






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay related to the short passage given below. In your essay, you are to comment on the phenomenon described in the passage and suggest measures to address the issue. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Nowadays star chasing is prevalent among many teenagers. They take pop stars as their idols, imitating their way of talking, following their style of dressing, and seeking every chance to meet them in person at great expenses.


1.The social phenomenon that idol worship is prevalent among youths has become a hot issue nowadays.


2.The stars represent the hero images, whose handsome appearance and unparalleled professional skills are passionately adored by all the fans.


3.Likewise, some teenagers, no matter boys or girls, have won their fame overnight nationwide, which has aroused heated discussion on the outlook on values and the negative impacts of star chasing.



4.From my perspective, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can deeply influence the growth of young people.


5.If youngsters merely adore the idols by imitating their hairstyles or pursuing fashions unreasonably, the obsession will certainly waste a lot of money, time or energy, endangering the efficiency of study or disturbing the daily routines.


6.On the contrary, we will lead a positive and fruitful life if we endeavor to improve ourselves by focusing on the development of ourselves, instead of spending too much time in star chasing.


7.Consequently, the latter attitude should be adopted to direct our way of life.



8.As far as I have discussed, the phenomenon sends out a message to all the social members: it should not be remained in the present condition.


9.The trendy online media, the educational sectors, and parents should undertake the responsibility to help the young erect a correct outlook for life.


10.With such a value, the younger generation can grow into the qualified socialist successors.



  The social phenomenon that idol worship is prevalent among youths has become a hot issue nowadays. The stars represent the hero images, whose handsome appearance and unparalleled professional skills are passionately adored by all the fans. Likewise, some teenagers, no matter boys or girls, have won their fame overnight nationwide, which has aroused heated discussion on the outlook on values and the negative impacts of star chasing.

  From my perspective, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can deeply influence the growth of young people. If youngsters merely adore the idols by imitating their hairstyles or pursuing fashions unreasonably, the obsession will certainly waste a lot of money, time or energy, endangering the efficiency of study or disturbing the daily routines. On the contrary, we will lead a positive and fruitful life if we endeavor to improve ourselves by focusing on the development of ourselves, instead of spending too much time in star chasing. Consequently, the latter attitude should be adopted to direct our way of life.

  As far as I have discussed, the phenomenon sends out a message to all the social members: it should not be remained in the present condition. The trendy online media, the educational sectors, and parents should undertake the responsibility to help the young erect a correct outlook for life. With such a value, the younger generation can grow into the qualified socialist successors.



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write an essay related to the short passage given below. In your essay, you are to comment on the phenomenon described in the passage and suggest measures to address the issue. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Young people spend a lot of time on the Internet. However, they are sometimes unable to recognize false information on the Internet, judge the reliability of online information sources, or tell real news stories from fake ones.


 1.In the digital age, no one can live without using the Internet, and young people are a large part in this field.


2.They prefer to browse Microblog or Tik Tok, which pours countless information into their eyes.


3.However, among all the news, some is real; some is fake. It is a question whether these young information receivers can make correct judgments.



4.We cannot deny that the phenomenon of the online false information is becoming increasingly serious.


5.The fake news not only misleads some youngsters who do not have much social experience, but also ruins the medium credibility.


6.For example, last September, an Internet celebrity made a video that showed some seaweed was made of plastics, which was totally made up, but it caused great losses to the sellers as well as the customers.


7.If such cases continue like that, the younger generation will doubt about almost everything around them, which may bring detrimental influence to the whole society.



8.What should we do to prevent and control the fake information online?


9.First and foremost, it must be severely cracked down with the joint efforts of authorities in various sector.


10.Journalists are supposed to enhance their judgments and improve their professional ethics.


11.In addition, the adolescents should strengthen the awareness of ensuring legal rights.


12.Only when these measures are taken properly and promptly, can we curb this tendency and create a reliable and responsible atmosphere on the Internet.



  In the digital age, no one can live without using the Internet, and young people are a large part in this field. They prefer to browse Microblog or Tik Tok, which pours countless information into their eyes. However, among all the news, some is real; some is fake. It is a question whether these young information receivers can make correct judgments.

  We cannot deny that the phenomenon of the online false information is becoming increasingly serious. The fake news not only misleads some youngsters who do not have much social experience, but also ruins the medium credibility. For example, last September, an Internet celebrity made a video that showed some seaweed was made of plastics, which was totally made up, but it caused great losses to the sellers as well as the customers. If such cases continue like that, the younger generation will doubt about almost everything around them, which may bring detrimental influence to the whole society.

  What should we do to prevent and control the fake information online? First and foremost, it must be severely cracked down with the joint efforts of authorities in various sector. Journalists are supposed to enhance their judgments and improve their professional ethics. In addition, the adolescents should strengthen the awareness of ensuring legal rights. Only when these measures are taken properly and promptly, can we curb this tendency and create a reliable and responsible atmosphere on the Internet.



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay related to the short passage given below. In your essay, you are to comment on the phenomenon described in the passage and suggest measures to address the issue. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Some parents in China are overprotective of their children. They plan everything for their children, make all the decisions for them, and do not allow them to explore on their own in case they make mistakes or get hurt.


1.No matter how old you are, you will be familiar with the phrase “Baby …”


2. This is not a term only for kids.


3.The college students are also regarded as babies in their parents’ eyes.


4.At present, the children’s overprotection is widely spreading throughout the country.


5.Facing such a phenomenon, we should know the reasons, and reverse the adverse trend.



6.For one thing, owing to the improved living standards and the limited number of children in each family, most parents provide excessive care and material supplies to satisfy their children’s needs.


7.How many times are we blocked on the commuting way?


8.The reason is not that some traffic accidents happen, but that parents are sending their children to schools.


9.Do they need to do this every day? Of course not!


10.For another, a majority of children only focus on their study, ignoring social communication and practice.


11.Once these offsprings start to face the society themselves, they are unable to solve problems in the competitive world.


12.They are too spoiled to be strong enough to endure the hardships and difficulties.



 13.In sum, it is essential for us to solve the problem of children’s education timely and effectively.


14.By undergoing more predicaments, these young people can develop strong personality and live independently in the future, and in this way, they will eventually become qualified participants in the changing world.



  No matter how old you are, you will be familiar with the phrase “Baby …” This is not a term only for kids. The college students are also regarded as babies in their parents’ eyes. At present, the children’s overprotection is widely spreading throughout the country. Facing such a phenomenon, we should know the reasons, and reverse the adverse trend.

  For one thing, owing to the improved living standards and the limited number of children in each family, most parents provide excessive care and material supplies to satisfy their children’s needs. How many times are we blocked on the commuting way? The reason is not that some traffic accidents happen, but that parents are sending their children to schools. Do they need to do this every day? Of course not! For another, a majority of children only focus on their study, ignoring social communication and practice. Once these offsprings start to face the society themselves, they are unable to solve problems in the competitive world. They are too spoiled to be strong enough to endure the hardships and difficulties.

  In sum, it is essential for us to solve the problem of children’s education timely and effectively. By undergoing more predicaments, these young people can develop strong personality and live independently in the future, and in this way, they will eventually become qualified participants in the changing world.

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大学英语六级真题Word CSDN」是一道题目,指的是大学英语六级考试中的试题,具体题目涉及到了Word和CSDN两个方面。 针对这道题目,我们可以从以下几个方面进行回答: 首先,针对Word方面,我们可以讨论大学英语六级考试中可能与Word相关的题目类型及内容。例如,可能涉及到Word的基本操作技巧,如插入表格、设置页眉页脚等;还可能出现与Word文档格式相关的题目,如要求在Word文档中按照特定的格式编写信函等。在备考过程中,很有必要掌握Word的基本操作和常用格式设置,以便在考场上能够熟练运用。 其次,关于CSDN方面,我们可以讨论CSDN是什么。CSDN全称中国软件开发网,是一个技术交流平台,为各类IT从业者提供了一个在线学习、讨论和分享的社区。在大学英语六级考试中,CSDN可能出现在阅读理解部分的文章材料中,需要考生通过阅读理解文章来回答相关问题。因此,在备考过程中,提高阅读理解和理解技巧,增强对技术类文章的阅读能力,有助于更好地应对这类题目。 最后,为了在大学英语六级考试中获得更好的成绩,我们需要保持良好的备考习惯。建议多做真题,熟悉考试题型和命题风格,培养解题思路和方法。同时,积极参加口语和听力训练,提高听说能力,增强对英语语言的熟悉度。此外,每天坚持背诵单词,扩大词汇量,提高语言表达能力。 总之,「大学英语六级真题Word CSDN」是一道考察大学英语六级考试中与Word和CSDN相关的题目,备考时需要关注相关知识点,通过多做题、积极训练和提高英语水平来应对考试。


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