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原创 Git 克隆项目异常
fatal: unable to checkout working tree warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed. You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status' and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'文件名称过长导致导出异常。解决方案:cmd命令窗口输入命令git config --system core.lon.
2021-12-23 11:00:06 1081
原创 MySQL insert set 和 insert values
insert values:优点:可以批量插入;缺点:单条执行效率低。<适合批量插入>insert into table(col1,col2,col3) values('val1','val2','val3'); insert set:优点:执行效率高;缺点:每次只能插入一条数据。<适合单条插入>insert into table set col1='val...
2018-10-15 11:39:52 4570
翻译 mysql数据库连接useSSL=false
异常信息 WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by de...
2018-05-13 18:34:48 29220 3
原创 mybatis批量添加,批量更新之前判断是否已经存在
批量添加之前判断是否已经存在,foreach separator用UNION ALL。批量修改
2018-03-19 10:55:43 7870
原创 springcloud Eureka 服务实例注册
最近学习springcloud,遇到异常信息,如下:异常原因:Eureka server项目application.properties配置文件中添加了server.context-path删掉此属性,需注意运行路径http://localhost:port/,此处没有path路径服务注册中心配置:访问路径:http://localhost:9000/运
2018-01-25 13:20:48 309
原创 mybatis 异常信息
运行异常信息:Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Result Maps collection already contains value for com.merlin.springboot.dao.UserDao.BaseResultMap异常解析:一般是Mapper文件复制的时候namespace或者sql的i
2018-01-10 09:49:01 646
原创 springBoot @RestController @Controller
@RestController 注解为@Controller和@ResponseBody的结合此图调用hw()方法返回的就是test/hh此图调用hw()方法返回的就是templates/test/hh.html。hh.html内容使用需注意
2018-01-08 14:30:27 528
原创 springboot jsp 静态资源访问
2018-01-08 10:17:22 6530
原创 springmvc转成springboot异常记录
Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean.
2017-09-21 13:27:57 3288
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹