15 of pointer to int
int **a[10][15];    declare a as array 10 of array 15 of pointer to pointer to int
int ***a[10][15];   declare a as array 10 of array 15 of pointer to pointer to pointer to int

int (*a)[10];       declare a as pointer to array 10 of int
int (**a)[10];      declare a as pointer to pointer to array 10 of int
int (***a)[10];     declare a as pointer to pointer to pointer to array 10 of int

int (*a)[10][15];       declare a as pointer to array 10 of array 15 of int
int (**a)[10][15];      declare a as pointer to pointer to array 10 of array 15 of int
int (***a)[10][15];     declare a as pointer to pointer to pointer to array 10 of array 15 of int

int *(*a)[];        declare a as pointer to array of pointer to int
int **(*a)[];       declare a as pointer to array of pointer to pointer to int
int ***(*a)[];      declare a as pointer to array of pointer to pointer to pointer to int
int *(**a)[];       declare a as pointer to pointer to array of pointer to int
int *(***a)[];      declare a as pointer to pointer to pointer to array of pointer to int


int f();        declare f as function returning int
int * f();      declare f as function returning pointer to int
int ** f();     declare f as function returning pointer to pointer to int
int *** f();    declare f as function returning pointer to pointer to pointer to int

int f(int);     declare f as function (int) returning int
int * f(int);   declare f as function (int) returning pointer to int
int ** f(int);  declare f as function (int) returning pointer to pointer to int
int *** f(int); declare f as function (int) returning pointer to pointer to pointer to int

int (*f) (int);         declare f as pointer to function (int) returning int
int (**f) (int);        declare f as pointer to pointer to function (int) returning int
int (***f) (int);       declare f as pointer to pointer to function (int) returning int

int * (*f) (int);       declare f as pointer to function (int) returning pointer to int
int ** (*f) (int);      declare f as pointer to function (int) returning pointer to pointer to int
int *** (*f) (int);     declare f as pointer to function (int) returning pointer to pointer to pointer to int


int *(*(**foo[][8])())[];   declare foo as array of array 8 of pointer to pointer to function returning pointer to array of pointer to int
int *(*(**foo[5][8])())[];  declare foo as array 6 of array 8 of pointer to pointer to function returning pointer to array of pointer to int

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