所谓的Edge连接主要是形容在链路两端所使用的连接,包括AP连接与EXIT连接两种。Edge连接的存在,主要是为了个应用程序连接提供服务,所以才将两种Edge连接命名为Application Proxy应用代理连接和EXIT出口连接。这两种连接主要出现于链路两端,即链路第一跳与链路最后一跳,分别用于接受应用请求和处理应用请求的发出。因为Edge连接在Tor系统中也具有重要的作用,所以本篇就简单分析关于Edge连接的源码文件connection_edge.c。
0. 全局变量
/** A client-side struct to remember requests to rewrite addresses
* to new addresses. These structs are stored in the hash table
* "addressmap" below.
* 由此处可见,addressmap全局变量的使用,只存在于客户端,其他身份的TOR成员并不使用此全局变量;
* There are 5 ways to set an address mapping:
* - A MapAddress command from the controller [permanent]
* - An AddressMap directive in the torrc [permanent]
* - When a TrackHostExits torrc directive is triggered [temporary]
* - When a DNS resolve succeeds [temporary]
* - When a DNS resolve fails [temporary]
* 由此处可见,除去在配置文件中进行地址映射之外,主要还是靠DNS解析来修改address mapping;
* When an addressmap request is made but one is already registered,
* the new one is replaced only if the currently registered one has
* no "new_address" (that is, it's in the process of DNS resolve),
* or if the new one is permanent (expires==0 or 1).
* (We overload the 'expires'