雅思词汇——Word List 4(V2)


1. incredible [ɪnˈkrɛdəbl]

  • 中文意思:难以置信的(adj)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • an incredible story: 一个难以置信的故事
    • incredible speed: 难以置信的速度
  • 例句:
    • It’s an incredible achievement to win the championship.
    • The transformation was incredible; the place looks completely different now.

2. vertebrate [ˈvɜːtɪbrət]

  • 中文意思:脊椎动物(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • vertebrate animals: 脊椎动物
    • vertebrate species: 脊椎动物种类
  • 例句:
    • Humans are vertebrate animals with a backbone.
    • The class studied various vertebrate species in biology.

3. industrious [ɪnˈdʌstriəs]

  • 中文意思:勤劳的(adj)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • industrious worker: 勤劳的工人
    • known for being industrious: 以勤劳著称
  • 例句:
    • She is known for being an industrious worker who never shies away from challenges.
    • The company values industrious employees who contribute consistently.

4. intestine [ɪnˈtɛstɪn]

  • 中文意思:肠的(adj)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • small intestine: 小肠
    • large intestine: 大肠
  • 例句:
    • Digestion primarily occurs in the small intestine.
    • The large intestine absorbs water and salts from undigested food.

5. outpost [ˈaʊtpəʊst]

  • 中文意思:前哨、前哨基地(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • military outpost: 军事前哨
    • remote outpost: 偏远前哨
  • 例句:
    • The soldiers established an outpost in the enemy territory.
    • The outpost served as a monitoring station for border security.

6. general [ˈdʒɛnərəl]

  • 中文意思:一般的、将军(adj/n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • in general: 一般来说
    • general knowledge: 常识
  • 例句:
    • In general, people tend to prefer comfortable shoes.
    • The general led the troops into battle.

7. bother [ˈbɒðə(r )]

  • 中文意思:打扰、烦扰(v/n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • not worth the bother: 不值得麻烦
    • cause a bother: 造成麻烦
  • 例句:
    • I don’t want to bother you while you’re working.
    • It’s a bother to find a parking space in this area.

8. consignment [kənˈsaɪnmənt]

  • 中文意思:托运、委托(n)
  • 使用频率:低
  • 常用短语:
    • consignment sale: 寄售
    • consignment note: 寄售单
  • 例句:
    • They sent the goods by consignment to the overseas distributor.
    • The artist decided on a consignment sale for some of his paintings.

9. administrator [ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtə(r )]

  • 中文意思:管理员(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • system administrator: 系统管理员
    • school administrator: 学校行政人员
  • 例句:
    • The hospital administrator oversees daily operations.
    • An effective administrator maintains smooth functioning of the organization.

10. convention [kənˈvɛnʃən]

  • 中文意思:习俗、惯例、大会(n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • traditional convention: 传统习俗
    • international convention: 国际大会
  • 例句:
    • It’s a convention in their culture to bow when greeting someone.
    • The annual convention drew attendees from all over the world.

11. organic [ɔːˈgænɪk]

  • 中文意思:有机的(adj)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • organic food: 有机食品
    • organic farming: 有机农业
  • 例句:
    • Many people prefer organic produce for its health benefits.
    • The company is committed to using organic materials in its products.

12. trapeze [trəˈpiːz]

  • 中文意思:空中秋千(n)
  • 使用频率:低
  • 常用短语:
    • circus trapeze: 马戏团空中秋千
    • trapeze artist: 空中秋千表演者
  • 例句:
    • The acrobat performed daring stunts on the trapeze.
    • She aspired to become a trapeze artist since she was a child.

13. intersection [ˌɪntəˈsɛkʃ(ə)n]

  • 中文意思:交叉口、相交(n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • road intersection: 道路交叉口
    • intersection of interests: 利益交集
  • 例句:
    • The traffic lights control the flow of vehicles at the intersection.
    • The intersection of their interests led to a successful partnership.

14. concept [ˈkɒnsɛpt]

  • 中文意思:概念、观念(n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • abstract concept: 抽象概念
    • grasp the concept: 理解概念
  • 例句:
    • It took her a while to grasp the concept of quantum physics.
    • Freedom is a fundamental concept in democratic societies.

15. cardiovascular [ˌkɑːdɪəʊˈvæskjələ(r )]

  • 中文意思:心血管的(adj)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • cardiovascular disease: 心血管疾病
    • cardiovascular health: 心血管健康
  • 例句:
    • Regular exercise is essential for good cardiovascular health.
    • Smoking is a risk factor for various cardiovascular diseases.

16. humble [ˈhʌmbəl]

  • 中文意思:谦虚的、卑微的(adj)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • humble beginnings: 卑微的起点
    • remain humble: 保持谦虚
  • 例句:
    • He came from humble beginnings but achieved great success.
    • It’s important to remain humble even after achieving success.

17. lecture [ˈlɛktʃə(r )]

  • 中文意思:讲座、讲课(n/v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • give a lecture: 讲课、演讲
    • attend a lecture: 参加讲座
  • 例句:
    • She will give a lecture on modern art history tomorrow.
    • Students are expected to attend all lectures and take notes.

18. counter [ˈkaʊntə(r )]

  • 中文意思:柜台、对立(n/v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • behind the counter: 在柜台后
    • counter argument: 反驳观点
  • 例句:
    • She stood behind the counter and served customers all day.
    • His opinion served as a counter argument to the proposed plan.

19. brass [brɑːs]

  • 中文意思:黄铜(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • brass instruments: 铜管乐器
    • brass fittings: 黄铜配件
  • 例句:
    • Brass is commonly used in making musical instruments.
    • The door handles were made of solid brass.

20. fauna [ˈfɔːnə]

  • 中文意思:动物群(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • native fauna: 本地动物群
    • diverse fauna: 多样的动物群
  • 例句:
    • Australia has a unique and diverse fauna.
    • Conservation efforts aim to protect the local fauna and flora.

21. expel [ɪkˈspɛl]

  • 中文意思:驱逐、开除(v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • expel from school: 开除学校
    • expel air: 排放空气
  • 例句:
    • The school had to expel the student due to repeated misconduct.
    • The exhaust system expels harmful gases from the engine.

22. equator [ɪˈkweɪtə(r )]

  • 中文意思:赤道(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • cross the equator: 跨越赤道
    • near the equator: 靠近赤道
  • 例句:
    • The equator divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
    • Countries near the equator experience consistent daylight throughout the year.

23. invest [ɪnˈvɛst]

  • 中文意思:投资(v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • invest money: 投资资金
    • invest in stocks: 投资股票
  • 例句:
    • Many people choose to invest in real estate for long-term profits.
    • It’s essential to invest wisely to secure your financial future.

24. essay [ˈɛseɪ]

  • 中文意思:文章、论文(n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • write an essay: 写文章
    • academic essay: 学术论文
  • 例句:
    • She spent hours writing her essay on climate change.
    • The professor requested a minimum of 2000 words for the essay.

25. dedicate [ˈdɛdɪkeɪt]

  • 中文意思:奉献、致力于(v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • dedicate time: 投入时间
    • dedicate a song: 献歌
  • 例句:
    • He decided to dedicate his life to humanitarian work.
    • The artist dedicated the performance to her late grandmother.

26. astrology [əˈstrɒlədʒi]

  • 中文意思:占星术(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • study astrology: 学习占星术
    • astrology chart: 占星图
  • 例句:
    • She had a deep interest in astrology and horoscopes.
    • In astrology, the position of planets influences personality traits.

27. attain [əˈteɪn]

  • 中文意思:获得、达到(v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • attain a goal: 达成目标
    • attain success: 取得成功
  • 例句:
    • With hard work, she managed to attain her dream job.
    • The company aims to attain a leading position in the market.

28. divisional [dɪˈvɪʒ(ə)n(ə)l]

  • 中文意思:分部的、部门的(adj)
  • 使用频率:低
  • 常用短语:
    • divisional manager: 分部经理
    • divisional headquarters: 分部总部
  • 例句:
    • The divisional sales figures exceeded expectations for the quarter.
    • Each divisional unit operates independently within the organization.

29. ambition [æmˈbɪʃ(ə)n]

  • 中文意思:抱负、野心(n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • ambitious goals: 雄心壮志的目标
    • personal ambition: 个人抱负
  • 例句:
    • Her ambition was to become a successful entrepreneur.
    • Ambition and hard work often go hand in hand.

30. range [reɪndʒ]

  • 中文意思:范围、系列(n/v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • wide range: 广泛范围
    • product range: 产品系列
  • 例句:
    • The store offers a wide range of electronics.
    • His responsibilities range from marketing to finance.

31. ultimate [ˈʌltɪmət]

  • 中文意思:最终的、最后的(adj)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • ultimate goal: 终极目标
    • ultimate decision: 最终决定
  • 例句:
    • His ultimate aim was to travel around the world.
    • The court’s ruling was the ultimate decision in the case.

32. counsellor [ˈkaʊns(ə)lə(r )]

  • 中文意思:顾问、辅导员(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • school counsellor: 学校辅导员
    • marriage counsellor: 婚姻顾问
  • 例句:
    • She works as a counsellor at the local community center.
    • The college provides students with professional counsellors.

33. flap [flæp]

  • 中文意思:拍动、振动(v/n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • flap wings: 拍动翅膀
    • cause a flap: 引起轰动
  • 例句:
    • Birds flap their wings to fly.
    • His remarks caused quite a flap among the audience.

34. wastage [ˈweɪstɪdʒ]

  • 中文意思:浪费、损耗(n)
  • 使用频率:低
  • 常用短语:
    • reduce wastage: 减少浪费
    • food wastage: 食物损耗
  • 例句:
    • The company implemented measures to reduce wastage of resources.
    • Proper planning can help minimize wastage in production.

35. earthquake [ˈɜːθkweɪk]

  • 中文意思:地震(n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • seismic earthquake: 地震测震
    • earthquake-resistant: 抗震的
  • 例句:
    • The earthquake caused extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure.
    • The region is prone to earthquakes due to its geological activity.

36. device [dɪˈvaɪs]

  • 中文意思:设备、装置(n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • electronic device: 电子设备
    • medical device: 医疗设备
  • 例句:
    • The new device enhances productivity in the workplace.
    • The company specializes in manufacturing innovative devices for healthcare.

37. regulate [ˈrɛɡjʊleɪt]

  • 中文意思:调节、规范(v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • regulate temperature: 调节温度
    • government regulation: 政府规定
  • 例句:
    • It’s important to regulate your diet for better health.
    • The company follows strict regulations to ensure product quality.

38. mould [məʊld]

  • 中文意思:模具、霉菌(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • mould growth: 霉菌生长
    • plastic mould: 塑料模具
  • 例句:
    • The cheese had started to grow mould.
    • The company designs custom moulds for various industries.

39. potential [pəˈtɛnʃ(ə)l]

  • 中文意思:潜力、潜在的(n/adj)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • unlock potential: 发挥潜力
    • realize potential: 实现潜力
  • 例句:
    • With proper training, she could reach her full potential.
    • The company is exploring the market’s potential for growth.

40. discretion [dɪˈskrɛʃ(ə)n]

  • 中文意思:谨慎、自由裁量权(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • exercise discretion: 行使谨慎
    • at one’s discretion: 由某人决定
  • 例句:
    • The manager used his discretion in handling the delicate situation.
    • You can choose the design at your own discretion.

41. ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs]

  • 中文意思:有雄心的、野心勃勃的(adj)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • ambitious project: 雄心勃勃的项目
    • ambitious goals: 雄心壮志的目标
  • 例句:
    • She has an ambitious plan to start her own business.
    • The company has set ambitious targets for growth this year.

42. brief [briːf]

  • 中文意思:简要的、摘要(adj/v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • brief summary: 简要总结
    • brief someone: 向某人介绍情况
  • 例句:
    • He gave a brief overview of the project during the meeting.
    • I need to brief you on the latest developments.

43. dorm [dɔːm]

  • 中文意思:宿舍(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • college dorm: 大学宿舍
    • dorm room: 宿舍房间
  • 例句:
    • The students gathered in the dorm lounge for a study session.
    • The university offers various types of dorm rooms for students.

44. substitute [ˈsʌbstɪtjuːt]

  • 中文意思:替代品、代用品(n/v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • substitute teacher: 代课老师
    • substitute for: 替代、代替
  • 例句:
    • She used almond milk as a substitute for regular milk.
    • A substitute was brought in while the regular teacher was on leave.

45. striking [ˈstraɪkɪŋ]

  • 中文意思:显著的、引人注目的(adj)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • striking resemblance: 显著相似
    • striking features: 显著特征
  • 例句:
    • The painting had striking colors that caught everyone’s attention.
    • There was a striking resemblance between the twins.

46. pirate [ˈpaɪrət]

  • 中文意思:海盗(n/v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • pirate ship: 海盗船
    • pirate movies: 海盗电影
  • 例句:
    • Pirates often roamed the seas in search of treasure.
    • He decided to pirate the software instead of buying it legally.

47. refrigerator [rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə(r )]

  • 中文意思:冰箱(n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • refrigerator door: 冰箱门
    • refrigerator magnets: 冰箱贴
  • 例句:
    • The refrigerator stopped working, so all the food spoiled.
    • She put the groceries in the refrigerator to keep them fresh.

48. minimise [ˈmɪnɪmaɪz]

  • 中文意思:最小化、减少(v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • minimise risk: 最小化风险
    • minimise impact: 减少影响
  • 例句:
    • They took measures to minimise the environmental impact.
    • The goal is to minimise errors in the production process.

49. imaginative [ɪˈmædʒɪˌneɪtɪv]

  • 中文意思:富有想象力的(adj)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • imaginative play: 富有想象力的游戏
    • imaginative thinking: 富有想象力的思维
  • 例句:
    • The children engaged in imaginative role-play activities.
    • She’s an imaginative writer known for her creative stories.

50. profit [ˈprɒfɪt]

  • 中文意思:利润、获利(n/v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • make a profit: 获利
    • profit margin: 利润率
  • 例句:
    • The company reported a substantial increase in profits this quarter.
    • She decided to start her own business to turn a bigger profit.

51. decrepit [ˈdɛkrəpɪt]

  • 中文意思:破旧的、年久失修的(adj)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • decrepit building: 破旧建筑
    • decrepit condition: 破旧状态
  • 例句:
    • The decrepit house needed extensive renovation.
    • He struggled to move around due to his decrepit knees.

52. ignorant [ˈɪɡnərənt]

  • 中文意思:无知的、愚昧的(adj)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • remain ignorant: 保持无知
    • ignorant of: 对…无知
  • 例句:
    • He’s ignorant of the basic facts about the topic.
    • It’s not acceptable to remain ignorant about important issues.

53. leopard [ˈlɛpəd]

  • 中文意思:豹(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • spotted leopard: 斑点豹
    • hunting leopard: 猎豹
  • 例句:
    • The leopard is known for its speed and agility.
    • We spotted a leopard in the wild during our safari.

54. mastery [ˈmɑːstəri]

  • 中文意思:精通、掌握(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • achieve mastery: 达到精通
    • show mastery: 展现掌握能力
  • 例句:
    • His mastery of the subject impressed the professors.
    • Achieving mastery in any field requires dedication and practice.

55. forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst]

  • 中文意思:预测、预报(n/v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • weather forecast: 天气预报
    • forecast future: 预测未来
  • 例句:
    • The forecast predicts heavy rain tomorrow.
    • Economists try to forecast economic trends for the upcoming year.

56. precision [prɪˈsɪʒən]

  • 中文意思:精确、准确(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • surgical precision: 外科手术的精确度
    • precision instrument: 精密仪器
  • 例句:
    • The scientist conducted the experiment with precision to obtain accurate results.
    • The pilot landed the plane with great precision despite the bad weather.

57. quote [kwəʊt]

  • 中文意思:引用、报价(n/v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • famous quote: 名言
    • quote a price: 报价
  • 例句:
    • She often starts her presentations with an inspirational quote.
    • Can you quote the exact words from the article?

58. comparative [kəmˈpærətɪv]

  • 中文意思:比较的、相对的(adj)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • in comparative terms: 从比较的角度来看
    • make a comparative analysis: 进行比较分析
  • 例句:
    • She conducted a comparative study of different approaches to the problem.
    • The results were presented in a comparative chart for easier understanding.

59. recruit [rɪˈkruːt]

  • 中文意思:招募、新成员(n/v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • recruit employees: 招聘员工
    • new recruit: 新成员
  • 例句:
    • The company is looking to recruit talented individuals.
    • She was a recent recruit to the team.

60. gloss [ɡlɒs]

  • 中文意思:注释、光泽(n/v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • gloss over: 掩饰
    • glossary of terms: 术语表
  • 例句:
    • The textbook includes a gloss to explain difficult terms.
    • He used a special product to gloss the surface of the wood.

61. committee [kəˈmɪtɪ]

  • 中文意思:委员会、小组(n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • form a committee: 组建委员会
    • committee meeting: 委员会会议
  • 例句:
    • The committee decided to postpone the event due to bad weather.
    • She was elected as a member of the organizing committee.

62. exile [ˈɛksaɪl]

  • 中文意思:流放、放逐(n/v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • political exile: 政治流亡
    • live in exile: 流亡生活
  • 例句:
    • The writer lived in exile for many years due to his political views.
    • After the failed rebellion, he was exiled from the country.

63. representative [ˌrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv]

  • 中文意思:代表、代理人(n/adj)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • elected representative: 当选代表
    • representative sample: 代表性样本
  • 例句:
    • The union sent a representative to negotiate with the management.
    • This report is based on a representative survey conducted last month.

64. reverse [rɪˈvɜːs]

  • 中文意思:逆转、反转(n/v/adj)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • reverse the decision: 撤销决定
    • in reverse order: 逆序
  • 例句:
    • The company tried to reverse its declining sales by launching a new campaign.
    • You need to reverse the direction of the switch to turn on the machine.

65. finance [ˈfaɪnæns]

  • 中文意思:财务、金融(n/v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • personal finance: 个人财务
    • finance a project: 融资项目
  • 例句:
    • She works in finance and manages the company’s budget.
    • The bank agreed to finance the construction of the new building.

66. resign [rɪˈzaɪn]

  • 中文意思:辞职、放弃(v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • resign from a job: 辞职
    • resign oneself to: 顺从接受
  • 例句:
    • She decided to resign from her position due to health reasons.
    • He had to resign himself to the fact that he wouldn’t win this time.

67. preparation [ˌprɛpəˈreɪʃən]

  • 中文意思:准备、预备(n)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • make preparations: 做准备
    • preparation for exams: 考试准备
  • 例句:
    • He spent weeks in preparation for the marathon.
    • The company made extensive preparations for the product launch.

68. eyesight [ˈaɪsaɪt]

  • 中文意思:视力、眼力(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • poor eyesight: 视力差
    • protect eyesight: 保护视力
  • 例句:
    • His eyesight has deteriorated over the years.
    • Regular eye check-ups are important for maintaining good eyesight.

69. thrive [θraɪv]

  • 中文意思:兴旺、繁荣(v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • thrive on: 以…为食
    • thrive in adversity: 在逆境中蓬勃发展
  • 例句:
    • Certain plants thrive in tropical climates.
    • Despite the challenges, the business continued to thrive.

70. judgement [ˈdʒʌdʒmənt]

  • 中文意思:判断、裁决(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • exercise judgement: 行使判断力
    • pass judgement on: 对…做出评判
  • 例句:
    • Making a judgement based on limited information can be risky.
    • She was asked to pass judgement on the quality of the project.

71. outward [ˈaʊtwəd]

  • 中文意思:向外、外表的(adv/adj)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • outward appearance: 外表
    • outward bound: 外出的
  • 例句:
    • His outward calmness hid his inner turmoil.
    • The company is focused on its outward expansion strategy.

72. consequently [ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli]

  • 中文意思:因此、所以(adv)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • as a consequence: 因此
    • consequently, …: 因此,…
  • 例句:
    • He missed the train, and consequently, he arrived late at the meeting.
    • The market crashed, and as a consequence, many investors suffered losses.

73. entertain [ˌɛntəˈteɪn]

  • 中文意思:娱乐、招待、使感兴趣(v)
  • 使用频率:高
  • 常用短语:
    • entertain guests: 招待客人
    • entertain an idea: 思考一个想法
  • 例句:
    • The host planned various activities to entertain the guests.
    • She didn’t entertain the thought of giving up; she kept working hard.

74. withstand [wɪðˈstænd]

  • 中文意思:承受、经受住(v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • withstand pressure: 承受压力
    • withstand the test: 经受住考验
  • 例句:
    • The bridge is designed to withstand strong winds and earthquakes.
    • She has shown she can withstand the challenges of a difficult job.

75. anthropologist [ˌænθrəˈpɒlədʒɪst]

  • 中文意思:人类学家(n)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • cultural anthropologist: 文化人类学家
    • social anthropologist: 社会人类学家
  • 例句:
    • The anthropologist studied the behavior of indigenous tribes.
    • As an anthropologist, she specialized in studying ancient civilizations.

76. comb [koʊm]

  • 中文意思:梳子、梳理(n/v)
  • 使用频率:中
  • 常用短语:
    • fine-tooth comb: 密齿梳子(用以搜寻)
    • comb through: 仔细检查
  • 例句:
    • She used a comb to straighten her hair.
    • They combed through the evidence to find the culprit.

77. suitably [ˈsuːtəbli]

  • 中文意思:适当地(adv)
  • 使用频率:低
  • 常用短语:
    • dress suitably: 穿着得体
    • act suitably: 适当行动
  • 例句:
    • Please dress suitably for the occasion.
    • They were suitably impressed by her presentation.
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完整版:https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_27595745/89522468 【课程大纲】 1-1 什么是java 1-2 认识java语言 1-3 java平台的体系结构 1-4 java SE环境安装和配置 2-1 java程序简介 2-2 计算机中的程序 2-3 java程序 2-4 java类库组织结构和文档 2-5 java虚拟机简介 2-6 java的垃圾回收器 2-7 java上机练习 3-1 java语言基础入门 3-2 数据的分类 3-3 标识符、关键字和常量 3-4 运算符 3-5 表达式 3-6 顺序结构和选择结构 3-7 循环语句 3-8 跳转语句 3-9 MyEclipse工具介绍 3-10 java基础知识章节练习 4-1 一维数组 4-2 数组应用 4-3 多维数组 4-4 排序算法 4-5 增强for循环 4-6 数组和排序算法章节练习 5-0 抽象和封装 5-1 面向过程的设计思想 5-2 面向对象的设计思想 5-3 抽象 5-4 封装 5-5 属性 5-6 方法的定义 5-7 this关键字 5-8 javaBean 5-9 包 package 5-10 抽象和封装章节练习 6-0 继承和多态 6-1 继承 6-2 object类 6-3 多态 6-4 访问修饰符 6-5 static修饰符 6-6 final修饰符 6-7 abstract修饰符 6-8 接口 6-9 继承和多态 章节练习 7-1 面向对象的分析与设计简介 7-2 对象模型建立 7-3 类之间的关系 7-4 软件的可维护与复用设计原则 7-5 面向对象的设计与分析 章节练习 8-1 内部类与包装器 8-2 对象包装器 8-3 装箱和拆箱 8-4 练习题 9-1 常用类介绍 9-2 StringBuffer和String Builder类 9-3 Rintime类的使用 9-4 日期类简介 9-5 java程序国际化的实现 9-6 Random类和Math类 9-7 枚举 9-8 练习题 10-1 java异常处理 10-2 认识异常 10-3 使用try和catch捕获异常 10-4 使用throw和throws引发异常 10-5 finally关键字 10-6 getMessage和printStackTrace方法 10-7 异常分类 10-8 自定义异常类 10-9 练习题 11-1 Java集合框架和泛型机制 11-2 Collection接口 11-3 Set接口实现类 11-4 List接口实现类 11-5 Map接口 11-6 Collections类 11-7 泛型概述 11-8 练习题 12-1 多线程 12-2 线程的生命周期 12-3 线程的调度和优先级 12-4 线程的同步 12-5 集合类的同步问题 12-6 用Timer类调度任务 12-7 练习题 13-1 Java IO 13-2 Java IO原理 13-3 流类的结构 13-4 文件流 13-5 缓冲流 13-6 转换流 13-7 数据流 13-8 打印流 13-9 对象流 13-10 随机存取文件流 13-11 zip文件流 13-12 练习题 14-1 图形用户界面设计 14-2 事件处理机制 14-3 AWT常用组件 14-4 swing简介 14-5 可视化开发swing组件 14-6 声音的播放和处理 14-7 2D图形的绘制 14-8 练习题 15-1 反射 15-2 使用Java反射机制 15-3 反射与动态代理 15-4 练习题 16-1 Java标注 16-2 JDK内置的基本标注类型 16-3 自定义标注类型 16-4 对标注进行标注 16-5 利用反射获取标注信息 16-6 练习题 17-1 顶目实战1-单机版五子棋游戏 17-2 总体设计 17-3 代码实现 17-4 程序的运行与发布 17-5 手动生成可执行JAR文件 17-6 练习题 18-1 Java数据库编程 18-2 JDBC类和接口 18-3 JDBC操作SQL 18-4 JDBC基本示例 18-5 JDBC应用示例 18-6 练习题 19-1 。。。
东南亚位于我国倡导推进的“一带一路”海陆交汇地带,作为当今全球发展最为迅速的地区之一,近年来区域内生产总值实现了显著且稳定的增长。根据东盟主要经济体公布的最新数据,印度尼西亚2023年国内生产总值(GDP)增长5.05%;越南2023年经济增长5.05%;马来西亚2023年经济增速为3.7%;泰国2023年经济增长1.9%;新加坡2023年经济增长1.1%;柬埔寨2023年经济增速预计为5.6%。 东盟国家在“一带一路”沿线国家中的总体GDP经济规模、贸易总额与国外直接投资均为最大,因此有着举足轻重的地位和作用。当前,东盟与中国已互相成为双方最大的交易伙伴。中国-东盟贸易总额已从2013年的443亿元增长至 2023年合计超逾6.4万亿元,占中国外贸总值的15.4%。在过去20余年中,东盟国家不断在全球多变的格局里面临挑战并寻求机遇。2023东盟国家主要经济体受到国内消费、国外投资、货币政策、旅游业复苏、和大宗商品出口价企稳等方面的提振,经济显现出稳步增长态势和强韧性的潜能。 本调研报告旨在深度挖掘东南亚市场的增长潜力与发展机会,分析东南亚市场竞争态势、销售模式、客户偏好、整体市场营商环境,为国内企业出海开展业务提供客观参考意见。 本文核心内容: 市场空间:全球行业市场空间、东南亚市场发展空间。 竞争态势:全球份额,东南亚市场企业份额。 销售模式:东南亚市场销售模式、本地代理商 客户情况:东南亚本地客户及偏好分析 营商环境:东南亚营商环境分析 本文纳入的企业包括国外及印尼本土企业,以及相关上下游企业等,部分名单 QYResearch是全球知名的大型咨询公司,行业涵盖各高科技行业产业链细分市场,横跨如半导体产业链(半导体设备及零部件、半导体材料、集成电路、制造、封测、分立器件、传感器、光电器件)、光伏产业链(设备、硅料/硅片、电池片、组件、辅料支架、逆变器、电站终端)、新能源汽车产业链(动力电池及材料、电驱电控、汽车半导体/电子、整车、充电桩)、通信产业链(通信系统设备、终端设备、电子元器件、射频前端、光模块、4G/5G/6G、宽带、IoT、数字经济、AI)、先进材料产业链(金属材料、高分子材料、陶瓷材料、纳米材料等)、机械制造产业链(数控机床、工程机械、电气机械、3C自动化、工业机器人、激光、工控、无人机)、食品药品、医疗器械、农业等。邮箱:market@qyresearch.com


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